
Stuck in a white room for years

Izuku Midoriya after his usual beating by Kacchan came home only to receive another scolding from his mother because he brought dirt inside the house so he was thrown out, it was just an excuse to see her lover, trying to find a place to pass the night he met an old man who asked a weird question but it was that question that changed everything mha/Genius MC/Crazy MC/

daoistofeverything · Anime e quadrinhos
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32 Chs

Smacking a bald man and MAGIC

Strange:''…You are joking right?''

Izuku:''No, why should I?''

Strange:'' Because you are telling me that in one week you have not only reached my level but also surpassed me in magic, you have also read ALL OF THE FUCKING BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY… IN 1 WEEK, DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOM MANY BOOKS ARE IN THERE?''

Izuku:''2.434.543 books.''

Strange:''… Why have I asked? Still how many energies can you mold at the moment?''

Izuku:'' Almost all of them, there are some that are quite hard to comprehend and I need the help of more powerful beings to understand them.''

Strange:'' The more you speak the more you scare me you know that right?''

Izuku:''Me I am just an almost 15 years old boy.''


Strange then began rumbling about how I was a monster and that if I were given enough time I would reach the level of the Beyonder.

When Strange calmed down he asked me:'' So who is the first?''

Izuku:'' I was thinking about Phoneix.''

Strange:'' Of course you go for the one that needs help first.'' Strange was on the point of a mental breakdown, in this week he had discovered that Izuku can be even more annoying then Deadpool… Fucking Deadpool, mostly because yes he was arrogant but he had reasons to be it.

Strange:'' Are you teleporting or going formal mode.''

Izuku:'' You know me.''

Strange:'' Unfortunately I do, you are going to smack Xavier's bald head and then save Jean.''

Izuku:'' Ohhh you know me so well.''

Izuku then began changing to his usual clothes but with few changes these being a sloth ring and a small book attached with a chain on his pants.

Flashback no Jutsu


Izuku was in the middle of the training field meditating while his clones were doing different kinds of jobs for example reading books. (Yes he gained Kage Bushin no Jutsu)

Strange:'' Oy Izuku I have a surprise for you.'' Strange while floating towards him.

Izuku:'' What is it?'' He said with his eyes still closed

Strange:'' We found an artifact that resonates with you.''

Izuku immediately stopped meditating and teleported in front of Strange.

Izuku began jumping up and down while saying:'' What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it?.'' If Eminem was here he would feel dumbfounded by the speed of his words.

Strange:'' You seriously need to tell how can be this strong and still be this childish.''

Izuku:'' years of training.'' He said with a proud look

Strange then, with a defeated look, created a portal towards the UK Sanctorum.

Strange:'' After you,''

Izuku then went inside of it, quickly followed by Strange.

Izuku:'' So what's the artifact?''

Strange then pointed towards a showcase inside of it there is an old book.

Izuku dashed towards it when he read the book a creepy smile formed on his face.


The name of it is omnia gremory, a book that would choose his carrier itself, a very ancient mage was crazy enough to be able to create a book that has all the existing magic and things like that and if the book were to be introduced in another dimension t would refresh itself adding all of the magic of that dimension, it also can remove any type of imperfection in magic making it perfect… it can also shrink. (Who needs libraries when you have a google gremory)

Flashback no Jutsu end

Izuku was flying towards the ''School for gifted Youngsters'' while thinking of several ways to torture Xavier and help Jean.

It took him 3 seconds to reach the school, he was flying way above the school but he was still feeling some people going towards his direction, Izuku then simply began free-falling towards the ground.

Few inches away from it he stopped his fall and just floated to the ground, he then looked in front of him, at the front there is a bald man in a wheelchair with a suit, on his sides, there was a girl with red hair looking at Izuku as if he had seen something unexpected, on the other side there was a man with black hairs and sideburns reaching his chin he gave of the vibe of an animal beast, behind the bald man there was a guy with a visor covering his eyes and a woman with chocolate skin and grey hairs not having any type of emotions on her face and eyes.

Izuku felt something entering his mind, and suddenly the bald man began sweating coughing.

Izuku:'' Ohhh poor Charles you shouldn't try to enter someone else mind without their permission, even more, when that someone could kill you all just because.'' Izuku said while moving his index finger side to side and still having his gin face on

All the present hearing that became wary of Izuku even if he was a kid.

Izuku then snapped his finger making everyone apart Jean faint he then looked towards Jean.

Izuku:'' I am sorry for what you have been through.'' He then unlocked the emotional lock that Xavier put on her before it could more damage.

From Jean's body flames began generating at the beginning she was scared of them but the more they spread the more they made her feel good.

Izuku:'' Congrats you just became a planet destroyer.''

Jean:'' What did you do? What is this? How did you do that?''

???:'' I think I can answer that.''

From Jean's flames, a being with the shape of a phoenix formed.

Izuku:'' It's nice meeting you again Phoenix.''

Phoenix:'' I already know why you are here, but I still need to thank you for freeing Jean from that bastard emotional lock.''

Izuku:'' No problem.''





After Izuku explained the whole situation to Jean the first thing she did was hug Izuku with all the strength she had, that now with her powers unlocked it surely was a lot, Izuku then explained what he did to the others.

Izuku:'' To Logan I gave him his memories back, to Storm I made so that her powers wouldn't be affected by emotions, I removed the control of Essex from Scott and made Xavier go through what you have been trough but ten times worse and for 100 years but converted to 10 seconds.''

Jena:'' How? I can understand some of them but the others?''

Izuku raised his hands in front of him and a rainbow formed with the words Magic on it

Jean:'' Are you fucking Spongebob?''