

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
72 Chs

Chapter 65: Royal Balls

In a a spacious dorm room, where all of their needs are thoughtfully met. This dorm room serves as a versatile haven, offering a range of amenities to accommodate various activities. Equipped with a small kitchenette, they can cook their meals whenever they desire. Adjacent to it lies a designated workout area with exercise equipment, encouraging them to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

A cozy reading nook is carefully arranged with bookshelves, inviting them to indulge in literary adventures and intellectual pursuits. Their large study desk, accompanied by ample storage, provides the ideal space for focused writing and learning sessions.

The overall ambiance of the room is a bit gloomy and dark, largely due to the predominant use of dark colors like grey and black. This design choice creates a unique atmosphere that may not be for everyone, but it suits their preference for a more subdued and contemplative environment, ideal for deep thoughts and introspection.

Lukeas, with his dark brown hair still wet from the shower, stands in front of the bathroom mirror in the spacious dorm room. The only attire adorning his athletic body is a white towel wrapped around his waist, highlighting his slim yet well-defined form. His hair, now tied back in a neat ponytail, cascades down to his chiseled and broad shoulders, a reminder of his journey and training with the Hashira from the demon slayer corps.

As he gazes at his reflection, memories of the past flood his mind, and a sense of nostalgia washes over him. It has been merely a day since he departed from that world, but he already misses everyone he left behind. The camaraderie and bonds he forged during his time as a demon slayer hold a special place in his heart.

Despite the comforting amenities of the dorm room, Lukeas can't help but feel a tinge of longing for the days of battling demons and training with his fellow Hashira. As he stands there, wrapped in his thoughts and a white towel, he knows he has to adapt to this old chapter of his life again while cherishing the memories of the past.

Gathering himself for this special occasion, Lukeas makes his way to the wardrobe, where he discovers a range of clothing provided by the school as a reward for his high potential grade in the entrance examination. After careful consideration, he opts for a dark brown suit that complements his hair, giving him a refined appearance akin to a young master of a wealthy family.

As he steps in front of the mirror attached to the wardrobe, he notices a slight frown slid on his face. He questions the intensity of his eyes, wondering if they have always looked so fierce and intimidating. Although no one from the demon slayer corps had complained about it, he decides to soften their gaze,

Once again, Lukeas stands in front of the mirror, his eyes locked on his own reflection. With the ability to shape his body and cells, he acknowledges the power at his disposal, allowing him to control every aspect of his appearance.

His eyes, once fierce and reminiscent of his days as a demon slayer, now hold a different aura. Understanding the significance of meeting the king of the kingdom, he decides to project an air of regal grace and approachability. With a focused thought, his irises transform from the intense dragon-like gaze to a warm and inviting golden hue. And beside that he didn't change anything and kept everything other than his eyes the same.

Dressed in the dark brown suit that complements his hair and veils his athletic physique, Lukeas now exudes the image of a young master from a distinguished family. He looks refined and polished, perfect for the grand occasion of meeting royalty.

Confident in his transformed appearance, he can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his newfound abilities after shifting his irises back to their original plain golden color.

With a contented smile, Lukeas feels more at ease as he steps away from the mirror and heads out, ready to embrace the special occasion of meeting the king.




Stepping out of his dorm room, Lukeas couldn't help but marvel at the luxury and opulence of the hallway. The polished stone, tiles, and the beautifully designed carpet were a far cry from what he was used to in the demon world. He reminisced about the difficulty of obtaining such materials in his previous life due to the chaos caused by demons.

Suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. It was Izerie, a presence he had sensed earlier but was surprised to find here. Her playful comment about him admiring the floor like an idiot brought a smile to his face. He openly looked at her, noting that she hadn't changed much over the years.

"Wow.. Did you actually get trapped in that dungeon for a very long time? I mean, you're even admiring the carpet and the floor like an idiot," Izerie teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Izerie?" He asked in a bewildered look. "HAHAHA I CANT BELIEVE IT! It's actually you? Damm! You didn't even change through all those years!" he couldn't help but exclaim as he openly look at her.

"The time here continues as it is.. And in that dungeon is a different time flow altogether.. Of course i wouldn't age.. You've only been gone for 3 days.."

Lukeas chuckled, "I guess you're right. And also back in the demon world, even finding basic materials like this was a challenge. Luxury like this was almost unheard of, especially with the foreign trade closed down." Lukeas motioned to the floor. While the girl quietly listen.. And looked like she was thinking of something.

Suddenly Izerie raised her hand and motioned for him to stop "Wait, you said years. They said the time flow there was only slightly slower.. Did you lie to them?" she asked, looking genuinely shocked.

He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to reveal the truth about the extended time he spent in the dungeon. However, he decided against it, not wanting to divulge all the details of his experiences as he was also feeling something unusual. "Huh... Look at the time," he quickly diverted the conversation, "I just remembered I'm being invited to the royal ball, so I gotta bounce! Bye."

"H-hey!" Izerie called out, but Lukeas kept walking, not giving her a chance to press further. Once he was far away enough, his carefree demeanor vanished.

'Just as I thought,' he cursed inwardly. He had confirmed that the watchful gaze he felt was not only from Izerie but from someone else as well. It reminded him of the eerie feeling he had experienced in the Infinity Castle, like a giant eye constantly observing his every move.

'Fuck. That means they now know I spent more years in that place,' he cursed again, but he forced a smiling face as he continued walking towards the gate. He didn't want to show any sign of being aware of the surveillance, even though his mind was in turmoil.

The impending royal ball was now tinged with the knowledge that he was being watched, adding a layer of caution to his every move.

Meanwhile the girl she just left watched him leave with a perplexed face.

"That guy... He looked completely different.. Does that dungeon have some good skin care product?" she grumbles.





"Just as I thought," Merlin said with a knowing smile as she leisurely watched the mirror-like device in her hand, which displayed Lukeas' current actions. "So that kid has been in that place for more than a year, huh?" she mused to herself.

Suddenly, the room's door swung open, and a man clad in complete armor entered, his voice echoing from behind the steel mask. "You called, Lady Merlin?"

"Yes," she replied lazily, still focused on the mirrored device. "Tell the dungeon exploration team that the dungeon's grade has just changed. It's S class now. Warn them to refrain from entering before it's too late."

"As you wish," the man obediently bowed before turning and walking out of the room. However, once out of view, he began running like a headless chicken, muttering, "It's S class!!" repeatedly in his mind. The gravity of the situation was evident as he understood the dangers associated with an S class dungeon.

To clarify, an S class dungeon possessed an exceptionally strong time dilation, resulting in a significant time difference between the inside and outside worlds. The team might unknowingly face monstrous creatures that had been growing in strength for centuries while only a few decades had passed outside.

As Merlin continued her deep thoughts, she couldn't help but feel intrigued by the situation surrounding Lukeas. "I wasn't really planning on joining the royal ball, even though I've also been invited," she mused to herself. "But now that I know Lukeas is still hiding something, it might just be a bit more interesting than I initially thought." Her smile grew wider as she pondered the possibilities that lay ahead.




'Did they finally stopped?' Lukeas asked as his instinct tells him that no one was watching him now. So he started relaxing.. Although he was now more guarded than before. Making standing still very awkward for him..

Perched by the school's massive gate, Lukeas retrieved an envelope from his inner breast pocket. He had found it earlier on his bed, bearing instructions that he must wait by the gate for a coachman to arrive and transport him to the palace. His act of clearing a daunting dungeon on his own had earned him this privilege, but he knew he would have to wait, as high-potential students were given priority.

And after 15 minutes the carriage finally arrived. "Sorry kid, the one I was assigned to take care of is kind of a troublesome lad." the old man laughs nervously.

And Lukeas could already see why he was like that. The carriage was in abad shape.. The left door was missing and there was a huge tear in the cushioned seat.

"I dont know why but he sudden throw a fit when we arrived at the palace saying how bumpy it have been." the old man sighed. "Although I'm pretty sure i did quite a good job"

"Its Ok old man I've seen worse" Lukeas said remembering the last few war the demon slayer went through he cooks remember riding with a carriage the carries the body of the fallen..

"So.. Shall we go?" Lukeas smiled giving the oldman the cue to laugh as he mentioned in and they quickly drove away.

While riding through the street some people would look up and see through the carriage since the door was missing. And he noticed they look at him with an unfriendly expression.

"He was quite too proud.. That lad i mean" The old man said from the other side he doesn't even have to explain as to why because Lukeas could already guess what that dude did for the people here to look at him like this.

"Ah that's why these people look at me like I'm a trash huh?" Lukeas jokingly said.

"It appears so young master" the voice of the old man replied back with a chuckle.

Hearing this Lukeas stop caring and instead waved at the people who look in his way with a small smile. Garnering a few shy wave back here and there from a few girls.

"We're here lad." after a while the old voice of Mr. Rogers said from outside as Lukeas felt the carriage slowing down and finally stopping.

Stepping down the Carriage Lukeas adjusted his suit for a bit and finally looked around. Infront of him was a huge building with a baroque style architecture. Inside the royal ball was in full swing. The massive doors stood open, welcoming the elegantly dressed participants into the extravagant event. The wide and vast dance floor was adorned with a mesmerizing kaleidoscopic pattern, its colors blending and swirling as the participants glided and swayed in graceful movements.

The hall was bustling with life as hundreds of guests filled the space, each person donning fabulous ball gowns and colorful suits. The ball gowns sparkled with intricate beadwork and embellishments, flowing elegantly with every step, while the suits boasted vibrant hues and fine embroidery, adding to the enchanting ambiance of the evening.

Couples danced gracefully to the melodies of live musicians, filling the air with enchanting tunes that seemed to echo through the high ceilings and intricate archways of the building. Laughter, soft whispers, and the tinkling of glasses created a symphony of joy and celebration.

A long line of tables stretched along one side of the ballroom, adorned with an array of delectable delicacies. Exotic platters showcased beautifully cooked meats from edible monsters, each dish prepared with skill and creativity to delight the guests' taste buds. The aromas of spiced meats and other sumptuous treats wafted through the air, enticing guests to indulge in the culinary delights.

Silver candelabras bathed the hall in a warm, flickering glow, adding an air of romance and mystique to the ball. The intricate stained glass windows filtered the moonlight and stars, casting captivating patterns across the dance floor. The atmosphere was magical, as if transported to a bygone era of elegance and opulence.

As the joyous energy of the participants filled the space, and the dance floor became a symphony of colors, laughter, and twirling gowns.

"Have fun lad. I hope you don't meet that bastard or he might just sour your mood." Mr Roger's smiled before stepping up the carriage and riding away.

"Thank you.. Oh! By the way" he paused and slowly revealed a smile. "The ride was very smooth!" Lukeas laugh and so did the old man as he slowly urge the horse and drove away.

Now that he's alone Lukeas once again focused and he could already feel some gazes were directed at him.. Although none of it were in a spying vive. 'Hmm maybe they just think im such a handsome dude. BA-HAH!' thought in a exaggerated 'noble' voice Lukeas joked on his own thoughts.

Before he walks in and joined the ball. And quickly he steered himself into the direction of the food. And with an unimaginable grace.. He took a plate, fork and food in a smooth, quick and almost expert like level before spinning down and sitting in the near table.

"Enjoying the food?"

"Oh yeah very mu-JESUS! CHRIST!" Lukeas flinched as he noticed the familiar woman that interrogated him earlier this day.

'how did she got here? I didn't sense her!' Lukeas was actually frightened.. He wasn't even faking it as he got so shocked he almost punch out.. Thank God he was carrying a plateful of food.

The woman laugh softly. "I apologize for frightening you.. I just couldn't help it." she said.

"Ah no it's fine.. Sorry for reacting that way." Lukeas waved his forked around while massaging the bride of his nose.

"That's good to hear.. And also.. What does 'Jayzus Crayst?' Means?" The woman asked in genuine curiosity.. I mean who wouldn't be curious when a foreign language was directed at you.

'Ah fuck.. I even used English..' Lukeas groan on his mind. "Ah it's like saying... 'Goblin's Arse' when your shock.. And also its actually a name of a very famous person.... At least from where I am from" Lukeas replied not lying.

Which was once again detected by the womans necklace. "Ah I see.." she replied feigning a smile. 'A famous person? I've read thousand of books about the records of this world.. And I've never heard that phrase nor that name at all... Ahh!!! So many secrets!! So many to discover!!'

Lukeas wasn't really paying attention to her that much.. Not because he have lowered his guard.. But because he just want her to go away by showing he's not interested.. But while taking a bite from the Pildhgin meat he suddenly felt something ominous as he shivered and consciously look at he source of it..

Thats when he realized she was intensely watching him with a small smile... Which put Lukeas in a quite awkward spot. '.... Ok! Whats up with this girl!'

"Ah right! I have not introduced my self haven't I?" she asked. 'I actually never planned to introduce my self.. But this is just to good to let go'

"Im Merlin Beila Morgana" she said while offering her hand with her palm facing down. She was expecting Lukeas to do the cultural gentle man greetings by kissing her hand.

But what she receive was a fist bump hand shake. "Names Lukeas...Lukeas Mercer" he simply said with a uncertain look in his face.. "Uhh.. Sup? ... I guess"

"Soup?" Merlin echoes..

"No-you know what? Never mind that and le-

"HIS MAJESTY, THE KING HAS ARRIVED!!" a booming voice suddenly announce.. Making everyone quiet down as a loud marching of soldiers could be heard.

As an entire squad walks in first with the king walking proudly and gracefully from behind them. Lukeas also noticed two other people behind the king who both looks familiar.

One was a veiled girl wearing a white elegant dress and a guy with a white intricate suit. Suddenly the girl with a veil turned in his way..

'Oh! That's the iron gal from 3 years ago!' he finally remembers so he raise his hand and waved towards her look and mouthing the word "sup" ..

And although he couldn't see it, the princess have a look of confusion on her face.. 'Soup?'

"Dont do that! Did you not learn the proper etiquette? You're not supposed to watch them! You're suppose to keep your eyes down! you silly monkey" Lukeas suddenly felt a hand pushing his head down as the urgent whisper of Merlin sounded besides him..

And although he could have resisted it, he decided to allow it and looked down... But of course he look beside him curiously and watched the other people's reaction to this.

And shes right.. Everyone have their heads down.. And most of them even have their eyes closed.. So he didn't doubt her anymore. 'Now i just remembered how little i know about this world' Lukeas sigh....