

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 66: The Trash Is Here! But Where Is The Garbageman?

The royal ballroom, once a hubbub of activity, now lay bathed in a stillness that seemed almost magical—a sudden pause in a bustling melody. As the royal family made their entrance into the heart of the expansive hall, a tranquil quiet enveloped the room, holding all in its entrancing grasp. Amid this newfound serenity, Lukeas, his curiosity piqued as always, lifted his gaze to meet the figures of royalty, his eyes intent on deciphering their intentions.

Taking center stage in the hall, the royal family formed a triangular procession, with the king leading the way at the front, flanked by his two heirs, who marched shoulder to shoulder just behind him. Lukeas's attention was drawn to this formation, a visual symphony of authority and lineage converging in an elegant dance.

As Lukeas's gaze shifted, it settled upon the king himself. He ventured a guess that the king might be around 70 years old as he bore the distinguished marks of age and experience. His once raven-black hair now bore interwoven threads of grey, tracing a map of time's journey. His face, etched with the lines of wisdom, seemed to carry the weight of his rule, and the furrow of his brows bespoke a lifetime of contemplation. Remarkably, this very combination of age and authority only seemed to augment his magnetic allure—a phenomenon that, on Earth, might have made him a leading figure in the realm of fashion. Clad in a robe of pristine white, its material a puzzle of enigma, he exuded a regality that was complemented by fur accents cascading gracefully over his shoulders. A golden diadem encircled his brow, a symbol of his dominion, casting him in an aura of majestic power that was undeniable.

Turning his attention to the prince, Lukeas momentarily wrestled with memory's grasp to recall the young man's name—a fleeting dance of synapses in the corridors of his mind. Standing in stark contrast to his father, the prince emanated an air of approachability, his features characterized by a gentle refinement. However, it was the depths of his eyes that held the true intrigue—a kaleidoscope of traits manifesting intelligence, fierceness, pride, and a mischievous spark akin to the king himself. The prince's hair, a shimmering silver, defied convention, and his very presence seemed to challenge the norms of conventional handsomeness, a fact that stirred an unexpected pang of annoyance in Lukeas.

'Lucky Bastard' Lukeas scoff. 'Hmph!, I got a lot of attentions from the Demon Slayer world too! so it doesn't really matter anymore' Lukeas comforts himself and cries silently in average. TT-TT

Finally, Lukeas's gaze settled on the princess, her figure a manifestation of ethereal beauty that resonated beyond the bounds of mortal expression. While the exact chronicle of their last encounter remained elusive, confined within the enigmatic currents of temporal shifts, her allure remained vivid within his memory's canvas. Cascading like liquid stardust, her silver hair cascaded down her back, a luminous waterfall evoking the splendor of celestial realms. Her every step was a ballet of grace, a choreography that beckoned all gazes, hinting at an inherent majesty that transcended appearances. Her face, concealed by a veiled mystery, remained etched within Lukeas's mind—his memory painting a vivid picture of irises that mirrored the cosmos itself, a visual symphony of stars and galaxies that lay hidden beneath her veil.

Gradually, the realization dawned upon him: their destination lay at the far end of the hall, where the hall stretched its northern arm—a resplendent table stood adorned with a cornucopia of delicacies, both culinary and monstrous in nature. A procession circled this table before taking their seats, the royal family ensconced behind it.

As the rustling of fabric subsided and the weight of authority found repose upon cushions, a single command resounded, bridging the divide between ruler and subjects. "At ease," the king intoned. Although time had etched lines upon his face and bestowed fragility upon his form, the strength woven into his words defied these ravages. This vitality, infused within his voice, struck Lukeas as a revelation, carrying across the hall's expanse with an almost magical potency. It left him pondering, was this sorcery at play, or the sheer resilience of his aged constitution?

As Lukeas's mind wandered amidst its musings, the woman who had earlier nudged his head downward maintained her grasp, lost in her own contemplations.

'Should I reveal my presence to the king?' she pondered in silence. The king, in her estimation, remained oblivious to her transformation—her original spell an intricate cloak concealing her true visage. Though her hair and eyes remained unchanged, meticulous alterations had rendered her face unrecognizable. Yet, a flicker of concern tugged at her; would the king's altered demeanor arouse suspicion in the observant Lukeas? Shaking off these thoughts, she resolved to allow events to unfold organically, reserving the revelation of her identity for a pivotal moment. 'For now, I'll assume the guise of a low-ranking noble,' she decided, her plan crystallizing within her thoughts.

Abruptly, an external force tugged her from her introspection—a tap on her shoulder that broke her reverie. Her response was met with a weary chuckle from Lukeas. "Is my head really that comfortable?" he quipped, the enforced bowing position having restrained him for longer than he cared to admit. Whispers had begun to percolate through the crowd, a rising tide of embarrassment.

"Oh! Sorry, I was just lost in thought," she replied with a nervous chuckle, relinquishing her hold on his head. Finally freed from the imposed stance, Lukeas seized the opportunity to stand erect, a semblance of dignity restored as he adjusted his attire. "Anyway, as I was saying," he interjected, casual in tone, drawing her attention, "I've got a few things to talk about with our Snow White over there." The weight of his words settled like an unexpected stone, dropping into the pond of conversation, causing ripples of shock that reverberated through the onlookers.

A collective hush descended, punctuated only by a single observer's exclamation, "What did he saaayy???!!" which sounded exactly like that one meme.

"YoU nEed to lEave!!" another was heard.. but this time it was a woman's.. and just like earlier it sounded like another meme..

Amidst the stunned audience, Lukeas stood, his perplexed gaze scanning his surroundings. "What? Did I say something wrong?" he queried, a puzzled expression playing across his features. The air was thick with both tension and intrigue, the atmosphere electric as the aftermath of his words lingered, a tableau awaiting its next brushstroke.

"Oh! Right, the records say you're not from around here," Merlin affirmed, a memory catching the tendrils of her thoughts.

"Excuse me—What? What record?" Lukeas's astonishment now held the reins, a wave of disbelief washing over him. Recollections of the past few years offered no encounter with any record, including those enshrouded within the dungeon's depths.

"What record?" Merlin parroted with the dexterity of a seasoned performer, realizing a slip of her tongue.

"Dont get me started Mer—" Lukeas's words hung on the precipice, poised to delve into the enigma, when an unmistakable voice rippled through the air, cutting through the conversation's flow.

"Grand Knight??!!" The exclamation, born from the lips of a woman positioned behind him, was met with Lukeas's irked gaze—a reaction influenced by the tumultuous cascade of events.

A weary sigh escaped Lukeas, poised on the edge of his tongue, as he turned to confront yet another layer of complication. However, when his eyes alighted upon the source of the voice, his irritation gave way to a stunned incredulity, his breath momentarily stolen by the sight before him.

Elegance personified, the woman before him adorned herself in a dress of midnight blue, a hue that mirrored the ethereal tapestry of the night sky. Raven tresses cascaded in harmonious dance with her attire, an orchestrated harmony that made her appearance akin to the stars painted across the celestial canvas. The piercing gaze of her icy blue eyes bore into him, sharp and unyielding, a frosty scrutiny that held both intensity and familiarity. Lips of red rose, soft and seductive, framed her words—a siren's call that echoed against the backdrop of her smooth, porcelain complexion. Every brushstroke of her visage, every meticulous detail, coalesced into a portrait of undeniable beauty, yet it was the threads of memory that wove the final strand of connection between them, bridging the realm of the familiar and the unknown.

".....uhhhh..." Lukeas's features twisted into an odd expression, caught in the clutches of a memory that resisted his grasp. He knew he'd encountered this woman before, yet the specifics eluded him.

"Goodness! child, we've only been apart for a few months, and you've already forgotten me??" The woman's lips, once gracefully poised, now curved into a genuine frown, a touch of vulnerability mingling with her stunning appearance.

"????" Lukeas was still unsure 'I was still inside the dungeon a few months ago!'

"It's me! Alex's mother! Leonora Aslan Von Ewen!" Her words held the key, unlocking a cascade of understanding within Lukeas's mind. Recognition dawned as he connected the dots, his features transforming from bewilderment to realization.

"ANDREW'S WIFE??!!" The exclamation burst forth, cleaving through the silence and giving birth to a vacuum of hushed anticipation. The already quiet surrounding seemed to deepen, as more people was attracted to the commotion amplifying the discomfort that clung to him as all eyes turned toward him, magnifying the intensity of his unintended outburst.

A smile tugged at Leonora's lips, an emblem of her composure in the face of the attention her presence had garnered. Stepping closer to Lukeas, she assumed a protective stance, her voice dropping to a hushed murmur as she spoke, "I'll handle this." With a graceful step, she positioned herself at the forefront of the gathering, her calm demeanor exuding an aura of authority that held their collective gaze in her sway.

"Sorry, everyone, but Lukeas here hails from a secluded tribe," she began, her tone steady and warm. "He's still adjusting to life outside and his words might carry different meanings from his hometown. How about we let Lukeas explain?" Her gesture was inclusive, extending a bridge between her world and his, punctuated by a reassuring smile.

Inside his mind, Lukeas battled an internal storm. 'She's making things even more complicated! And damn it! I forgot that this woman's entire family thinks I'm from some tribe!' Panic and frustration churned within him, yet outwardly he maintained a façade of composure, appearing undisturbed by the unfolding circumstances.

"Of course! Thanks, Leonora!" he managed, mustering a strained smile in return. Stepping forward with deceptive ease, he concealed the turmoil of emotions roiling within him. 'What do I do? What's the plan? WhatdoIdo, whatdoIdo,WHATDOIDO!!' His thoughts raced, a frenzy of apprehension and worry, but with a deep breath, he stilled the tempest, adopting a veneer of self-assurance. 'Nothing to worry about ..you just have to bullshit your way out and no one will suspect a thing.....I hope.'

"Just like lady Leonora said I am indeed from what you call a tribe.. but we don't really call it a tribe.. its a village... Our village.. and our hope..and we have a belief... that the village is not what we are suppose to protect at all cost.. but its people, the kids.. and the next generations. for they are the true hope of our village.. And I, Lukeas Mercer.. one of the 12 Sanin was sent outside the village to see if it will be a good, and safe place for our future generation." And then he paused and watched all the onlookers reactions

".. if ever the village finally crumbles down from the assaults of those monsters called titans"

"And I, was sent out in a hurry because the 3rd wall of the village have already fallen.. and I have been trying to make contact with the king so that I could talk to him about my village.. and till now it has been impossible.. that's why I joined the academy to have a higher chance in meeting him" he paused. then he leaned forward and bowed.

" and apologies if the word Snow white sounds offending to you all.. but back in my home town it is what we call women and girls who excels in beauty and it actually came from our our famous legend about princess Snow White who was the most beautiful woman and the nine tailed beast who required a true loves kiss to be freed from his curse" with that Lukeas stands straight and look at the ceiling. to others it looked like he was reminiscing about his beloved village but actually...

'I did it. I did my best.... but I'm pretty sure I'm Fucked..' he cursed as he have experience that many people here are a walking lie detector just like the crazy lunatic that choked him out of the blue..

That creepy ass teacher in the academy '...what's her name again? Camie?..Never mind' he shook his head and then shifted his thought somewhere else... he have a suspicion that Merlin knows lie detection too.

'heh.. I bet there's someone here who also knows lie detection shit... yeah..im Dead... Bye world' he silently cried.

He didn't actually tell a lie. He's really from Earth, his home sweet "village," where he hangs out with pals in his gaming squad named the "12 Sanin." And the other characters he mentioned are from anime and stories he's read. He got sent from his "home" to this "outside world" by some entity that reincarnated him.

When it comes to the part about the titan and the village, he played it smart. He didn't say it was his village, and he kinda paused before bringing it up, making it sound like the same sentence but its not.. its a different one. So, technically, he stayed in the clear and didn't tell a lie. Although, the last bit about getting sent out, well, that's a different story.

'Hmm... Interesting.. me and my team never heard anything about this village.. And the great library did not contain any book that has the similar situations.. and titans? Aren't those ranks SS monsters? And 3rd wall?? how many walls do they have? what's the name of his village? Should I ask him about these things? SO MANY QUESTIONS!...especially the last one.. he didn't tell the truth about the true reason he was sent outside... I should probably report this to the headquarter.. as a researcher I need those sweet mysteries answered.. but as a member of the council I have to make sure he's not here to be a spy'

Hundreds of questions were running through her mind as her eyes squints at Lukeas when she's at the last bits of her thoughts before sighing. 'We'll be keeping an eye on you kid'

Then she started walking forward planning on approaching him when suddenly..





Four crisp and slow claps were heard in the hall. making almost all the people nearby looked at the source.

And when they did, they were met with a figure of a handsome man someone that looks like fresh in adulthood. He still has that ravenous and teen vives on him. but his eyes and the way he moves was completely different.. He carries himself with pride.. too much pride even.. his eyes have this condescending look yet charming and dark. As if he's looking at life like its nothing but a joke to him. He have a smirk that would make girls confused whether they should hate or love how it looks on his pale handsome, sharp and charming face. While his black hair combed in a neat and messy way giving his look a chaotic yet orderly vibe, and his dark blueish grey eyes and his overall complexion gives emphasis on his rosy lips which is currently curled up in a small condescending smirk.

Looking at this figure Lukeas suddenly felt a massive changed in his mood. His entire being wanted him to kill the guy Infront of him right now he could even faintly hear small whispers at the very corners of his mind.. wanting him to fight and defeat the guy Infront of him.

It was taking everything he have not to loose control 'Fuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkk.. what's happening!!.. Its the same feeling from before!' he groaned faintly as he remember the time when he last felt this was when he was waiting for the monsters to arrive to his assigned position on sector 12 and the next thing he knew.. he was beaten and broken.. and on a verge of collapse without any recollection of what happened. And to calm himself he took several breath and cleared his mind and focus on suppressing it.

And at this moment Lady Leonora felt a sudden shift in Lukeas vibe.. Its like she's standing besides a vee--ry angry dragon... which of course freaked her out a little but quickly held herself together and she have a feeling of things will be complicated if this keeps up things will be quite complicated.

"Look who's here.. My long awaited friend" Arthur Lock greets him with a voice oozing with sarcasm and and mocking tone.

"Oh, Arthur.. its you.. I thought someone was just being an asshole and left their, TRASH" Lukeas rebukes with the same tone and attitude... although he's suppressing his killing thirst he cant hold his bad mood

"Heh.. remember that time I fried you with some lightning bolts?" he asked before laughing.. "you smelled like a burnt shit!"

"Oh? Yes I remember that" Lukeas admits making Arthur smiled and was about to say something else but then he interrupted him. "AND... I also remember seeing you pissed your self!" Then Lukeas laughed in the same manner.. "YOU. SMELLED. LIKE. A. BITCH!"

"YOU-!" Arthur was about to move forward but then someone blocks him making him redirect his anger towards that person.. and that person turned out to be Lady Leonora.. which made his angered face turn into something even more disgusting as his face contorts in lust.

"Hello there, Miss.. wanna come with me instead of this loser?" he lewdly ask emphasizing on the word come. which made Leonora reeled in disgust.

"Ew.. I have a husband.. Who even are you?" She asked as she steps back as if he's a plague.

"OHh.. you're one of those girls, huh... Don't worry ill take care of you better than your husband does" he smiled.

And Leonora frowns. "Dream on.. I bet you cant even fuck girls properly.. BRAT"

And at that moment Arthur finally snaped and grabbed Leonora by the neck and attempted to choke her.. but before he could tighten his grip on her a solid fist landed on his face before he could even react.

Sending him flying through the halls making people jump out of the way.

"Don't. Touch. My. Wife" A cold voice echoed out as people looked at the man who caused the commotion. The man who caused this was wearing a wonderfully made blue suit he was a middle age man with a neck length healthy brown hair and a broad shoulder that carries his sharp and well defined jaw and his simple yet charming face

"Andrew-" Lukeas who was still shocked wanted to say something but the old man interrupted him.

"Nice to see you too kid... But Ill be taking care of this useless shit-stain"

I hope you Liked Tonights chapters.. and tommorow is my research defense... again... so the next update might once again take quite a while.. So if you Like it Add to library!And if you

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know! THANKSSS

Night_Star_Gazecreators' thoughts