
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Filmes
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35 Chs

22. Growing hormones 

Early morning.

"Hhhmm..." Feeling the heat on his face, Robert's eyelids trembled and he opened his eyes. Stretching his body he looked around his room only to notice that this wasn't his room.

"I slept in Mom's room..." Seeing around the room he notices the change "Shit. I was too tired last night..." He said. Yesterday he was indeed too tired.

Having a real fight while using telekinesis to carry, which was nearly 40 kg, exhausted his mental energy. "Hiss..." Suddenly he felt pain coming from his shoulders.

"Aahh... this..." Looking at the teeth marks on his shoulder in the mirror made him speechless. Robert already knew that his mother had marked all of this.

He also noticed that his lips were a bit swollen as if someone was sucking them, while his entire face felt sticky. "Mom you..." Seeing all this made Robert feel speechless... and horny.

He only had sex a day before yesterday, so his lust for sex has increased. If it were not for Will's disappearance maybe yesterday he would have had incest sex with his mom.

Shaking his head, he got rid of his perverted thoughts and walked into the bathroom. After washing, he exited the room and walked towards the kitchen.

"Mmhh... hmm..." Robert saw May humming a tune while making breakfast. His attention was attracted by her nice ass which was bouncing with her body.

"Eugh..." Hearing the sound of swallowing made May turn to Robert who was staring at her with lust in his eyes. "Good morning baby," May said while licking her lips.

"Good morning Mom," Robert said slowly as the lust in his eyes decreased slowly. Seeing this May pouted in dissatisfaction but was soon replaced by a cunning smile.

"Baby, why don't you come and help mommy?" She asked while she stretched her body to get something from her upper self-cabinet. 'Damm!!' Seeing his mother's body outline through her clothes made his dick hard.

He used his mental energy to scan the house and noticed that Kali and the others still hadn't left their room. He places a small energy lock on the door, alerting him if they come out.

Robert walked towards his mother and placed his body on her back while hugging her boobs. "Eeehh!!" Feeling his semi-hard dick on her thigh and his hands on her boobs made her give out a cute moan.

"You shouldn't tempt me now... mommy..." Robert said in a low tone making it more arousing for May. She ignored his words and was about to rub his dick with her thigh when suddenly he moved.

"What- Ohh, Kali, Dottie, Eve. Good morning" May who felt his missing heat turned. Only to see three other girls walking into the room, she suddenly felt that taking them wasn't a good choice.

"Good morning girls" Robert also greeted them but not without giving May a teasing smile making her annoyed. 'He was much cuter when he was a kid' May thought in her mind.

"Good morning Morning Robert" "Good morning darling" G-Good m-morning..." All three of them greeted him. But Kali and Dottie notice the smile on his face given to May which makes one speechless while the other envious.

All of them sat on the chair and began to have their breakfast. "So... Robert what happened last night?" May decided to ask a question which haunted her from last night.

"Eeehh, You went out last night?" Dottie asked in concern. Kali also had a concerned look on her face, after all, he was the first person who gave her and Dottie shelter while also finding her half-sister.

"I don't want to go but my friends are too stupid and pulled me. So after meeting them..." Robert began to tell all of the things that happened last night including the killing of Demogorgon.

"Those stupid brats...!!" May took Robert in her arms and checked his body for any wounds. Seeing the tears in her eyes made Robert a bit ashamed.

"Don't cry, mom. You know how strong I'm right?" Robert could only hug her to comfort her emotions. He didn't notice the envious look he got from the three girls in the room.

After calming down May, he told everyone to meet at his training house after his school hours. All the ladies wanted to ask something more but he was running late for the school.

Robert knew that the people from the Hawkins laboratory must have heard his gunshots, and would try to find him. So to fool them he has to behave normally.



May and others have already arrived at Robert's training house after having their lunch. After looking around for a long time, they soon found the body of the monster kept in the freezer.

Eve suddenly froze as she saw the Demogorgon's face. Tears swell up in her eyes, while her face turned pale. Her mental energy ran rampant in the room making light objects float while the heavy objects began to tremble.

May, Kali and Dottie whose attention was on the Demogorgon turned to the floating object. "Eve," Kali said and turned to see Eve's pale face, she ran and hugged her.

"Calm down, Eve. Calm down. Look, look I'm right here" Kali said softly while rubbing her back. Eve, she was also relaxed as she heard Kali's words and breathed slowly.

"T-This... this... m-monster..." Eve said some unexpected words while stuttering. May quickly got her point "Eve... do you know where this Demogorgon came from?" she asked.

Kali was about to refuse, how could Eve see this creature in her life when she was locked up in a lab? But she saw Eve nodding, which made her stop her words.

"Where-" Just as she was about to ask her a question, the noise of a car coming in their direction was heard. May, Kali and Dottie looked at each other and nodded.

May walked out of the door while Kali, Dottie and Eve looked outside through the window. Seeing it was Nancy's car while being followed by four bicycles made them sigh in relief.


May looked at Nancy who walked out of the car while Robert and his other friend came on their cycle. She didn't want to see Nancy now, after all, she took her baby's virginity but looking at her worried look. She suppresses her jealousy inside her heart.

"Why are you here, Nancy?" May asked her. "Mom let's all go in and have a chat" Robert interpreted Nancy who looked at May with a proud look making May's face angry.

He quickly stopped them as he wanted to discuss important things now and not have a catfight with his future harem which could be solved later.

Mike, Lucas, and Dustin saw that both Aunt May and Nancy had some odds with each other. But knowing that the Demogorgon was inside the house made them quickly forget these things.

"Woahh!!" All three guys saw the head of the Demogorgon on the table and exclaimed. They quickly got near it and touched it "It's so sticky" Dustin rubbed the sticky liquid between his fingers and said.

They didn't even notice that the room had more people they didn't know. "So why did you bring this girl here, baby?" May asked Robert again.

"Nancy, why don't you say it?" Robert motioned to Nancy whose mood was gloomy. "My friend... Lisa, she disappeared last night" She said sadly.

"WHAT!!??" Everyone except Robert and his friends were shocked to hear this news.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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