
Stranger things: Rebirth

Robert after his death meet god who wanted him to reincarnate. But this god wasn't like the one in the fanfiction books he read. Although god gave him two wishes but he had a price to pay, his memories of that particular world. Let's follow Robert in his journey to a world filled with many dangerous. **** All the characters in the story belong to the original author except for my original characters.

21_Legend_lotter · Filmes
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35 Chs

21. Demogorgon attack

Hawkins, near Hawkins Laboratory woods.

Robert and his friends who went outside to look for their missing friend Will encounter a scene which will be in their minds for the rest of their lives.

A humanoid monster caught a deer in his mouth while dragging it slowly towards the tree. Robert also slowly took out the shotgun from his bag just in case something happened.

'I hope that this monster won't see us' Robert thought in his head. Although he can easily defeat him with his telekinesis powers but doesn't want to use it, after all, he wants to hide his powers.

Even though he trusts Mike and others but their parents are a different thing. In the current year, government officials have the saying that ever they say the ordinary people obey.

So even if there is a slight chance for them to know his ability, Robert would try to avoid it. But if the monster attacks them, he won't hesitate to use his powers.

"Holy shit-aah!!" Just when all three guys were watching the monster eating the deer, Dustin slipped from the rock and fell to the side. Hearing some noise the monster looked at Robert and others.

The breathing of all the guys began to increase as the feeling of repair spread through their brains making their bodies paralyzed. Robert also felt his telepathic powers moving rapidly making him excited.

From the start when he got his powers he didn't get to use his entire powers as all of his opponents were weak or he did not feel any threat from them.

But this humanoid monster showed his dangerous aura or killing intent to him, making him excited. This thought flew in his mind just for a second while the monster began to rapidly towards them


"Don't move" Robert said and jumped in front of the rock making his friends panic. "SHIT!! ROBERT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "IDIOT!! RUN!!" "FUCK!! YOU JUMPED ON THE WRONG SIDE"

Although they yell at him to run back they begin to move in front of the rock. Even when their hands and feet were shaking in fear.

"You guys..." Seeing their action brought a smile to Robert's face. He always felt that it was better to have few trustworthy friends than a thousand fake friends.

"Okay, now sit over there and enjoy the show" Robert said as his iris turned green, Mike and others felt their body floating back to the rock making them dumbfounded.


Just when the monster was 5 meters away from Robert it jumped on him. Robert used his telekinesis to make it float in the air which also stunned his friends.

"Hey, I think Robert has superpowers..." Lucas said in a daze.

"Yeah, like X-men or other superheroes," Dustin said excitedly. Mike also nodded his head.

'Shit I cannot keep on going like this' Robert thought as he notice that his mental energy was been consumed like crazy. Just holding this monster for 5 seconds reduces 1/3 of his energy.

He released the monster which fell to the ground but did not give him time to recover and shot at his centre body.


"Motherfucker..." Dustin said as he saw a shotgun in Robert's hand fire a bullet at the monster. "His skin is tough..." Lucas commented as he noticed the bullet 2/3 part was inside the monster's chest but 1/3 was hanging outside.

"This monster is strong..." Mike said with regret, that it was his idea to call his friends to look for Will. But didn't expect to meet such a monster.

If any of his friends were injured due to this monster, he would regret it for his whole life. Robert didn't notice Mike's current thought as his entire attention was on the monster before him.

After seeing that the bullet only gives some damage to it, he changes his target. The monster also swung his claws on Robert who narrowly dodged them by rolling to the side.


"Take this" Robert aimed at his elongated, thin arms and fired a shot. unlike the previous shot, this was fatal to the monster as his entire arm was broken away by Robert.


The pain made the monster scream in pain but Robert wasn't done. He quickly jumped to the side and fired another shot at the monster's legs completely separating it from the main body.



Now the monster began to act on his instincts moving its body away from Robert and others towards the dark matter on the tree. But how can Robert let it go.


With the other two shots he completely removed his other limbs from the monster's body. Only his flower-like face remains while opening and closing as if it was breathing in the last moments.

"Huff... it's over" Robert's tense nerves also relaxed as he saw the dying monster in front of him. Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulders which made him point his gun to his back.

"DUDE!! Relax dude. It's us" Seeing Robert so tense while pointing his gun made Dustin who tapped on his shoulder break a cold sweat on his forehead.

"Don't do it again" Robert hooked his head and warned Dustin seriously. "Shit! You scared me" Dustin placed his hand on his rapidly beating heart and said.

"Man... what is this thing?" Lucas came near the upper body of the monster and asked. "Maybe some kind of monster... or maybe a demon," Mike said with uncertainty.

"We should name it?" Suddenly said some unexpected words. "WHAT??!!" All three guys yelled in union.

"We were the ones who first saw this thing. How about the Demogorgon, from our fantasy game" Seeing him already deciding the name made others dumbfounded, but they didn't reject this name.

"We should get out of here. A few hundred metres away from here is a government laboratory. I don't want them to harass me now" Robert said as he used his telekinesis to lift all the body parts of Demogorgon.

"Wait!! Robert, what about your powers?" Mike as he picked up his cycle and followed Robert into the woods. While Lucas and Dustin quickly caught up to him.

"Were you born with your powers or did you acquire them?" Dustin asked excitedly.

"Most importantly why did you hide your powers?" Mike also asked another question which made Dustina and Lucas shut up. Robert looked at his three silly friends and sighed.

"Okay, you can ask me what you want to know. But not now, we will talk tomorrow after school is over at my house" Robert said but the other three guys didn't shut their mouths as he wanted.

All the way they kept pesting him to say about his powers. But Robert who has been with them for a long time didn't reply to them and walked casually. Seeing that Robert wasn't going to say anything they became silent too.

After leaving all his friends in front of their house, Robert came near his training house in the woods and stored the dead body of Demogorgon in the large freezer where he kept his medicinal herbs.

Robert walked into his house completely tired, he didn't even notice that he had entered someone else's room and slept on their bed. The other person on the bed hooked her head and pulled him closer.


Hope you like the chapter!!

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