
got/asoiaf gamer beginning

In a void of Darkness a small light blinks into existence

soul: okay what just happened all I remember is looking up and something coming at me really fast

Rob: well you died that's what happened you got crushed by a meteorite unfortunately it wasn't supposed to be your time I forgot to carry over the one and subtract the two

soul: really I died because of a math error

Rob: yep

soul: god dammit

Rob: pretty much

soul: so what is this the standard reincarnation trope

Rob: bingo but I do have to tell you that this is not one of those you get a wish and no consequences

soul: what do you mean

Rob: well pretty much the more powerful wish you get the shittier start of life you get so I would really think about what your wish is cuz you only get one and don't ask what world you're going to be born in you're going to be born in a pretty shity world got/asoiaf because of your getting a wish the reason being if you were just starting in a regular nice world even a minor wish would kill you

soul: got/asoiaf that's not so bad

Rob: that's what they all say until they realize that they're living in a medieval world and they do not have any of the modern luxuries that you're all accustomed to like being able to shower everyday or wipe your ass with toilet paper

after a long time

soul: Okay I got it I wish for a complete gamer system

Rob: sigh Okay now I know what you're thinking a gamer system starts off very weak so it can't be that bad of a start you're completely wrong unfortunately because of the infinite potential unfortunately you really should have asked me a couple of questions before making the wish now you're stuck with a gamer system no matter what but thankfully I can tweak it so you don't get killed right after your born

soul: ... crap ok hit me with it

rob: okay you're going to still start out with a very shity life and it's not going to be easy but since I can tweak this your gamer system shop is only run by System points which you only can get by quests there are dungeons but there are very limited and you have to work by certain guidelines (pretty much if you read my Gamer system outline ideas for fanfics you know what I'm talking about so I'm going to skip this) your starting point is going to be a child born of a thrall in iron islands that was not impregnated by an iron born so pretty much you're going to be a thrall

soul:.....That's pretty bad

Rob: it could be worse a lot worse if I didn't tweak (nerf) your system as much as I did pretty much your start would be as a slave baby in astpor to be kill by a unsullied well that's it I hope you have a good life goodbye

the next second later the light blinks out of the Void