

Kazuto Kiriguya was an absolutely brilliant gamer, though for most of his life he had been locked away in various virtual worlds competing against the best players out there. He had been locked away in such a world for over two years when it first happened. On a date with his girlfriend Asuna, Kazuto was suddenly attacked by a yellow haired boy who tried to stab him.

Kazuto had never been in a fight before, but that did not stop him from instinctively reacting to the attack. With a single punch, Kazuto sent the attacker staggering backwards and away from the couple. Asuna was terrified, but simultaneously she saw the strength and courage within her beloved Kazuto. She felt a great swell of love within her, and without warning she leaned forward and kissed Kazuto passionately.

Kazuto was surprised, but also elated - it was his first kiss, and it felt amazing. The kiss served to confirm the bond between the young couple, and shortly after the incident they began to talk about why the attacker had suddenly appeared on the date. Neither knew the answer, so Kazuto carefully looked for the assailant and reported the encounter to the local authorities.

Kazuto knew he could not remain where he was, and so he set out to discover just why he had been attacked, bringing Asuna with him. But little did he know it was only the beginning of a grand adventure.

As it was revealed not long after, Kazuto had been playing a virtual reality online game called Sword Art Online (SAO) for months and got swept into the colossal fantasy world of Aincrad. He had no option to leave the game due to a terrible incident and was on the run, joining the fights and quests with thousands of other gamers.

With Asuna's help and guidance, Kazuto found the courage to fight through the horror of SAO and defended the most vulnerable in their group. Eventually, Kazuto and his friends were able to defeat the final boss and make it out of the game, saving everyone involved.

Once out of the virtual world, Kazuto and Asuna decided to stay together and make a life outside of the game. They enrolled in college and graduated with honors, both of them blazing trails in their respective fields. Kazuto was praised for his engineering genius as well as his combat prowess and established himself as a successful innovator and entrepreneur. Asuna became a successful businesswoman and together they managed a huge tech company.

Kazuto and Asuna had come a long way since their first date and the incident with the yellow haired boy. Every once in a while, the two of them take a walk down memory lane and reflect back upon the adventure that started it all. Both of them are forever grateful for the bond that was created that night, one that could have only been forged through fire and fury.