
Aidan and the Bully

I am Aidan, a short, black haired kid who was constantly bullied. It didn't matter where I was, at school, outside playing, or even walking the street, bullies were always around. I was so used to feeling the pain, that I just accepted it as a part of life.

One day while playing at my local park, I noticed someone walking behind me. I assumed it was just another bully, so I braced myself for the attack. When I turned around, however, I saw that it was a kid with a weapon. He approached me menacingly and before I could even react he lunged forward, aiming to stab me. Fortunately, I was able to dodge him, but I could tell by the fierce look on his face that he wasn't giving up.

I was too scared to run away, so I just stood there frozen in fear. As I was trying to figure out what to do next, I heard someone scream. A bystander had seen the attack, and had run to call for help. The police quickly arrived and managed to apprehend the perpetrator, but not before he had inflicted some serious damage.

I had been stabbed multiple times and was quickly transported to the hospital, where the doctors did everything they could to keep me alive. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, my injuries were too severe and I eventually passed away.

I was just a young kid, still full of potential, who had done nothing wrong. But I was taken away too soon, before I could even experience the joys of life.

My death serves as a reminder that safety should never be taken for granted. No one, especially a kid, should ever have to go through such an ordeal. No one deserves to experience such pain and suffering.

I know that my death won't bring me any solace, but I hope that my story can help prevent the same tragedy from happening to anyone else.