
Stolen by my mate

jerricaj22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


Ok first of all I was not abducted by aliens you weirdo's. Seriously who asks someone that when they first meet I say. Secondly I was home schooled because I've always been smaller than everyone else and yes I did get sick because of it. I could have gone to Junior High with everyone but I was scared and my sister's so attached to me that I didn't want leave them so I put it off till now. I wanted to make more friends then just Evan his family is out beta family his brother is going to be the next beta. So I hope we can all be friends. Everyone is smiling at me and saying yeah we're friends now.

A part of me feels bad because I can't tell them the truth about who I am. Or the fact that I hope my mate is as sexy as Andrew. Shit did I just think Andrew was sexy please don't let me have said that out loud. I look up no one is laughing at me or staring just talking to themselves but now I wanna know why Andrew's cheeks are so red. Finally the bell rings I took and art class as one of my electives it's my only class without Evan. He has music next so we are in the building afterwards we have gym then we have home economics I like to bake and Evan can cook so we thought it would be easy class. We say bye to everyone and head to out classes. I can wait to see what we are going to start with drawing, paints, pottery or clay in general.