
Stolen by my mate

jerricaj22 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Art and the Artist

As we are walking to out next classes Evan and I split ways. I'm lost in thought thinking of everything I can do and also of Mr.Hottie McHotpants. That is Andrew's new name in my head at least, I hear Evans laughter in my head I forgot to shut him out damn I'm never living this down. My face is so red as I make way to class and I'm so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice someone calling my name. I jump when a hand touches my shoulder I turn and see Andrew smiling at me. Hey sorry what's up? I ask. He just laughs then ask what class do you have next? Art with Mr.Jones what about you? He looks happy and say me too. Omg I'm doing a happy dance in my head right I get to spend a whole hour with him I don't think I want this class to end.

We walk into the classroom together and I stop to take a deep breath. I love the smell of fresh paint and new canvas this will be my heaven for the year. I take a seat by Andrew as it's the last one available fire did I get so lucky. Mr.Jones walks in and greets us he starts to take roll and says we have a surprise. That even though this is advance Art we have a Sophomore in this class my face get red when I realize it's me he's talking about. Then he takes out one of my paintings. Apparently my mom sent it in so could take this class instead of beginning to art. The whole looks at me. Andrew smiles and says wow that's beautiful I thank him and Mr.Jones ask me to stand and say something about it. Goddess I'm nervous. Hey everyone I'm Noah and this is an oil painting I did on my last birthday call it ' Sunrise for Two' I woke up from a dream I was with someone watching the sunrise. The strange thing is I don't know what that person looks like or where I am but I know it had snowed. I had to paint it before I forgot it because it was a truly beautiful sight.

Everyone was clapping and asking where I learned to paint like that. I was relieved everyone like it I told everyone just by myself beside being home schooled I really didn't have much to do so one day I started to draw what I saw then moved onto painting. My parent just got me a pottery wheel and clay so I could try my hand at sculpting and pottery. Mr.Jones said great job and that today we could just draw whatever we wanted and that tomorrow one person from each table would draw a name we would team up and draw each other for the next week that would be are assignment. I hope I get Andrew or even the pretty redheaded girl in or class. Everyone gets to work and I start to sketch and a picture of a beautiful wolf strong looking wolf pops into my mind. I decide to draw it after a while Andrew taps me to tell me the bell rang I was so busy with my picture I didn't even hear it. I say thank but he is just staring at my drawing. He's beautiful right? I say snapping him out of his trance. I was think of what to draw and this wolf just popped into my head. I've never seen a wolf like him. Andrew is smiling now, How do you know it's a boy? he asks. Easy I say he was giving off serious alpha vibes when I saw him, I says back to him. I'm gonna call him Apollo he looks a little god like don't you think I say to a we are walking to out next classes. Laughing he agrees with me. See ya later he says as we leave now it's time for P.E.