
The Prank

Hey it's the author! before we start I wanna thank you for over 1,000 views!!! And 8 of you favorited it!!! It means a lot that you like it even though 8 isn't much, I will do my best for you guys!!! Thank you so much!

Now on to the story!!!

It's been 3 days since you moved in with The Jeons. You and Jungkook still aren't getting along, but you and his older brother (Kai) are getting along pretty good. You haven't met your step dad yet. He is on a business trip.

You wake up to banging on your door. "Y/N GET UP JUST CAUSE OUR PARENTS AREN'T HERE DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN SKIP SCHOOL." Jungkook Yells. "School...wait...SCHOOL?!?" You run to your closet and put on your uniform. You do your morning ruinen and you run downstairs grabbing your back pack on the way down stairs. You run out the door not having time to put on your shoes. You run all the way to the nearest bus stop. You're phone rings. "Hello" You say in your phone voice.

"Y/n where are you?"

"Oh Kai! I'm at the nearest bus stop."

"Why though"

"I have school and I'm late!!"

"Y/n Come home, there isn't school today."

"What but Jungko~ DAMN IT JUNGKOOK!"

"Don't worry I'm on my way."

"Thanks Kai"

"No problem I'll be there in 10. bye"

"Ok bye."

You hang up, and it starts to rain.

"I swear I'm gonna kill him when I see him."

You stand in the rain and wait for Kai.

10 minutes later

You are dripping wet. You start to walk back when a a car pulls up next to you. But it's not Kai's. The unknown person rolls down the window and you See none other then Jungkook.

"Get in."

"No Kai is coming." You say turning your face away from him.

"He sent me."

"I'll walk."

"Y/n your soaking wet your gonna catch a cold."

"I'd rather get sick then sit in a car with you."


You start to walk away but he drives next to you.

"Y/n please."

You keep walking, ignoring him.

You glance over and see his eyes travel from your face to your feet.


You look at you feet and remember. Jungkook stops the car and gets out he opens the passenger side door and walks over to you and grabs your wrist. He pulls you into his car. He gets in and starts to drive.

"Y/n I'm sorry."

"Leave me alone."

"Y/n I didn't mean to-

"Stop talking."

He does as you say.

When you arrive home you go straight to your room and lock the door. You put your back to the door and you start to cry. You don't even know why, but you cry and cry and cry, until you can't cry anymore.

Then there is a knock on your door. You get up and open it not even bothering to straighten your self up. You see Kai

"Hey y/n do you wanna..." He cuts himself off.

He says nothing and Hugs you you fall into the hug. You put your head in his chest, and you start to cry again. You slowly move to the ground, he doesn't let you go.

"It's okay now. But you need to get changed"

You say nothing and Continue to hold onto him for dear life. You feel his grip loosen and you say

"Just a little while longer."

You feel his grip tighten. This alone makes You smile. You both stay like that for 10 minutes. Then you hear a voice. But it wasn't Jungkooks.

"Kai, who is thi-

He cuts himself off when he sees your face.

"Y/n!!" He seems shocked

"Hello, I assume you are my new step dad"

"Yes! It's very nice to meet you."

You strue to pick your self up but you do, and shake his hand.

"Are you ok?"

"Yup everything's fine"

"I'm gonna go take a shower if that's alright."

"Oh. Yes!! Of course! You don't have to ask, it's your house too."

"Thank you"

You try to bow but you can't so instead you do a small bow. Mr.Jeon walks away and takes Kai with him. You try to walk but you wobble and fall. You expect to hit the ground but once again Jungkook Catches you. You look him in the eyes once again, then you faint.

~~~~~~~~~To be continued~~~~~~~~.~~