

"Y/n Hurry and get up before you miss your flight" You open your eyes and see your mom hovering over you. "W-What. let me sleep more." You say, rolling over onto your side.

"No." Your mom says as she dumps water on your head. You jolt up in your bed. "YAH!!!" Your shout fills your empty room. "I guess you should've listened the first time." Your mom says as she walks out of the room. "get ready your taxi will be here in like 10 minutes."

You put your hair in a messy bun and change into some leggings and a oversized Hoody. You do the rest of your morning routine, before your mom yells that your Taxi has arrived. You go down stairs and give her a hug.

"Sweetie I'll be there in a week. So get settled and behave well." Your mom says as she helps you put your stuff inside the Taxi. You nod your head "Yes" In response. Tears were streaming down your face. You had never been apart from your mom for more then a 2 days. You get in the Taxi and wave goodbye before leaving.

Your mom had told you 2 weeks ago that you would be moving back to Korea. She didn't tell you anything else except for she wouldn't be joining you in 1 month because "She wants you to get comfortable before she comes." You had no idea where or who you would be staying with, or even if someone was gonna pick you up from the airport.

You were deep in thought when the Taxi driver says "Hey miss we're here. Would you like help with your suit case?" "Oh, um... No I think I'll be ok." You reply, paying him then getting out of the car. You grab your bags and go inside the airport. There was so many people at the airport which was unusual. You go threw security and walk to your Gate. Then a announcement comes on the intercom. "Flight 246 to South Korea is now bording." You grab your carry on (which is your purse) and get on the plane. There was only 7 other people on your flight (the whole plane is first class). It was you first time flying first class so you didn't really know what to do. Once your aloud to you get up and walk around, You start walking back and forth to the seats and grabbing the bags of peanut's from the back pockets. "Yah! That was my idea!" A man says from behind you. you spin around so you are facing him. "I'm sorry sir, but I acted on the idea first." You say. "First of all don't call me sir. It's either Hyung, or Jungkook, And do you know who I am?" Jungkook says. "Nope I don't. should I?" You reply sarcasticly.

"Yes you should don't you know your on the same flight as the legendary Bts. " Jungkook says in a cocky tone. "Whats a bts?" You ask. "Aish! look it up" Jungkook says as he go's back to his seat. You continue grabbing the bags of peanuts "How rude of him!" You say to your self. "Rude of who, and why are you stealing my Snack?" Another man says. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there." You say putting his peanuts back.

"It's okay, but who is being rude to a beautiful girl like you?" He asks

"That guy over there, I think he said his name is Jungkook." You take seat across the isle from him. "Oh Jungkook.... He's not usually like this he's just in a bad mood because he's meeting his soon to be step sister today and we had to come back Early for it." he says. "Oh ok and I didn't think you knew him. also what's your name?" You ask

"I knew everyone on this flight besides you. but now I know you too I guess." He laughs nervously "Oh and my Name is Jimin, Park Jimin."

"Nice to meet you I'm y/n." You smile and shake his hand. You continue to talk to Jimin for a some time before you both realize it's 11 pm. (you arrive at 3 pm the next day.) You move to the seat next to Jimin and go to sleep sharing a blanket.

You wake up and look at the time "12 am" you whisper. You get up and start to walk to the bathroom when the plane hits a "rough patch" causing you to fall. You brace for impact but instead you feel someone catch you. You open your eyes and look up to see Jungkook. You stare into his eyes for a moment Then he stands you up right. You say thank you and Bow but he just walks back to his seat.

You go to the bathroom then go back to Jimin and fall back asleep.

When you wake up again. it's 9 am you go on your phone and you notice everyone except for Jin (Jimin told you there names) are asleep. You go back to playing on your phone until the plane intercom comes on. "We are ahead of schedule so we are beginning decent now. everyone put your seatbelts on. Everyone does as the pilot says.

You land and Jimin asks if you would like to walk with them to there car and exchange contact info. You say yes. He gives you a idol mask to wear. You put it on and walk to the waiting area with them. Fans surround You and the guys. "What the heck are they famous?" You ask yourself. "Who are we waiting for?" You ask. "Jungkooks soon to be step sister" Tae replies. "Oh what's her name we should make a sign." you say cheerfully

"Her Name is Kim Y/n"

"Wait what!" You say.

"Kim Y-... YOUR JUNGKOOKS STEP SISTER??" Jimin yells

"Woooow what... so that's what my mom meant... next time I see her...Aish!" You say

"Come on guys we've got y/n i guess" Jimin says

We walk to the car.

"Kook! how didn't you know it was her you have a picture!" Namjoon says slapping Jungkook on the back of the head

"I did. I just wanted her to be suprised" He says.

"Suprise!" He says, with a smug look.

~~~~~~~~~To be continued~~~~~~~~~~

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