
Starwars Generations Rising Volume 2: Sacrifice

Two years since the start of the second Galactic Civil War the Jedi are divided. Some fighting to prevent the Sith return the other helping out in the war. The growing threat of the New Empire is growing stronger and stronger. Things get more dangerous when The Supreme Chancellor has been captured. After departing from the Jedi order to go on his own journey. Jason as returned as a master. Now a general for the army of the New Republic. However he hasn't been the same since the war started. He is confronted by a hard choice that will be a difficult one to make. Ben Skywalker sets out on his own to find more about this force bond he has. Luke most watch his family carefully as this war divides his family.

Jediknight1997 · Outros
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13 Chs

Rey Palpatine

Ben on his X-wing along with R2 travels out in space. Clearing his mind until he hears someone call out to him through the force. "Ben", the young Jedi Knight stopped for a minute to feel this force connection he has, "Ben there is a dyad in the force meet me in my capital" the voice then disappears. He thinks it is Rey since during the war he felt her in his head repeatedly. 

"Beep Beep" R2 is concerned

"I know your scared buddy, but I need to find out more of this dyad" Ben then jumps to hyperspace. 

In the meantime The Organa is stuck in the middle of space with Ackbar and the rest of the Organa crew taken prisoner by the troopers that remain on board. 

All hope seems lost until a shuttle arrives in the hanger out comes out is Mara Jade with Her purple Lightsaber jumps and slashes through the troopers with Kyle Katarn joining her as he activates his blue blade. With troopers on the Way Luke throws all of them into space. They exit the hangar with Kyle throwing the vents into the troopers. 

The three Jedi Masters work their way up to where they see the prisoners and lets them go.

" Where is Leia" Luke asked one of the prisoners 

"Luke they took her" Ackbar told him

The three Jedi in shocked

"What do you mean?" Mara questions

"The New Empire has her"

Luke walks out, "Kyle attend to the prisoners, Mara and I will go" 

"Rodger that" Kyle puts his lightsaber on his belt" 

Luke is about to leave with Mara but out of nowhere Sith assassins show and everyone of them ignites their lightsabers


In the meantime Ben lands in the imperial capital hanger surrounded by stormtroopers who bring him and R2 to a prison cell. Walking through the prison Chambers Ben could feel Leia through the force. The Jedi knight the uses the force to grab his and slices through the troopers in front of him when R2 zaps the one behind whos about to shoot Ben. As he is feeling the force, Ben his talking to Rey inside his head.

"You know you can't escape. We can destroy my master; he has seen this. We will take his throne and rule this galaxy" Rey starts to speak to him through the force

"I will never turn to the darkside" Ben shouts back 

"I know about this Dyad come find me" Rey as she pressures Ben more and more to leave what he is doing. 

Thankfully Ben spotted Leia's cell through the force and lets her out. Leia is surprised just to see her nephew. Before she can say anything Ben interrupted by R2. "whats up buddy? Shes this way? When they are running they are stopped by a stormtrooper. This one looks like he was surrendering

"Stop" the trooper said, removing his helmet it revealed to be Poe, "You need a key if you want to get in"

"Poe where have you been"

"Well we were out gunned, so after Leia was captured, I figured I'd take a shuttle and sneak in the base. They were gonna take me to to cell, but BB8 jumped right out and saved me just in time"

The two and the droids open the cell Leia is in and lets her go. "Ben, Poe what are you doing here?" Leia in surprise 

"We came to rescue you" Poe lays out a smirk but is slapped by Leia. "I had it under control" 

Poe looked like he wanted to fight back, but Ben told them they had to go, so the group went out to figure out a way to escape. 

"My lady here you will need to defend yourself" Poe hand Leia a blaster, but she refuses.

"That won't be necessary" as stormtroopers spotted them coming Leia uses the force to pull her lightsaber under her sleeve and slices through the three troopers coming her way and uses the force to knock out the other three. The men behind her are shocked.

"What I am the most powerful person in the New Republic, got to protect myself" Leia smiles as she deactivated her blue blade. Leia still had a strong connection to the force even though she stopped training. She kept her saber for protection this whole time. 

The three and the droids go to the control room as Leia uses the force to pull the troopers blasters and force pushes them to knock them out. 

"We need a way out" Poe indicates. 

 Before anyone can say anything a garrison of troopers came through and blessed Leia on the shoulder, "Ugh" Leia cried in pain as she falls to the ground

"Chancellor!" Poe continues blasting the troopers as they spot more is on the way. Ben uses the force to push them in the elevator they came up to send them back down. 

"We gotta get her out of here" Poe helping to carry Leia" They find the space pods

"Here Poe you and the droids take my aunt out of here" Ben opens it for them

"What about you kid" Poe trying to persuade Ben to come.

"The force is calling me. I must follow it" Ben says as he puts his location signal in the R2's data bank. 

"Ben come on we must go" Poe trying to get Ben to go, but once R2 gets in he is done and shuts the door.

"Sorry Poe I must do this" Ben walks away. Poe looks at Leia who nodded as R2 goes into the system to let go of the space pods. 


Ben walks then is surrounded by stormtroopers who bring him to Rey, in her chambers. The two just stare each other in the eye for a minute before Ben breaks the silence. "Why me" he then ignites his lightsaber that he took from the troopers as he knocks them back and tries to hit Rey as she blocks it with his own.

"I told you, we are two beings that are one. My grandfather knew it, which is why he has sent me to capture you" Rey then pushes his saber away and force lightning him who dodges as uses the force to grab his blade.

"Grandfather?" he stands back up. 

"That's right he was the Emperor of the galaxy once until your father got Vader to betray him. I am Rey Palpatine" 

Ben steps back, "What, but how is that possible" 

Rey touches his forehead to show him her thoughts, "Grandfather has been cloning over the years and cloned my father. He didn't agree with what my grandfather wanted, so he left many years ago and met my mother where they had me. I was three years old when they died and was brought to him. He made me who I am."

She then lets go of Ben who is taken back by this news.

"Join me Ben we are a dyad in the force through this bond we can take him together"

"I will never turn to the darkside"

"What if I told you if we didn't Jacen Solo would turn to the darkside. My master sent a trap that will lead him to that path" 

Ben swings his lightsaber, "Lier" he then hits her blade hard and force chokes her

"Search your feelings you know it is true" 

Ben searches for his feelings. Jacen alone turned to the darkside. His emotions make sense. 

The two then continues their duel, Rey continues taunting him, "Come on join me we can take down Darth Sidious together" Ben then pulls back his blade, "So you can take his palace? Never"


Back on The Organa, Luke, and his two Jedi masters took care of the cultist and freed the prisoners. Mara would escort them in the shuttles to escape. All the people on the shuttles leave to escape, but Luke, and Mara as Kyle goes to escort everyone back. R2 then calls Luke on his coms who walks away to pick up. Then senses his sister and him all are on the space pod below, so he and Mara go to rescue them. 

"Luke" as the siblings embrace each other with Mara. 

"Luke. Ben is on that ship" before anyone could react. New Republic ships come in and blast the Imperial Capital with a big space battle ensuing. 

"We need to get Ben out now" Mara rushes to save her son, but is pulled back by Luke not wanting his wife to get caught up.

"You need to trust our son" Luke holds on to his wife's arm. Mara wants to protest, but she knows he is right. 

Back in the Imperial capital of Rey, her and Ben are still dueling when the ship starts to shake. Ben uses this opportunity to cut her lightsabers in half, knocking her down. 

"Come with me I know where Palpatine is. We can kill him before Jacen is seduced to the Darkside"

"No you are going to be Yavin where you will pay for your crimes" Before Ben could arrest her, he was shocked in the back by a trooper standing next to him is Admiral Piett. "My lady we need to get out of here" Rey then gets up and uses the force to snap the Admirals neck. "I didn't need your help" Rey spits on the dead Admirals body as she leaves

"Lets get out of here Ben" she whispers in his ear. 

Luke and Mara watch the Capital all explode, and are worried ,but they see a shuttle taking off. Luke senses its Ben who is calling out to him.


Ben then wakes up as he try to follow Rey who is leaving in her shuttle, so he spots a Tie fighter as he goes after her. 

Luke senses this as he communicates through the force to feel Ben. all he says is, "May the force be with you Ben I hope you know what you're looking for"