
start from Naruto to conquer the multiverse

david was a normal middle aged man . well he died when he was watching Naruto and he reborn with a system in Naruto world well a normal isekai story what the system can only travel between world! no quests,no grandfather who gaves super skills what shitty system is this. this my first novel so be patient with me

Mina_Safwat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

eleventh chapter: sunagakure

jack left the mirror world and walk in the diretof sunagakure to reach sunagakure you will enter the rain country and from there you can go to the wind country or the stone country actually the planet of Naruto is very small you can go anywhere on foot .

I think itay by twice the size of albasta and it's ahuge island surrounding by a very smaller islands which creates the water country and so I enter the rain country and I met a lot af ninja most of them trying to kill me but the ability of sand dog take them by suprise and so I managed to survive and I met nagato and he is living a good life with his family ofcourse I know that his good life will not last long but unfortunately I can't alarm black jutsu in this period.and so I kept moving and then I met him .it eas aman with a red hair and purple eyes and he had the head protecter of the wind country when he saw me he said

"hai kid it's dangerous here there's a ninja war that going to start soon so you should leave this country . ha how much i hate war i wish we could stay with sasori right wife "

awomen with a brown hair and brown eyes answered gentlely

" yes dear"

here may thought stopped

is this the father of sasori and the son of chiyo one of the wind country leader and so I acted like an afraid kid and asked

"uncle, can you let me join your village and become ninja like you . I am from an ancient ninja village that have the same ancestors of the uzmaki family but because our family is stronger than the uzmaki family uchiha madara choose to exterminate us and only me and my parents survived because we were out of the village and my parents died and only i survived you must know that we and the uzmaki is a perfect material for jinchuriki "

sabori the father of sasori looked at me in wonder and said seriously

"come with us I will tell the leaders of the village and they will decide "

he takes me to their camp and then he left


sabori POV

I left jack and went to my mother chiyo and told her every thing this child said

she looked at me and said

" if what that child said is true he will be a pillar of the village and will gave us a better chance to win this war but we also must take into consideration that he maybe a spy or a deadman from one of the other villages maybe they want to make a tail beast roit or take the tail beast a way ,so we must be careful.take him and let him be the one tail jinchuriki and ask him to stay in the village for two years if he have another motivation he will refuse but if he agreed. well I don't believe he can pretend for two years.

he may be the trump card to win this war."

"okay Mather i understand "

I left to do what my mother said finally the sunagakure have the chance to rise.


the end of the eleventh chapter