
Chapter 19

Fucking Marauders Map.


Fucking Hogwarts wards.


Fucking Britain.



Athena took a deep breath before letting it out slowly, eye narrowed forwards, thinking. The idea was to take the blasted Map, take out the part where it showed Hogwarts grounds, switch it with Great Britain domain and add a Point Me string of rules after she destroyed the Diadem in the Requirement Room and added it's magical signature on said string of runes.

It was actually quite simple in her opinion. Or it would have been if the most important thing wouldn't been missing.


Fucking Dumbledore really. Because of his meddling by adding the Hogwarts wards in the Map, now Athena needed Great Britain wards so she could complete it.

And now she needed to infiltrate the deeps of the Ministry Building in hopes of finding out that blasted ward room. In Christmas vacation no less.


'' It's everything okay?'' Xeno asked almost startling her before Athena cleared her throat

'' I'm just missing something.'' she said absently giving the blank Map a sharp look

'' And can we help you with anything or-'' Rita begin quite awkward and Athena couldn't help but snort before she straightened up and fixed her eyes on Xeno who begin to squirm uncomfortably

'' Xeno-'' she begin with a calm face ''- you said that you can see certain things. Does that apply to Wards?'' she asked another plan forming in her mind. A plan that, if she was careful enough she could make it at Hogwarts.

'' I don't see that Ward lines, I see the Nargles who help me find them then if they are nice enough then they let me see the Wards.'' he said tilting his head to the side looking curious at her

'' It's Scotland part of Great Britain?'' she asked trying to see if anything was brewing right

'' I don't know about the Muggle Side of things but magically speaking yes. For some years already.'' Rita said crossing her legs 

Athena hummed.


Two ward stones of that massive power couldn't be in the same place but at the same time, there was a similar ward stone at the Ministry that was keeping up Azkaban and that was something know for sure. So if there was a ward stone for Hogwarts and one for Azkaban, two of the most protected places in Britain, then the next one should be somewhere in between.

'' How familiar are the two of you with the Forbidden Forest?'' she asked smirking when their faces paled


You two are stuck with me now Athena couldn't help but thought


" That's a dangerous place." Rita commented while humming and trying to gain again some color in her cheeks. She looked ready to bold for a moment before calming herself

" A lot of the creatures wouldn't want us there." Xeno said touching a loose string of hair, tucking it absently behind his ear. '' We can risk the centaurs wrath if we aren't careful enough.'' 

" And I'm pretty sure there it's an Acromantula colony nearby. Their silk is really valuable so you can't kill them." Rita said making Athena smile

" And how many people know of the Acromantula nest?" she asked smiling pleasantly making the two blink surprised

'' Well, the Headmaster-'' Xeno begin ''- Hagrid and the other teachers I suppose.''

'' You suppose?'' Athena said arching an eyebrow making him sputters before shrugging in defeat '' Acromantula's were protected by law where I come from, their silk gathered and collected carefully by Beast Masters. So they wouldn't be near a school of all places if the Ministry has anything to say about it. '' she said smirking at their pale faces


'' Do you want to tell me that there is an unsupervised colony of giant spiders and no one that actually could stop them knows about it?'' Xeno said wide eyed before pushing Rita rather harshly who was in the same position as him

'' We are going.'' Rita said not even caring the Xeno pushed her on the side and just seating back beside him like it was a normal occurrence '' And I'm writing an article about this.'' she said before smirking like the devil she was '' Send a copy to those fools at the Prophet too.'' she said making Xeno snort amused

What followed was the strangest thing that Athena ever saw and she was victim of seeing the Weasley twins flirting with a flustered Draco Malfoy. Xeno nudged Rita away again, more like a caress this time, before she stuck her shoulder to his and they honest to god smiled like the fools they were at each other.


Athena looked at the two again, thought of a small girl walking barefoot on those school halls, of a beetle spying for more and more gossip and she didn't dare to touch this relationship with a ten foot pole. She was pretty sure that his was also stated before but for good measure she would say it again.


'' So you have a plan ?'' Xeno asked after the two of them calmed down before settling and looking back at Athena, the Marauders Map still open and on the ground in front of them, the footsteps on the map catching their attention from time to time

'' I always have a plan.'' Athena said smiling happily making the two snort at her act of innocents '' And you have a little something as well.'' she said looking at the Invisibility Cloak before jumping herself on Xeno, messing his hair and making him screech



'' You have a bloody good eye, Lovegood!'' Athena said barking a laugh when he tried to break free just for Rita to jump in the pile as well, almost strangling them both in the process


Her friends and she recognized them as friends and not as Luna Lovegood father that was just a little too crazy and the Prophet most raved journalist that stalked kids in her beetle form, were a little weird from a lot of points.

That didn't stop Athena from making them her friend or adding them in her plan for that matter. They didn't really have a choice though.