
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime e quadrinhos
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110 Chs

Chapter 107

The destruction of the Republic fleet remained a mystery among military high command. Even though they knew that the documents were most likely falsified due to Carolina's tampering, they couldn't be sure about what exactly happened.

Why did their best and most decorated admiral turn traitor? What really happened to the Solaris Fleet? Were the Yautja involved in an way?

There was no way for them to get any of those answers without asking the people directly involved in the matter which would prove difficult since they were either deserters, dead, or the enemy. 

So the other commanders did the same thing that Carolina had done and swept it under the rug as well.

They did not report it to the Jedi or the Senate any differently than what had been reported in the system.

But the military commanders were soon surprised because the Yautja did not just (at least they assumed) attack them. Reports that Genosis had been decimated and all of their forces had been wiped out alongside the CIS. 

What had actually occurred was something that struck fear into the hearts of many.

Reports from Genosis and nearby planets told of the true story that occurred. 

Word had come in that a massive Yautja fleet had appeared out of nowhere. The Republic and CIS fleet that had been battling were not prepared for them and were quickly overwhelmed. 

Both sides were barrage with countless lasers and missiles, tearing both sides apart. With a silent agreement, they turned allied with one another and begin to fight back against the Yautja. 

While they were fighting, several of the Yautja ships fired a large number of missiles that missed the fleet by a large margin, making both sides believe that the Yautja's targeting systems were beginning to malfunction. 

Unfortunately, they realized the mistake in their thinking too late.

The missiles were able to reach Genosis' surface and created a massive lake of yellow goo. And from the good emerged millions of Praetomorphs. Most of them were the basic variety but there were also the various other forms that Jial and Seviss had designed based off of the Tyranids (which were based off of the Xenomorphs). 

Praetomorph Warriors were larger variants of the standard versions with scythe-like arms in addition to the normal set of arms that the normal Praetomorph had. 

The bio-mass liquid had also contained the genetic material for Mawlocks. These were massive creatures that excelled at burrowing. A single one could match the Republic's AT-TE in size but had armor that could withstand several shots from their powerful cannons. 

But these were all mindless creatures driven by instinct. Although they had a small connection to one another, none were powerful to truly connect their minds together. They needed leaders to do that. 

And that was where the big 3 came in. Old One Eye was a powerful variant of the standard Hive Tyrant. Hive Tyrants were the normal commanders of Tyranid armies. They could form hive mind coonections that stretched an entire planet.

And Old One Eye was the 2nd most terrifying of those. He was one that was one of the most ferocious and relied less on tactics and more on terrifying its enemies with pure fear and overwhelming numbers. His incredible regenerative properties made it impossible to put him down for good.  

Alongside Old One Eye, the Swarm Lord and Malan'Tai were the other two commanders that had been brought along.   

 The Swarm Lord was the most terrifying Hive Tyrant. It did not have the same regenerative properties as Old One Eye but it had something worse. It had intelligence. 

 Every time a Praetomorph died, everything it experienced was sent back to the Swarm Lord. Each and every death made it more and more intelligent. It could even be said that the Swarm Lord knew more about the Galaxy than Jial or the Lorekeeper of the Sorcerers of Rhand.    

Whether it was in single combat, large-scale warfare, or intelligence, the Swarm Lord could rival or surpass the best in the universe.  

Malan'Tai was the last of the 3 supreme Praetomorphs but he differed from the other two. He was not a Hive Tyrant variant but instead a variant of the Zoanthrope. 

 Zoanthropes were beings that could manipulate the Force in its purest form and at the highest levels. It could absorb the Force from living beings, with Force Sensitive being especially great meals for it.  

 Malan'Tai was the strongest of these. Not only could it manipulate the Force to an even greater degree but it could also absorb souls. This meant that no matter who it killed, it would get more powerful from absorbing their soul but it also prevented Jedi from becoming Force Ghosts.

 Jial would normally only send them out one at a time when he wanted to decimate space stations or fortresses but this was the first time he had sent in all 3.  

His objective from doing this was obvious. He was going to destroy Genosis.  

Reports started flooding into the ships above.

All of the begging for backup at first. Then they turned to anger about how there was no assistance. Finally, the men on the ground just begged to be put out of their misery in a bombing run.

  It took the Praetomorphs 6 days to kill off everyone on Genosis. And they didn't just stop there.

They had completely destroyed all life on the planet and any chance of life coming back. What they couldn't consume was poisoned or destroyed.

All water turned acidic, the ground became toxic, and the atmosphere was destroyed.

The Praetomorphs all died out on the planet, turning into nothing but piles of bio-mass to be retrieved at a later time.

But the damage had been done. The worst moments of the invasion were broadcasted thanks to Seviss' magic. They were all forced to see countless clones and Genosians consumed or torn apart by the various Praetomorphs.

Then they saw the world completely destroyed.

And there was nothing that the Republic or CIS could do to stop them.

Word spread of what happened and in only a month, every planet within a 5 sector radius of Yautja Space had surrendered to them while many others had also decided to become their vassals.

It was obvious who the planets feared the most.