
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 106

Admiral Bizar looked at the Yautja fleet across from him and felt fear. He had been given orders to invade Yautja Space and perform as the vanguard until backup arrived.

The main problem was that backup hadn't arrived after a week and they were the Yautja.


There were so many rumors about how they tortured their enemies and brutalized countless worlds. He did not want to be the vanguard, no matter how much glory the position offered.

"Admiral. Should we fire some more rounds at the enemy?" A clone asked, ready to perform his duties

"No. Stay on high alert though. We never know when they may strike," Admiral Bizar refused to attack any further. He had only fired the other rounds so his superiors could not complain about his actions

'Maybe I should get in one of the escape pods. When the battle occurs and the ship eventually goes down, I can at least escape with my life.'

Just as he was thinking of ways to avoid being called a deserter and getting court martialed, he saw something unbelievable.

A gigantic purple vortex appeared in the center of the Yautja fleet.

Admiral Bizar and all the other ships of the fleet could see a Harrower-Class Dreadnaught slowly moving through the the vortex until it came out into space.

Once it did, the portal closed behind it, leaving the Republix stunned at what they had seen.

This was something that the Yautja Wolves made possible. They had the ability to create tunnels through space using the Force. Usually they were limited to the planet they were on but due to the Force Nexus on Yautja, they were able to create much larger portals that reached much further, bypassing the flaw of the M.D.D.

The Harrower was different from the others in the fleet. Instead of the two prongs being normal extentions, they were instead giant cylinders that resembled cannons. These cannons were in fact that M.D.D superweapon that Jial had designed.

No words were spoken or warnings were given. Both cylinders began to spin while the centers started to glow with a blue light.

Two beams were fired from the cannons that traveled to the center of the Republic's fleet before colliding with one another.

Once they collided, they created a rapidly expanding but nearly transparent field of blue energy.

The field passed over the first ship which began to detonate from the smallest molecule.

As each molecule detonated, they created another blue field that began to expand.

This process repeated over and over as numerous energy fields began to appear. Within moments, the entire Republic fleet was decimated.

This was the power of the Yautja's superweapon. It could decimate entire fleets in a single shot or even a planet.

It worked by ripping the electrons off of molecules and destabilizing atoms. Each time it was done, it would create a new field that did the same.

The danger was obvious because it couldn't distinguish from friendly targets. If a single ship got to close, it could affect the entire fleet.

Suxon stood aboard his ship and marveled at the empty space before him.

'I'm so glad this thing can't use a hyperdrive. Otherwise, Boxe would have probably destroyed several planets by now.'

"Report back to base. The enemy fleet has been exterminated and we need a portal in the same location."

"Yes, Minister!" The communications officer replied before getting on the line with Yautja Prime

The ship began to spin around in order to retreat back to Yautja Prime where it would be stored to destroy another day.

The portal opened once more and the ship flew back inside, it being a secret legend that would not be known to the wider Galaxy for a long time.

While Suxon was celebrating his victory, the Republix was panicking the next day.

They had tried to message Admiral Bizar several times as well as each of the other ships.

If only one had stopped messaging them suddenly that could be understood.

But all of the ships were not able to respond? And no warning or request for help either?

That could only mean the Yautja were somehow able to jam their most advance communication systems or that the entire fleet had been destroyed in one move.

Neither was something that the Republic wanted to believe.

The High Fleet Admiral wad a beautiful human woman with platinum blonde hair. She stood in a room with several communication officers that had tried to reach out to the fleet that was supposed to attack the Yautja.

So the commander of the operation, High Fleet Admiral Carolina, did what she thought would be best.

She swept it under the rug

Carolina shot all of the officers in the back of their heads before she erased the security video that showed she was there.

She also falsified the mission, saying that they had been ordered to fall back and were ambushed by several CIS fleets as they made their way back.

She had even created several fake communication traces in order to make it more believable.

After she had done all that, Carolina gathered as much data as she could about the Republic and boarded a private ship.

She planned to make her way to her home planet where she planned to get her siblings and then flee to Naboo or Yautja Space where she would surrender herself and hopefully trade the information she had in order to join the Yautja.

Carolina was a smart woman. She knew when the difference between a fighting chance and getting slaughtered.

And she did not work as hard as she did in order to die in a war that she did not care about to die to an enemy they had bo business making.

'Do they really think everyone is so stupid? The Yautja are our enemy? They made them our enemy!

Those guys were happy just watching us kill each other for weeks and then some random people he ditched in a district on Coruscant say one thing and we are supposed to believe them.

I'm gonna sell out every single secret I know and try to get myself my own ship at least. Hopefully they make me an admiral but I'll take what I can get,' she thought to herself while booting up her ship

The Republic had probably lost their most intelligent officer from this incident