
The Drunken Wanderer (Cut Content/Scene)

This was originally going to be part of chapter 19, but it felt wrong tonally. However, I wrote it so I thought I'd share it with those who may have wanted to see it. I guess it's pretty funny still.

Do not read this before chapter 19 or you will be spoiled.

You can head canon that this actual happened if you want idc.




Despite their more rural appearance, one of the servers led them to a table, and the two of them sat across from each other at a booth. As they sat, Mari started looking through the menu before her eyes landed on the alcoholic section. "Hmm..." she hummed, acting as if she knew what she was looking at. She'd never had alcohol before, in fact, she barely had reached the Inskako age where she could legally drink.

"You drink?" the Wanderer asked, looking at Mari with her eyebrows furrowed. "Why of course." Mari replied with a fake, posh accent, still looking through the options trying to figure out what she wanted.

"You look a little lost." the Wanderer told her, smiling slightly.

"I'm not lost! There are just so many options to choose from. Revnog, tsiraki, Moogan tea... Bantha blaster?" Mari frowned upon reading the last one. "What would you recommend?" Mari asked, though the Wanderer shrugged. "I don't drink."

"Huh!?" Mari was shocked. She assumed someone like the Wanderer would be the type to shove twenty drinks down her throat, slam the mug on the table, and ask for more. "You don't drink at all? Not even for a little fun?"

"Nope." the Wanderer admitted, having her own personal reasons that she wouldn't be sharing at that moment. "But if I were to recommend something, I'd probably get Dark Blue Milk."

Mari looked at the menu, scanning for Dark Blue Milk until she found it. "What? This stuff's for babies, it has the lowest amount of alcohol in it." she told her.

'Exactly.' the Wanderer thought to herself. "I just like milk. That's why I always get Bantha chai."

As the two discussed drinks, the server approached the two of them with a slight smile on her face. She was a humanoid girl, though she had red skin and blue eyes. "Can I get you two ladies started with some drinks?"

"Yes. I would like... a Starshine Surprise. The lovely lady over there would like Dark Blue Milk." she told the waitress.

"Starshine Surprise, that's one of my favorites." she told her. "Coming right up." the waitress walked away and Mari watched with a smile before looking back at the Wanderer, who was staring at her with a mean look in her eye. "I wanted Bantha Chai."

"C'mon, live a little. It's the day before my marriage, aren't we supposed to celebrate?" Mari smiled goofily at her. The Wanderer couldn't say no to her, so she rolled her eye and shook her head instead.

Before long, the two of them had their drinks delivered to them before they ordered their meals. As they waited, Mari had completely finished her drink while the Wanderer had only had about half of hers. However, Mari noticed that the Wanderer was acting strangely.

She seemed wobbly and her face was completely flushed as she looked down at her half-filled glass.

"Uh... Ms. Wanderer?" Mari asked.

The Wanderer giggled before looking up at Mari with a look in her eye that said she wanted to devour her on the spot. "Yes, cutie?"

Instantly, Mari's face flushed, almost giving her the same color of skin as their waitress with scarlet skin. "H- Huh?" Mari muttered, watching as the Wanderer leaned on the table and stared at her like fresh meat.

"You heard me... Am I making you nervous?" the Wanderer spoke with an unfamiliar, flirty tone. Instantly, Mari figured out why the Wanderer didn't drink. 'She a lightweight!'

"Let me come get a closer look at you..." the Wanderer said before getting up, stumbling over, and sitting next to Mari, wrapping her arm around her and cornering her in the booth. "Much better." she told her. "You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life." the Wanderer told her, getting a very, very close look.

Embarrassed, Mari could feel her entire body heating up, especially her face. "Uhm... Thanks."

"I'm so jealous..." the Wanderer told her, still looking into her eyes deeply. "Look at those eyes of yours... They're like a forest that I wish I could get lost in every day." Mari continued to blush as the Wanderer admired her up close. Seeing her becoming a nervous wreck, the Wanderer exhaled humorously and got even closer. "Like a sweet, venomous fruit, I want more but I know I can't have it."

"W- Why are you suddenly talking like-" Mari whispered, though her mouth was muted by one of the Wanderer's fingers. "Shh..."

"It makes me want it even more." the Wanderer added, leaning in even closer. "Maybe just one more taste can hold me over..." The Wanderer's lips were aimed right at Mari's as she continued to lean forward.

"Are you sure this is a good idea when you're drunk?" Mari asked her, still backing further away until her back was to the wall. The Wanderer took her own hair and moved it behind her ear, closing her eyes as she leaned closer. "I'm not even... hic- Not even that drunk..." she muttered, though with perfect timing, the waitress had arrived.

"Excuse me... Please refrain from... that while you're in here. Here are your orders." she said before placing two plates of Fregini pasta in front of them and walking away. Thanks to the Wanderer's aforementioned starvation, she immediately forgot about kissing Mari and went straight for her plate of food.