
Chapter 8 - Nichole Temple: Daughter of the Supreme Grand Moff

20 years ago....

20 years ago the battle of Corellia was taking place and Gabreu and Anakin Wrath were taking Gand Moff Odile Vaiken. 19 years ago during that battle Ryan and Ashana Kallig, now Darth Kallig I and II were born. The day after the battle Raina Temple, wife to Supreme Grand Moff Nine Temple found out she was pregnant. Nine months later she had a girl, for the next three months and four years they raised the child and named her Nichole Temple, after another ten years she entered the imperial training academy. She excelled at everything; from advanced simulation training, live fire training drill, and passed all of her tests with flying colors. Nobody knew how she did it, but a few other individual's knew how she did so well, like her mother she was born force sensitive and in the days of the old empire had she been kept hidden the Sith would have hunted down her and her parent's and killed them and put her in the Korriban Academy, but the empress and emperor didn't care, but with her power she would train herself to use it to heighten her strength and skills in hand to hand combat and shooting. Everyone around the academy could recognize her for the style she wore her hair in, she always kept it in a ponytail, and some in the front, it wasn't a regulation haircut but she could always report to her father what was really going on in the academy. So they looked the other way about her hair. By the time the Kallig twins took down the dread masters and recovered everything from Arkania it was a new year and she finally became the newest field agent, her father got the news and as a gift he sent her the Red Blade's carbine rifle and Armor, the armor was refitted for her as the standard imperial field clothes or rifle wouldn't be enough for her to survive her first mission on Hutta, her assignment was to unite the Hutts and gain their trust and guid them toward rebuilding their long lost empire, her cover story was she was a young spacer who was the Red Blade's first mate, after a mission went sour she killed him took his armor and blaster rifle to prove it. Now Fathara was requesting an audience with her.

Landing on the swamp world she exited the spaceport and headed straight for the Poison Pit Cantina, where she could contact the empress and the Supreme Grand Moff . Entering the back she powered up the giant holoterminal and typed in the transmission code and the empress appeared before her, she was now wear a set of armor Elios Malice wore but this one was light blue, and she had her Ancient lightsaber and the Hero of Tython's lightsaber on her belt with the emperor standing next her wearing his set of Renowned assassin's armor while wearing Kallig's Countenance with his Scorching lightsaber on his belt, next to him was Brian in his modified Hydra armor and her father in a custom white and blue with a dark grey shoulder pieces and pauldron Moff uniform.

"Ah, the newest field agent has arrived on Hutta." Delilah said

"Yes I am ready to began my mission."

"Remember, secrecy is important." Her father said

"Yes father."

"Now go then." Nox said

She then left the room as the terminal powered down, She decided to kill off the last remnants of Nemro's Gamorean guards. With the ones in Jigguna all dead she headed to Fathara's new palace. Walking though the bar and dance floor she made her way to the main audience chamber, the two guards let her pass and she walked to Fathara

"Look Boss, the person that killed that pirate has come here at last." The Houk said

"Shut up you. Forgive him I haven't trained him properly." Fathara said in Huttese

She could feel someone in the room eyeing but she ignored it for now

"I would keep him on a short leash, I'd hate to split him open on this clean floor." She said to him

"So you are as savage as they say you are when you killed the Red Blade."

"He wouldn't give me my cut of the credits for the mission and I got my pay alright. You know, I'd be willing to sell his helmet to you for a reasonable price, I don't really want it."

"Your my kind of scum. I'll give you 50,000 credits for it."

"Sure, here take the damn thing, never did like it. Why do you want to see me?" She said to the Hutt

"I'm looking to recruit some new talent to my merry band of gangster, mercenaries, pirates and scum. You qualify." He said to her

"I need to talk to you in private." She said in ancient Huttese

Shocked he had the Houk and everyone else leave, the person she felt eyeing her left the room as well

"How do you know the ancient dialect?"

"I seek to help you reestablish your long lost empire." She said in basic

"What makes you so sure we want it back?"

"I've been in every smoke filled cantina in the outer rim, word of this is reaching the deep core, you need to act fast, and get the other Hutts to unite under one rule, I can help. I have connection to help remake the atmosphere for your real homeworld Varl with Vong technology.

"I'll have to talk to the other Hutts first in the cartel, but if you want my loyalty retake my palace and the rustyards from the remnants of Nemros forces."

"Mind if I have a few drinks first?"

"Of course, it's on the house. And since you are here I give you my finest suite as a sign of good faith towards our partnership."

Collecting her payment she then went to her suite to check for any listen devices, after that she checked out the rest of the room, it was surprisingly clean and it had a huge bed. She then went to the bar, sat down and order a round of drinks, suddenly a red skinned Twi'lek with black tattoos. Sat down next to her, she had red eyes and was wearing typical mercenary armor

"Hey there, mind if I sit here?" The twi'lek asked


The twi'lek sat down next to her and order herself a drink.

"Never did catch your name."

"Never did say it, Mira Vao, your name?"


"Don't got a last name?"

"I can't remember it right now."

"We'll let's go back to your room, see if you can remember there."

"I don't kn-"

"Come on." She said as she yanked her from her seat and was practically dragging her to the suite.

Once in her suite Mira was alot stronger than she thought after she threw her on the bed, next thing she knew Mira was on top of her, Nichole was tying to fight back but Mira had her pinned down.

"Now, what is your name."

"Nichole- Temple"

"Thought I heard something about you arriving here."

"What, Fathara been expecting me?"

"No but I could tell him."

"Not if can help it."

"Try me." Mira said as she kissed Nichole

Nichole then rolled over and undid Mira's armor and pulled it off of her and she did the same to Nichole. Nichole was heating up and becoming very moist with every second. They were then tugging at the last piece of cloth separating them from getting what they really wanted. Once that was done Mira kissed her way down Nichole's body and began working her tongue up and down her already soaking wet pussy, now Nichole's juices were pouring out of her.

"You've never done this, have you?"

"Uhhh no, ohh god that feels good."

Mira kept going and spread her folds and started to slowly work three fingers in and out slowly. Nichole was enjoying every second of it, she was clenching every muscle.

"Ohhh Fuucck!"

Her eyes went wide, her juices went all over Mira's face. She was shaking and passed out, Mira crawled up to her and laid with her, they kissed and Mira held her close. After two hours they finally woke up and got redressed and headed for the rustyards and took out the last of Nemros loyal Gamorean commandos, they had managed to completely take over the rustyards and Fathara's old palace, they were the best of the best of Nemro's forces, but they would prove to be no match for Nichole temple and Mira Vao. Killing them all they made their way back to the palace.

"Ah I heard you took out his commandos and retook my old palace and the rustyards, and with the help of my best pirate."

"What can I say, we have a lot in common."

"Yeah, I think I'm goin make this a permanent arrangement, but I'll be seeing you soon."

"I hate to see you leave but good luck, both of you."

They both left for the shuttle that could take them to the fleet, getting on they would both enjoy each other's company.

Arriving at the fleet spacedock, they were stopped by an imperial officer.

"Excuse me, you are imperial intelligence agent Nichole Temple?"

"Who wants to know."

"Forgive me, it's just your father told me to tell you to consider what kind of training you want go with and see the trainers whenever you're ready."

"Thank you corporal, carry on."

"Yes ma'am." He said quickly and walked off

"Do any imperials beside yourself and your father have any backbone?"

"Only agents. My father tried to employ the tactic of forming some sort of conscience and not being a completely mindless drone, but others didn't make it."

"Ah, well you better go see this trainer, I'll be in the market."

Nichole went to the trainer and she selected a cross between a sniper and stealth. Using her new skills she snuck up on Mira

"Kriff! Your good."

"Thanks, come on let's go get a drink, I'll need one before heading home. I'm pretty sure he already knows."

They both went to the bar and each ordered a drink they then headed for the shuttle that could take them to Byss. It would be a days journey, mostly because it was in the deep core and ever since Odile was taken down the four rulers tightened security on Byss even more. After the shuttle was in space they unbuckled and layed across the seats, trying to get some sleep. A day later they woke up and were in the spaceport, they then headed for the citadel.

Byss Citadel thrownroom

"So I see you succeed in your in gaining the support of Fathara, and you brought a friend." Delilah said

"Yes my Empress, I gained his trust, and this is Mira Vao."

"Wait, Vao? As in the legendary Mission Vao?" Brian asked as his eyes went wide

"It is honor to finally meet the four founders of this magnificent empire." She said with a bow

"Drop the act Vao." Delilah said

"Nichole why is she here?" Nine asked

"She figured her mission out." Nox said

"I don't understand how anyone could possibly-" Nine said but then it hit him

"I will not deny it, she had heard a rumor of me possibly being there, I only told her my name, she was planning to turn me over to Fathara, and we came to an agreement."

"I'm sure you did-"

"Brian, we will discuss this later." Delilah said with a death glare in her red eyes then turned to Nine "Nine I believe you have a promotion to

Nox, Deliah and Brian all left the room.

"Father, I-"

"I'm not getting into this, it's your life, also the empress is as well. I'm assigning you a rank and number, you are now Cipher 19. Now you have a lot of work to do, I'm giving you my old starship, I had the inside completely redesigned and updated to the current specifications, I understand that gaining the Hutts trust will be difficult, you must do whatever is necessary, the others understand this, and we should have what you need by the time you have the support of all the Hutts, now go and good luck Cipher 19."

Both Nichole and Mira quickly made their way to her private hangar and boarded the ship, they passed an annoying protocol droid, and checked out the rest of the of ship, they were impressed, updated medical bay with two Bacta tanks, a large cargo hold, a small training room, and finally the bedroom. They told the droid to plot a course for Nar Shaddaa, of course it would be another days journey, but that meant they could get some more sleep, neither got any on the flight to Byss.

"I'm laying down, didn't get any sleep on that transport, I'll leave a light on...." Nichole said looking back at Mira

Entering her room she slowly took off her armor, she felt Mira's warm body pressing against hers with her head resting on her shoulder, they both smiled and crawled in bed and fell asleep together. They had been running on adrenaline for the past four days, other trained force sensitives could go weeks without sleep. After another day of space travel they finally arrived in Hutt space once again.

They headed for the industrial sector, they had learned that the Hutts had been trying to infiltrate the Cult of Kallig ever since the new empire was established, but they never succeeded. The only two Hutts who were still on Nar Shaddaa were Kabbura and Raskurro. They were the only Hutts who hadn't been killed yet, but they would not leave. Arriving they were met by cartel security guards and Gamorean Commandos. They were then ushered in.

"Welcome to our fortress, Fathara has spoken highly of you, but one opinion is not enough to convince us." Kabbura said

"I know the drill, I have to prove myself, maybe possibly be sending me to my death. I get it, I been through it enough times when I crewed with the Red Blade."

"So what they say is true."

"Yeah, when you've been in my profession as long as I have, you tend to get used to the routine."

"And this must be that Mira Vao. Damn, she could go far as a dancer."

"She's not for sale, she's a friend and ally."

"Of course, I meant no offense." Kabbura said

"So can we cut the crap and get down to why I'm here."

"Is she always like this Vao?" Raskurro asked

"Eh, she has her days. Just try not to get on her bad side." Mira replied shrugging

"Well then I guess we will get down to business. We have finally decided to leave, but the Cult of Kallig has seized our only ship. If you clear a path to it and get the launch codes we can head for Makeb."

"Sure, I'll get it done. As long as you got the credits."

"Ho! You are as ruthless as they say you are." Kabbura said

"But this blaster rifle is good enough, I'd be willing to trade for any blaster you two have."

"Ho! Of course, I have a large selection of blaster I'd be willing to trade for. Come this way my friend." Raskurro said

Showing her their private vault of blasters, there were thousands of blaster rifles, snipers, pistols. She found one she couldn't take her eyes off of. It was an X-300 fusion-X sharpshooter, taking off the rack she felt like it was made for her.

"Ah, you have good Taste in blasters, I think it's worth the Red Blades carbine." Kabbura said

"Here, take it, never did like it. I can tell this is my new favorite blaster. Now we'll get to work on getting to you're ship."

Mira and Nichole then left and headed for the upper industrial sector, and killing anyone who got in her way, it felt wrong to kill the cult soldiers, but it was for a greater cause. Finally reaching a factory where their starship was, Mira then sliced the computer to get the launch codes and, they then contacted the Hutts to let them know they had everything, heading back to the hideout they covered their escape. As a thank you they left her to take any blasters and armor they had in the vault. Nichole found a Stellar Protecter blaster pistol to go with her X-300 fusion-X sharpshooter and Mira found two Target blasters pistols to go with her armor. But then one set of armor caught Nichole's eye. She then took it and began refitting it for herself.

"Hey are you done fooling around- whoa, nice, what is that?" Mira said

"It's Red Scalene Armor, only my mother and father have the authority to hand this set of armor out. Now I have one of them."

"Why black and red?"

"Why not?"

"Good point."

"Well now that we have a moment to ourselves I was wondering where you got your tattoos? I know you didn't get them from any ordinary tattoo parlor."

"The truth is I'm a Korriban dropout, I'm kinda like you, I can somewhat use the force to strengthen myself and increase my marksmanship and do some of what you can also do but anything beyond that is out my grasp. I guess that's why I fell in love with you."

The Hutts then contacted them that they were headed for Makeb. They then left and headed back to the ship, and contacted Nine.

"Ah cipher 19, I see you have completed your mission on Nar Shaddaa, we can assume you will head for Quesh immediately?" Nine said to his daughter

"Yes father. We will leave immediately."

"Good luck Cipher 19. Supreme Grand Moff Nine Temple out."

They then set a course for Quesh and left for it right away. The Hutt they were looking for was Graag the Hutt, he owned all the adrenal stim factories on Quesh, the other three Hutts had contacted him about them coming to help. Upon arriving at the factory it was under siege by Imperial troops. She felt like she couldn't do it, but then words rang in head that she was to carry out the mission no matter what. Getting in a good position she turned on her stealth generator and snuck up on one with her blaster pistol to the back of his head and pulled the trigger, Mira began firing as well, pulling out her new sniper she began firing away, after mowing down all the troops they then entered the factory and found Graag quickly.

"So, you are the one called Nichole, who helped Fathara, Kabbura, and Raskurro. You have helped the Hutt cartel considerably, and you have secured my factory from the empire. Impressive." Graag said in Huttese

"Me and Mira do our best." She replied

"I hope you realize taking care of a few imperial commandos doesn't win my trust." He said

"Yeah, I know it'll take more than that." She said staring the Hutt in the eyes

"Hm. You got guts kid, retake the mines and maybe I'll join you." He said to her

"Done, they'll be under your control before you know it." She said and left

They began killing all imperials along the way to the mines, Nichole would do sneak attacks while Mira covered her. Reaching the mines they switched, Mira took them head on while Nichole covered her. Finally killing the one in charge, the mines were retaken, worn down they started searching for medpacs and Bacta stims on the corpses. They also found a couple of nutrition bars, healing themselves and eating they then made their way back to the factory.

"Ah I see you are both still alive. I am glad you retook the mines, I am willing to join your alliance. Good luck on Makeb." He said to them

They then left and boarded their ship.

"I take it Graag has agreed to your alliance?"

"Hu hu yes, he has father." She wheezed out

"Good, now get some rest Cipher 19. You'll need it if you're going to makeb. Supreme Grand Moff Nine Temple out." He said

She was exhausted from Quesh, the thick and hot air was wearing her out, but she was now in her air condition ship, she immediately started stripping of her armor and let her hair down, not caring who saw, she then stumbled to the fresher, stepping in and turning on the hot water her body ached but the warm water soothed the pain, suddenly she felt Mira behind her.

"I thought those advanced simulations and live fire drills would have prepare you for this?" She asked her

"It did, just not what I expected."

"Well let me see if I can take your mind off it." She said to her and kissed her

Spinning her around she kissed her again, Mira working her way down, wrapping her arms around the back of her thighs and buried her face in her pussy, Nichole began moaning and gasping Mira kept going, working her tounge up and down, she just smiled at how much Nichole was enjoying this.

"Ohh uhhh, Fuck!" She yelled as she her juices sprayed all over Mira faces

Getting back up she kissed her, and helped her dry off and they went back to the room and laid down for the night. The next day they got up and got dressed and headed for Makeb.

"I see you both have reached Makeb. This planet was recently discovered, they have been mining a substance called Isotope 5, with this substance they have began to gain some ground in the fight with us, but we have learned that the planet is slowly self destructing. Find a way to save it."

"Understood Supreme Grand Moff."

"Good luck Cipher 19, Nine out."

Entering and locking down their hangar, they then took a gravity hook down to the planet. They then went to Toburro's palace and met with Fathara, Kabbura, Raskurro, Graag, Szajin, Khobisho, and Toburro.

"So you and this Twi'lek are the ones the others spoke so highly of. Neither of you look like much." Toburro said in Huttese

"Looks can be deceiving, Toburro."

"You think taking care of a few rebel gamoreans, taking back a few mines and a factory and recapturing a stolen starship will win my support, girl."

"I know it won't, Hutt."

"Your lucky the others speak so highly of you, or I would have killed you for that insult."

"If you would have killed me then you wouldn't get your homeworld back." She fired back

"Hmm, I like a woman who isn't afraid to get a little dirt under her fingernails."

"Oh I can do a lot more than that. I can even figure out how to stabilize the core of this planet."

"How do you plan to do that and how did you aquire this information?"

"One I haven't worked out the details yet but I am working on it. And two I ask around."

"Well give us what your plan is on stabilizing the core so far."

"I'll need your best scientists and best experts on Makeb."

"Meet Lemda Avesta and Nadrin Tro. Lemda is a geophysicist, we captured her and she agreed to work for us on finding a way to stop the ground quakes. Nadrin was a member of the Imperial Science bureau and new thinking division, we also captured him after he tried to infiltrate us, we were planning on killing him but he said he could help save Makeb." Toburro said

"So this is all I have to work with; a geophysicist and scientist, hm I guess it better than being outnumbered a hundred to one with nothing but a holdout blaster." Nichole replied shrugging

The four then left the room to begin strategizing how to save the planet.

"I do hope you realize there is no way to save this damn planet." Lemda said

"Actually there is a way to stabilize the core." Nadrin said

"How can we? It's the deep core mining that's causing all the ground quakes dammit!" Lemda snapped back

"I think we need to cool off, Mira why don't you ask the doctor to give you a tour of the planet while I... talk with our geophysicist." She said looking her in the eyes and winking

"Ah yes, doctor Nadrin would you like to show me the sights of this lovely planet?"

"I don't know what's to show but I guess it-."

"Lets go." She yanking him out of the room

Nichole then turned to Lemda and pushed her against the wall and placed on hand on the wall directly above her shoulder and just stared into her eyes, Lemda kept trying to look away and to her shame she could feel her herself heating up and becoming moist, Nichole smiled, she knew she had her, she always found people easier to submit through sexual pleasure rather than just forcing them to submit.

"I can tell you like it rough, huh?"

"I- I don't know what you mean-"

"Quit lying, you know what I'm talking about. Just how rough?" She said as she started yanking off her jacket and pants and practically ripping off her shirt, she began sucking and licking her hardening nipples, working her down she started to spread her folds and began eating her pussy. Lemda couldn't believe what was happening, she started gasping and moaning but suddenly she stopped. Nichole began stripping of her own armor, on e that was done she continued to eat her out and loving every second of it, Nichole began working three fingers in and out of Lemda's tight pussy. She gasped one more time and orgasmed, sending her juices everywhere, nichole scooped up some and let Lemda taste herself. Getting redressed Mira came back just in time. They all knew what was coming next. Suddenly they all heard large explosions, running to a window they all saw new starfighters of the Dark Infinite empire raining over them, Nichole and Mira knew it was time, grabbing their allies they ran for the ship. Reaching their hangar they were greeted by the new dark council, the four founders, and the other children of the empire. The empress and Ashara were wearing a black and red set of marauder armor, Nox, Bloodlust, Shan, Xalek, Ryan were all wearing black and red dark demise armor, Anakin and Ashana wearing their Eradicator armor except he was still wearing Marr's mask, while Brian, Shae, Gabreu, wore their own armor only painted black and red, Torian switched to a set of black and red armor like the others wore but they still had the lense of their helmets tinted gold, and finally Supreme Grand Moff Nine and Grand Admiral Raina Temple both were wearing red Scalene armor. All had their weapons drawn.

"I see you all made to the party finally. Why the new armor?" Nichole said

"We felt it was time to establish the colors, black for the darkness we cast and red for the blood boiling in our veins." The empress said

"Their this way." Nichole said as she and Mira drew their weapons and lead them to the Hutts

Entering the main chamber to see the Hutts all surprised.

"So you are going to betray us, after all you did for us?" Fathara said

"I'm not the Red Blades first mate, I am a member of imperial intelligence of the Dark Infinite Empire." She said to all the Hutts

"Why?" Fathara asked

"Her mission was to gain you trust, no matter the cost." Nine said in Huttese

Suddenly Delilah threw both of her lightsabers, they decapitated all the Hutts and landed back in her hands, they all headed for their ships, the other ships covered their escaped, once off planet Delilah gave the order to begin orbital bombard. A thousand dreadnoughts began firing away at the surface of Makeb. The planet core was finally exposed after nearly three hours. They finally launched an imperial warhead directly at it, getting out there as fast as they could before the planet exploded. Finally, the last remnant of defiance had been swept away and now the Dark Infinite Empire was truely the only force in the galaxy that could truly rule. Reaching Byss they all returned to the Citadel thrownroom. Each ruler sat in their seat with the five children of the four founders stood before their parents.

"You all have done something beyond anyone could have ever suspected. For what you did Nichole temple and Mira Vao your names will also be carved in the wall of the Hero's of the Empire." Nine said

To be continued....


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