
Star Wars: Rise of the forgotten clan

After the destruction of his clan a lone warrior makes his way through the galaxy. Starts before the battle of Naboo, the mc will work as a mercenary as he tries to rebuild his clan while dealing with a galactic civil war. (This is my first time writing and I am dyslexic so sorry if there are any mistakes.)

Vapidbread829 · Filmes
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126 Chs

Chapter 5

The Speedy Vagabond had been travelling for a several days now and it was now approaching one of the main Galactic trade routes. The journey was taking some time as the asteroid base was quite far into wild space so that the hideout could be well hidden.

Renn had been spending most the time training in the cargo bay with Alpha and Sapphire or hanging out with the other droids.

Currently he was sat in the pilot's seat on the bridge while Sapphire was giving him a lesson on flying. With Sapphire integrated into the ship the Speedy didn't actually need a pilot as sapphire was able to control the whole ship herself, but it was still important for Renn to learn how to do it himself.

Renn was listening intently to Sapphire explain what control did what, when she suddenly cut herself of and all the lights on the bridge turned red.

Renn was stunned for a moment as the doors to the bridge shot open and Alpha seemed to throw himself into the room while yelling for an update on the situation.

"Just picked up a ship on long range sensors, scans show it's a pirate vessel. I've put the ship in cloak and put of in battle ready settings, the pirates don't appear to have spotted us but there could be more of them." Sapphire informed them while an image of a Corona class armed frigate appeared on the display Infront of Renn and Alpha.

"New scans show the ships is named the Vermin and it's owned by a Zygerrian pirate Somok Giza. According to Republic records Giza and his gang are wanted for multiple counts of theft, kidnapping, murder as well as a multitude of other crimes. The Records also show Giza and his gang operate alone so its unlikely there are other pirate ships in the vicinity." Sapphire gave an update to the others.

"What do you want to do little one," Alpha asked as he turned to look at Renn.

Renn thought for a moment before answering, "they are dangerous we can't just leave them out here, we can deal with them but the next ship to stumble across them probably won't be able to and the republic doesn't patrol out this far. We should destroy them."

Alpha nodded in agreement while Sapphire started thinking up an attack plan, "we're cloaked, and they haven't detected us, so their shields are down. We should be able to just blast them out of space with minimal effort as we fly past. I can start…"

"WAIT!" Renn yelled shocking both Alpha and Sapphire as they saw Renn with his eyes tightly shut and his hands on his head as though he was in pain.

"We can't destroy that ship," Renn panted out, "I just felt something through the force, I can feel something, no someone important on that ship."

Alpha then spoke up, "If these pirates are known for kidnapping people to sell into slavery there could be innocents on board, Renn's right we can't just blow it up."

"Then we should get in close and then destroy their engines so Alpha and his merry band of homicidal killing machines can board the ship and eliminate the pirates." Sapphire offered as a new plan.

"Can I join you and the others in boarding the ship" Renn asked hopefully.

""no"" two sets of voices chorused immediately.

"You are still too young right now, let me and the others deal with any dangers first then you can join us," Alpha said to try and soften the blow.

"Okay" Renn responded slightly sulkily.


Renn was stood in the conference room with Alpha and the rest of the assassin droids as Alpha was going through the plan with them. Renn was wearing the armour Alpha had got him in honour of the occasion and despite only barely being taller than the holo-projector they were stood around he still felt like a warrior about to go into battle.

"The layout of the corona class looks like this," Alpha said while gesturing to the schematics projected in front of them.

"After Sapphire uses the Speedy's weapon systems to disable the enemy ship we will then manoeuvre into positions and board using the air lock. Once inside we can expect between forty and fifty hostiles. Renn do you have an idea where the person you sensed is?"

"Yeah, around here." Renn pointed at an area of the schematic.

"That is the brig, so we now know we are looking for a prisoner." Alpha paused for a moment while thinking. "When we board the ship Crow you go left and clear that portion of the ship while Earl you do the same on the right."

After receiving nods he continued, "Spark you and me will head to the command room and eliminate any opposition. Once we are in control of the ship we can meet back up with Crow and Earl and look for any pirates we might have missed. Scythe, while the rest of us are dealing with securing the ship you will make your way to the brig and protect the prisoner or prisoners."

They all nodded again in understanding before Alpha turned to look at Renn. "Renn you and Bolt will stay by the entrance to the airlock to protect our ship in case any pirates try to escape onto it."

Renn nodded happy and proud to be part of the team.