

In the scorching hot desert planet of Tatooine, there were no rules or laws or any form of government to maintain law and order. Slavery, murders, rapes, torture were common sight in this planet. It was a heaven for smugglers, bounty hunters, space pirates and criminals.

With the presence of Hutts like Jabba, the situation became worse. Crime rate was in all time high. Republic had turned a blind eye to the situation.

Very few were willingly living in this planet. Either they were hiding from their enemies or they were criminals.

Arisham life in Tatooine was like any other slave. From the moment he was old enough to remember he worked for his master a Toydarian junk dealer and human trafficker called Watto who owned a junkshop in Mos Espa.

Watto made him to work on organizing the junks at first. He was too little to do anything. Watto bought him because he was very cheap. Who would want a 3 year old as a slave.

Slowly he grew up and managed to learn how to fix machines. He was talented enough in fixing them that Watto managed to have more customers. This made Watto happy and he gave some money to the boy for his own use.

Arisham lived inside the shop. He had all the spare time to work on the junks as he wanted. When he was eight, Watto brought two more slaves a mother and son pair after wining them from a hutt.

The mother named Shmi Skywalker was very kind even in this hell. She became a mother like figure for the young Arisham who didn't know what was love and care till now. And her son Anakin who was only three became his younger brother.

Arisham had discovered in an early age that he was special. When he was five some criminals had broke into the shop at the middle of the night. Watto was not in the shop like everyday and they wanted to use this chance to steal whatever they could.

When they discovered Arisham, the aimed a blaster at him wanting to kill him and leave no witness of their crimes.

Arisham was terrified. Anger and fear, both began to fill his thoughts. He wanted to live even if he was a slave. He had dreams to be one day free from slavery and live his own life.

He heard the blaster being fired but the expected pain never came. When he opened his eyes, he saw the beam energy being frozen mid air. And the criminals frozen as if time had stopped.

He was surprised at first but voice like whisper told him he was responsible for what was happening. He decided to follow the unknown voice. He got out of the beams line of fire and willed with all his willpower to kill the criminals.

The blaster beam was unfrozen and all the criminals had their necks twisted in full 180 degree. he didn't fill anything at first. He felt like he could do anything. A feeling of euphoria spread across his mind.

This was the first time he used the Dark Side of the Force.

Soon the feeling of all powerful left him and a fatigue filled his young body. That was when it hit him that he had just killed someone. He threw up on the spot. Now he was feeling terrible of his own action. Even if it was for self sustenance, killing someone was not a wonderful feeling.

It took him sometime to put himself together. Fighting against the fatigue, he went to another room before he lost his consciousness.

Watto came in the morning and found the corpses. Thankfully he didn't have any doubt on Arisham. After all who in their right mind would think, a boy barely five year killing a group of adults.

Arisham told Watto that he was hit in the back of his head when the criminals came inside. He didn't know what happened later.

Dead bodies were a common thing in a lawless town like Mos Espa. No body gave a second look when Watto hired someone to get rid of the bodies.

Arisham didn't tell anyone about the night's event. He kept it a secret. But his curiosity for the unknown power had him fix a damaged holocaster to search for this power.

He had seen many thugs and bounty hunters using them. Being a junk dealer meant they had many junks with little use. But with his skills it was an easy thing.

From there he learned about the Force for the first time. He learned about the Jedi Order and how they use force to guide them.

It was very surprising to find the amount of information you could find on the holonet for free. But not all the info's were true.

It took him several weeks of trial and errors to use the force consciously. He managed to float a screw on his palm.

Whenever he was frustrated he would feel the whispers of the dark side. But his fear of what happened that night kept him from using it.

After several months of watching various holovids of jedi in action and reading several articles on the force and how jedi use it.

Of course all of this was done in secrecy whenever Watto wasn't around.

He learned to be patience. He knew he had no one to help him in learning how to use the force. Also from whatever little information he had managed to gather about jedi, he learned it wasn't easy to learn how to use force.

Slowly as he grew older, his dream of a jedi coming and freeing him from slaver to take him to jedi temple to learn, began to wither. And after the Skywalkers came, he felt love and care for the first time.

Arisham gave up his dream but continued to practice in secret. He had managed to learn telekinesis over the years. But anything like that night was almost impossible to do.

Thankfully another incident like that didn't occur.

Soon he was a teenager. He had learned to be realistic rather than dreaming.

By now he had managed to save a good deal of money in order to free himself from slavery.

Watto didn't keep a detailed list of what junk he had. So it was easier for Arisham to take whatever he wanted. He would fix certain machines and would later sell them to pirates and thugs without Watto's knowledge.

Living in slavery for this long had made him mature early. Although with the Skywalkers, he had something to call a family. Shmi had almost immediately persuaded him to come and live with them after she came.

He felt happy for the first time. She was like a mother to him. He didn't know of his parents. The only info he had was that they were killed by Tusken raiders and he was sold as a slave by them.

Even his surname was unknown to him. Shmi had persuaded to take their surname but he resisted all the times.

Although he lived with the Skywalkers, he had a hidden cave where he kept his stuffs for trade and train himself in the ways of the force. Stealing whatever he could and salvaging parts from the junks, he had built himself a gym.

His savings helped him to buy good food which he often shared with his new family. Shmi didn't enquire how he managed to get them. Arisham was thankful or that.

Due to Arisham's help, Shmi and Anakin had relatively good life. As Arisham continued to learn more about the force by himself, he didn't limit himself like the jedi did.

He searched the holonet for any piece of information regarding force even if it was rumour. He learned about Siths, an order opposite of jedi who used the dark side of the force. He learned of the history of battles between jedi and sith of the old.

Due to this, he sometimes unknowingly learned some dark side force abilities. But him learning was from rumour of what sith could do. He didn't have to tap into the dark side because nobody told him he needed anger, hatred and other negetive feelings for it.

From his point of view, force was just an form of energy. What you do with that energy is what mattered. If you used it to kill and torture others and you enjoyed it, then it was bad. But if you used it to defend yourself and you had to kill your enemies but you felt guilt and didn't enjoy the act, then it wasn't bad.

After all, a sentient lifeform sometime eat other life forms but they didn't turn out to be bad. In the nature carnivores eat other carnivores and herbivores. It was their nature.

So, although he knew about dark side and felt the siren call of it from the first time he used force, he didn't let anger and hatred consume him. Shmi's love and care like a mother and Anakin's like a younger brother also helped him to ignore the call of the dark side.

He used the force as a whole.

Due to his belief, he found a balance within him.

When he found about meditation in the holonet, he started to meditate often feeling the force around him and in other life forms. He could feel the malice coming from thugs and criminals as well as the Hutts. Places where various negetive acts were committed often was filled with darkness.

During such a session he found out about the untapped potential hidden inside Anakin. He wanted to train Anakin, but by the time he had found out about him, he was already too late.

Cause he sensed the arrival of two jedi near their town.