
star wars outlaws season 1

when the ghost crew didn't come back for Ezra he escape but now form a more unlikely team and somewhat more unstable family. will his new family thrive or will it be another victim of the empire. find out in this new series STAR WARS OUTLAWS.

Mhafandom · TV
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7 Chs

ep 6 droids in distress

Disclaimer-i own nothing except oc characters and some of the plot. Star Wars is owned by Disney and Rebels was created by Dave Filoni,Simon Kinberg,Carrie Beck, and Greg Weisman.

See note in the end.


The parabellum was zipping around dodging blaster fire from multiple tie fighters. The pilot and self-proclaimed captain Leila was trying her best to dodge much to her frustration. Numik was checking the engines,Baz was at the turret firing at the tie fighters,Ezra was sitting next to Leila doing stuff that she instructed him to do and widget was running around checking if there was any damage. After dodging one last row of tie fighter afire, leila punched it and went into hyperspace finally ending the chase. Leila sat back and let out a breath of relief but she still had some frustration with how the mission went.

Both numik and baz came into the cockpit to report what happened and how many ties they potentially shot down but seeing leila's mad face made them freeze up a bit. An angry leila is not exactly a good thing. Leila turned her chair with arms folded and with a displeased tone she spoke.

"so we have no money,supply is running low,fuel for our ship is running empty and the empire is on high alert for us. Numik please tell us if there is something for us to do to get some credits." Leila said with both anger and stress in her voice.

"Um yeah one job we have is a weapon deal with the crime lord called cikatro vizago. Are we sure we should help this guy?" numik said, a little hesitant about helping vizago criminal ventures even though he and the rest of his crewmates were criminals. vizago was the type of criminal who would sell his family for a few credits. Vizago was a type of criminal where money was his only god that he worshiped. Sure they were criminals but out of circumstance and survival.

"We have to do this even if we like it or not. I don't like vizago but if helping him will put food on the table and make our ship still operational then we will do it" baz said. Baz's hatred for vizago was complicated but he won't let it get in the way of business.

"Fine but I won't be happy on this mission. Now I hacked some imperial channels and there is going to be a shuttle in a lothal spaceport with a ton of weapon shipments." numik informed the crew with leila punching in some coordinates to lothal.

"Well we better do this right because we have enough fuel for five jumps so we better not waste it." Leila said hoping that they would get the crates to get the credit to fuel up their only form of transportation. Using one of their four jumps, Leila piloted the ship close to their destination on lothal.

"Okay this shuttle and the shipment will go to the planet Garel, something i will ." numik said writing it down on a datapad.

"As soon as I drop you guys off I will go to Garel so you guys can quickly get the load on the ship" Leila planned. The crew agreed to the plan and started the adventure.

(Lothal space port)

The crew minus leila enter the shuttle and sit in their seats waiting for an imperial officer or something to enter. Amda wabo a well known Aqualish representative of the Garel weapon industry to some circles and someone who numik was expecting.

"this should be easy now who is the imperi- oh WOW" numik thought as he saw what to him was the most beautiful woman he saw. While numik was gazing lovingly at Maketh tua who sat down next to Amda beginning negotiations. A golden protocol droid and a blue astromech enter; one of them seems to be a translator for minister tua. After takeoff Widget and Baz go along with the plan, start a fight with ezra.

"Will you cut it out! You have plenty of room!" Ezra said out loud as widget began to fight ezra. Baz made a fake angry look toward Ezra. Baz was not a good actor but when you have to deal with rough crowds you have to look mean and tough.

"Kid, how 'bout you get your teddy bear under control?" Baz said, also causing a scene. Baz turned to the pilot and shouted "Hey, pilot. Isn't there some rule against droids in the passenger area?".

The pilot droid acknowledged that and banished widget to the back. Ezra took this opportunity and pointed out that if his pet is banished then the two droids have to be banished, something the pilot droid also acknowledged much to tua frustration.

Numik got out of his starstruck to "help" the minister "excuse me I can't help but to notice your predicament and since my niece is a level 5 at the imperial academy. She has helped me learn the Aqualish language so I can help you translate."

"Your niece is a level five academy student? I was too, once upon a time." Tua smiled, something that made numik blush a little. Ezra and Baz saw this and hope this doesn't screw them in the end. Tua politely asked numik if he could ask where the supplies were. Amda began to talk with numik listening for key details to help find where it was and he heard bay seven.

"Okay he says that the stuff you're looking for is at bay seventeen." Numik lied. Numik was feeling guilty for some reason which is weird because he lied to so many people before but this one just made him feel awful. "Maybe just maybe he is in no no focus on the mission the crew is counting on you." numik thought trying to hide this unfamiliar feeling.

Before anybody could say or do anything else the pilot tells the passengers that they arrived at their destination. The passengers got up from their seats and left the craft with tua thanking numik and to tell his "niece" to study on her level fives. The rest of the crew exit with numik telling them that the crates was at bay seven. Ezra went into the vents that led to the roof of the storage facility. Ezra ran to the edge of the building to see that he needed to jump from multiple platforms.

"Well here I go." Ezra thought to himself as he jumped. Ezra landed on the first platform with no problem as he rolled to stop his momentum as a hover car flew across. Ezra jumped across To the next platform with the same ease as the first one with him using some momentum to make the next jump. Ezra made the third jump but almost got hit by a hover car and started to slip but at the last second hold on and climb up on the platform. Ezra saw the roof of bay seven and thought the distance was too great for him.

Ezra would stop but to his terror his body didn't stop and jumped to the much higher and farther roof. Ezra in his mind was screaming and was praying for help. Closing his eyes Ezra waited for gravity to pull him but during his jump Ezra felt something pushing him up to the roof on bay seven. With a roll to stop his momentum Ezra had to catch his breath. Ezra looked over the edge and he was shocked to see how far the jump was. Before he could think about this more he reminded himself to open the door to bay seven.

Ezra entered through an opening and opened the bay door with the rest coming in to collect their reward. Baz widget and numik thanked Ezra for his part. Baz lifted the crates onto a moving lift. Numik was going to push the lift with Ezra and Widget keeping guard by the door. Numik was curious what weapons they were dealing with here.

"um guys look at this." numik said, lifting up one of the weapons. The weapons were t-7 ion disruptors. Baz was shocked to see these.

"I thought these were banned. I haven't seen these in a long time" Baz said, not expecting this. The extraction team was going to deal with this when they got back to the ship. They started to push the cargo out the bay toward leila location but were stopped by the minister and a group of stormtroopers. The stormtrooper with the orange shoulder thing told them to stop. Baz raised his hands and walked toward the group of stormtroopers with Ezra and numik asking what he was doing.

"What seems to be the problem, minister?" Baz asked, faking innocence. Ezra and Numik were panicking about what was going to happen to them. Amda wabo began to talk about something only baz and numik understand without being translated.

"Amda Wabo says those crates contain his disruptors." C-3po translated. Baz got a bit closer which made some of the stormtroopers nervous.

"That can't be possible because those are illegal weapons." Baz said, still using his innocent bravado. Numik orders Ezra to continue pushing the crates. Ezra slowly pushes the crates onto the ship hoping to get away from this situation.

"That's irrelevant. We're going to search your crates." Tua said with frustration after today's shenanigans. Baz shrugged and gave a gesture that was confirmation to check. The leader ordered his men to search the crates. When two soldiers were behind baz he enacted his plan.

"Actually I changed my mind." Baz said, grabbing and tossing two of the men at the group, knocking down most of them. Baz rushed at the leader and headbutted with such strength and force that it broke the stormtrooper helmet and knocked the leader out. Some of the stormtroopers got up and started to shoot at baz but he proved to be difficult to hit as he struck many of them with a hunter speed. Numik took out his blaster and started to take out some of the troopers to help baz. When he tried to shoot down another stormtrooper he saw the minister looking at him with an angry expression which gave him pause and he just couldn't breathe at that moment.

"Come on, we have to go!" Ezra said, pulling on numik trying to go. Ezra and numik pushed the crates into the ship with widget helping Ezra push. Baz saw Ezra,numik and widget entering and through the blaster fire he got in unscathed unaware that he and the crew got two uninvited guests in the form of an astromech and protocol droid.

(Parabellum cargo area)

Ezra,widget and numik were catching their breath but stopped when they saw the droids. Ezra,widget and numik stood in an awkward silence for a few moments because they thought imperial droids invaded their ship.

"Hello I am c-3po, and this is my counterpart, r2-d2. I was translating for Minister Tua until we were attacked by thieves like, uh... you." c-3po said, realizing who these people were when baz came in the room. The crew was confused by these droids who they had never met before. Before any of them could respond, Leila came in looking down at the datapad with vizago location.

"Okay now that we have the cargo we can meet vizago at-" Leila stopped when she looked up and saw the uninvited guest. The crew was cringing a little bit thinking she was going to explode on them. To their slight relief she sighed and rubbed her eyes in frustration, not exploding on them immediately.

"Why are there two droids when we were supposed to grab some weapons?" Leila said in a low and tired voice not seeing the weapons. Numik steps up to defend the crew action and a possible solution.

"Well these two droids somehow snuck into the ship but don't worry because maybe we can make money off of them and if vizago does not accept these droids we can sell them for scraps so it is a win win for us. Plus we do have the cargo we need so we successfully follow our objectives." numik explained his plan and left out how the mission truly Went. Leila thought over the plan numik had and agreed to it.

"Fine, we will try to sell these droids. I will obviously pilot to vizago location. But I have to ask what kind of weapons we are hauling." leila asked. Numik opened one of the crates and showed of the t-7 ion disruptors much to Leila's shock.

"I'm going to be honest, I don't like selling these to vizago." numik said with regret in his voice.

"Well we have to if we want to continue our operation." Said Leila with no regret in her voice. .

"Why are these banned anyways?" ezra asked.baz took one of the disruptors out of the crates.

"These were banned because not only could you take down a ship but also take down multiple people. A long time ago before being a part of this group I was doing a job in lothal where I overheard some high position imperials talking about how these can atomize an entire group of enemies." baz explained. Before baz or anyone else can continue Ezra took some from the crates and began to break them by messing there internal components much to the crew shock.

"What the hell ezra!" Leila exclaimed both confused and angry at Ezra's actions. Ezra finish breaking the set he had gathered.

"If we break them then not only will they not get into any imperial circles but they also won't be used for harm by vizago and his band of awful people." Ezra said, trying to gather more.

"What if they want to do a weapons test?" leila pointed out.

"I thought about that and we can keep one unbroken but the rest must be destroyed. I'd rather have one of them active than all of them." Ezra reasoned. Leila sighed and hung her head but didn't argue with ezra.

"Fine we'll break the weapons but if this bite us the ass I know who to blame." Leila said. The crew take the weapons out of the crates and break them much to c-3po protest.

After breaking all but one the crew started to plan what to do. R2 d2 and c 3po pick up as much details as they can.

Ok now that done let's get these to lothal.Ezra you will be my co-pilot and you three will put restraint bolts on the droids." Leila orders.

"Excuse me, mam, but this is a terrible mistake. My partner and I are in the service of Minister Tua of Lothal."

"Oh be quiet you." Leila said while exiting the cargo area with Ezra in tow leaving numik,baz and widget to work on the droids.

"So you and tua" Baz said with a little tease.

"It's nothing, I just felt hot at that moment and I got sick a little."

"Right and when I fought those stormtroopers you stopped shooting at them and from what I saw when I was in your direction you froze looking at her."

"Look what you're implying is not gonna happen because i doubt she likes me now knowing full well what i'm doing and who im with."

"Who knows there have been some forbidden loves before."

"Yeah well this is forbidden and never gonna be a thing."

"Not with that attitude."


Awkward silence filled the cockpit as both Ezra and Leila prepared to jump to lothal. Leila looked over at Ezra who was doing his own thing. The zabrak woman tried to say something to break the silence but didn't know what to say and turned away in shame. Leila thought of her as a strong woman who would feel no shame but here she is in shame for not talking to her teammate in a normal conversation.

"So have you met this vizago? I mean I heard about him but I have never seen him before." Ezra breaks the silence.

"No i never met him per say but i saw him doing a private deal with other criminals." Leila said.

"I hope vizago a reasonable guy." Ezra said hoping for the best.

"Vizago is a man of reason sometimes but he is also a man of business so he is not afraid to screw people over so never trust him." leila warned.

"I won't, it's just one of the many clients we are working for but it's best we know who we work for." Ezra said. Leila smiled at how serious ezra could be at this type of business that no kid should be in.

"Okay hyperdrive in 3,2,1" leila announced as she made the ship jump to lothal.

(lothal,vizago camp.)

Vizago was waiting for the people he hired. The devaronian crime lord had droids near him to help him load his rewards. The parabellum had landed near with the cargo area opening and the crew pushing the cargo out of the ship.

"Here is what you wanted vizago." Baz said in an angry tone pushing one of the crates.

"Baz, nice to see you. Nice to know you have not become rancore food." vizago said, taking one of the weapons out of the crates.bazgrowled about ready to beat up vizago but numik held him back.

"My my what nice instruments you got me. Yes, they will play beautiful music." vizago said, eyeing the weapon. The crew were uncomfortable by that statement that convince them now that it was a good idea to destroy those weapons.

"They are not that type of instrument." leila said.

"Weapons are instruments. They are instruments of war that make beautiful music out of the screams of your enemies, something I will gladly conduct." okay now the crew was really happy they destroyed most of them. Vizago looked through the scope of theion disrupter to see a ship carrying two at-dps.

"You were followed." vizago said, turning towards the crew who looked confused and worried.

"That shouldn't be possible." numik said in disbelief. Before the crew could act, Vizago grabbed half of the cargo and put it in his vehicle.

"Hey, pay us first before leaving!" Leila demanded.

"Cikatro Vizago doesn't pay for half a shipment. And he doesn't pay for trouble with Imperials. My friends, I hope you live to bargain another day. And if you don't... eh." vizago said before leaving.

"VIZAGO YOU COWERD GET BACK HERE OR I WILL KILL YOU." Baz roared in anger. The at-dps landed with a few troops landing also with kallus wearing his battle suit front and center. The crew hid behind two separate giant boulders.

"What should we do now?" Ezra asked. Baz got an idea and handed Ezra two remote explosives.

"Ezra, I want you to put these two remotes on two different crates. Numik grabs one of the ion disruptors and fire at one of the vehicles. Leila you and I are going to distract them. You will try to draw fire from one of the at-dps and that will allow numik to destroy one" baz said.

"I hope this is a good plan baz." Leila said, hoping that they wouldn't die. Baz got out of his corner with the stormtroopers pointing their blasters at them. Ezra began to put the bombs on the crates.

"Well it seems to be the end of the road for you and your merry band of criminals. Now come quietly or will this be an impromptu execution." kallus said with authority.

"Kallus, i offer you a challenge." baz proclaimed.kallus looked at baz with confusion.

"A challenge, why would I accept a challenge from a criminal like you." kallus said with little patience. Baz knew where to strike kallus.

"I am a trandoshan and we are known as great hunters plus these men follow you because they think you're a high ranking member who can and has accomplished so much. So they think that maybe you can take down a lonely trandoshan in combat unless you're all talk." baz said exploiting kallus pride. Kallus looked at his men and back at baz with frustration written on his face. Kallus made a fist gesture for his men to stand down.

"Fine but to let you know I'm not going to be easy on you." kallus said, taking out something that shocked baz. Kallus in his hands had a bo-rifle in its electric staff form. Kallus smirked a little in a sadistic manner. Baz shook out of his shocked state and put on a brave face.

"Good, I don't want a soft opponent who only gives love taps." baz said. Kallus was not expecting that response and looked at baz with anger. Baz smirked a little because he knew he had damaged a little of kallus pride. Kallus began the fight with him rushing at baz and swinging his bo staff at him but baz dodge. Kallus kept swinging with rapid speed and skillful handling but baz kept dodging with speed that a hunter like him needed.

Kallus swiped at baz who quickly got out of the way but decided to now make a move as he made his first punch which kallus blocked with his staff. Kallus grunted at how strong his opponent's punch was. Kallus backed up a bit to examine his weapon. To kallus shock he saw a little crack in his weapon singling how strong his opponent was. The stormtroopers were looking on in tense silence as they saw kallus having a hard time hitting the trandoshan.

Baz, while not showing it was getting a little tired from dodging but knew he had to hold kallus off for a few more minutes. Kallus was not only getting angry but also having his pride ruined in front of his men, something that he will not stand for. Both men started to circle each other like wild animals who were about to go to war. Baz was breathing a little heavy hoping that his oppertunity would come soon.

"I was hoping for a strong ibs agent but all i got was another weak servant for the empire." baz trashed talk. Kallus roared in anger and began to swing his bo-staff with rapid speed. Baz began to dodge again and wait for his opponent to give an opening. Kallus, fueled by anger tried to hit baz with his bo-rifle with rapid speed but due to said anger made his swings a little sloppy. After another failed strike and starting to see his exhaustion, Baz struck again.

The punch baz threw had landed straight on kallus face making kallus stagger back a bit and fall on the ground. Kallus held his face and when he removed his hand from his face to look at his hand he saw a red liquid staining his gloved hand. Kallus in shock touched his face again only to cringe because he realized that punch had made his nose bleed and bruised the side of his face. Kallus got back up, picking up his bo-rifle gripping at it hard, his mind racing. He believed to be a hardened soldier who was better than many people, especially low life criminals but here a criminal, a person kallus thought was beneath him, was beating him in combat in front of his men, something that made both his pride and status hurt.

"you hit me, you hit ME HOW DARE YOU. I'M SUPPOSED TO BE BETTER THAN YOU. WHY WHY WHY." Kallus shouted his rage finally breaking. The troopers were now uncomfortable by this. Baz now had a chance.

GO." Baz shouted and with speed Leila ran. Kallus saw this and ordered the at-dps to fire. One of them did fire and while Leila did dodge by throwing herself out of the way she got bruised and cut in some area. Before the at-dp could fire again numik fired the disruptor at the vehicle putting it out of commission. Before the other at-dp could fire Ezra pushed one of the crates at it while also pushing a crate at the stormtroopers who were confused but kallus saw through this trick.

"MOVE." kallus shouted but it was too late as both crates exploded destroying the other at-dp and killed some of the stormtroopers. The stormtrooper who was still alive was trying to get their bearings together. This gave the crew enough time to run back to their ship and escape. Kallus called Aresko and Grint for backup.

"Aresko,Grint the criminals ship is fleeing.catch them." kallus order.


The crew was running to their stations preparing for some trouble. Leila and her co-pilot Ezra began to pilot the ship ,Baz was in the turret waiting for the tie fighters to appear to fire at them and the ewok/mirial of numik and widget duo was checking on everything if it was in working order. It was silent for a few minutes and the crew thought that nothing was going to happen but that silence was soon broken. The familiar wailing of tie fighters made their presence known. Ten tie fighters were chasing after them.

"So we start the day fighting tie-fighters and now we end the day fighting tie-fighters with limited fuel. We are living the good life huh." Ezra jokes. Ezra was looking at the ship navigation system not noticing that Leila was smirking at Ezra's joke.

Baz began to shoot at the tie fighters which dodge at first. Leila began to swerve the ship in random direction to dodge the tie fighters fire. One of the ties hit the parabellum which caused the ship to shake violently causing numik and widget to trip and hurt them. Baz hit two tie-fighters which caused them to spin a little and explode.

"Leila, there are two tie-fighters next to us. They are so close that baz can't shoot at them and we can't move away from them." Ezra informed, looking at their radar. After another shake of their ship, Leila had an idea that involved a risky move.

"Well then they hope their ships are sturdy. Brace for impact." Leila said, gripping at the controls of the ship. Ezra looked confused and worried at what Leila was going to do.

"Leila what are you going to d-" before Ezra could finish his sentence Leila quickly steered the ship both sides smashing the ties making them go out of control and blowing up. This causes the ship to shake so violently that everybody sitting almost falls out of there seats. Numik fell again, further hurting him.

"OW, CAN YOU BE MORE CAREFUL." numik shouted in pain. Widget was holding on for dear life on the table in the lounge area. After that move the ship can move a bit more freely to get better angles to shoot at the tie-fighters. Baz got a clear shot on one tie and fired, taking the craft down for good. Two ties got in front of the parabellum which caused Leila to fire the front cannons and take them out.

The last three were no problem as baz quickly shot them down ending this handicap ship battle. They were now safe to take a breath however they still had one problem that needed solving. They needed money.

(lounge room)

"Well we have no money and we don't have enough fuel to do another job we are royally screwed." Leila said both exhausted and frustrated. All of the crew were either tired or bruised but in the case of leila and numik it was both. Before the crew could throw in the towel c-3po came into the room.

"Excuse me mam while i was translating for minister tua i am officially under the ownership of senator bail organa of alderaan and i believe he will pay you for me and my companion return." c-3po explained. The crew looked at each other and this seemingly random act of luck.

"Y'know i would question the odds that we manage to pick up the droids of a pretty prominent senator who will most likely pay us but i am just happy the odds played in our favor." Ezra said in a grateful tone. The two droids who they thought were trouble turned into a blessing in disguise.

"I will send a message to my owner and you can meet him where he requests." c-3po said sending a message to bail organa and waiting for a reply.

(tantive iv near alderaan)

The crew boarded the senator ship and came face to face with the man. Bail was secured by his non-imperial guards which gave the crew a relief because they were attacked enough today.

"Hello you must be the people who are bringing my droids back." senator bail organa said with a friendly tone of voice. To prove they were the ones the crew brought the two droids in front of bail who look happy to see them again. Bail order his guards to leave seeing that these people can be trusted.

"Thank you for bringing them back to me. Me and especially my daughter are very fond of these droids." bail said giving the crew their payment they need so badly.

"It's no big deal plus we should thank you because without these credits we would have to sell our ship to survive." numik said in appreciation.

"Well your kindness you have shown by returning my droids is much appreciated. An old saying i heard a while back said that The simplest gesture of kindness can fill a galaxy with hope." bail said. Numik's eyes widened in shock by that saying.

"Isn't that an old jedi saying?" numik asked wanting to know where he got that saying before.

"I really should get back home. I'm pretty sure my family misses me already safe travels." bail said not answering numik questions much to numik disappointment. The crew left with credits to continue their operation. After the crew left the ship it left bail and the droids alone to chat.

"This entire ordeal has rather stressed every one of my circuits. Permission to shut down?" c-3po asked which bail gave permission. Bail turned to r2-d2.

"Did you record them and what they do." bail asked to which r2 d2 beeped in confirmation.

"Good, after hearing about this group of outlaws, maybe they will become great allies and helpful people to our cause. But I need to see more to be sure." bail said planning for future use of the parabellum crew.

(capital city-imperial complex medical wing)

Agent kallus was getting a checkup to see if there was any injury to his face after his fight with baz to which the doctor confirmed no lasting damage. Grint and aresko was beside him telling him the damage they sustained when sending the tie fighters. Kallus after today was humiliated on all fronts that matter to him. An agent came in to tell him some news.

"Sir,Tarkin wishes to conduct a meeting with you and a mister tormo." the agent informed kallus. Kallus already had a form of dread looming over him because he knew tarkin would chew him out. Aresko and grint told kallus good luck in the meeting something kallus needed.,

(conference room)

Kallus entered the conference room and saw two holoprojectors. Kallus took a deep breath trying to relax his nerves and began the meeting. Both Tarkin and tormo by what kallus could guess by their body position, were sitting down. Tarkin looked unpleased while tormo had a face of unconcern something kallus disliked.

"Agent kallus i heard that you once again failed to capture the criminals and that i believe would give you a second strike. You are in dangerous territory now, Agent kallus." Tarkin said in a dangerous tone as kallus flinch at this announcement.

"Come on, Tarkin, give the kid some slack. He pretty much had to plan on the spot." tormo surprisingly came to kallus defense.

"Mr tormo i believe that dealing with you was a waste of time because you pretty much haven't done anything." tarkin fired back.

"Well tarkin the reasoning is because unlike you i don't have fleets upon fleets of men to help me so i got to be conservative of my men and where to strike plus im in works of a plan that will succeed. Like i said given the circumstance kallus shouldnt be given another strike." tormo reason. Tarkin gave a deep sigh of frustration.

"Fine i will not give kallus a second strike but i expect better from you kallus. Tarkin out" the hologram of tarkin faded away leaving only kallus and sor tormo.

"Why did you help me?" kallus asked. Soc tormo smirked in a way that unnerved kallus in a way.

"I help you because while I am ruthless and I don't care for a lot of things, It would not help my plan and goals if you and your companions were freaking out." tormo said.

"What is your plan?" kallus asked.

"I don't have my plan fully fleshed out but they will see me in their final moments, trust that unless you capture them first since fair game. But on the next subject I have some of my people who can and are willing to help you on your next mission." tormo said.

"Can you lend me a total of four of you men please?" kallus asked.

"Since you said the magic word I will most certainly give you four of my men." tormo said.

"I promise to keep one alive for you. More specifically the girl you know" kallus informed.

"Well it was nice to talk and good luck on your mission.i have to continue my mission by make some plans." tomro ended the call. Kallus was relieved to know he didn't get a second strike but he had to do something. Kallus exited the conference room and walked up to Aresko and Grint.

"Okay i just got out of the meeting and we didn't get a second strike." kallus said. Both grint and aresko were happy by this news.

"But Tarkin was not happy at all so we need a different strategy." kallus said.

"What do you think we should do?" grint asked.kallus ran his hand over his hair in obvious stress.

"I don't know but I will think of something. I want you two to patrol the area." kallus order to which both officers compiled. After both officers left, Kallus returned to his office to do some stupid paperwork he hated to do. Kallus was a man of action who wanted to be in the front lines not a pencil pusher who works behind a desk; however, due to today's circumstance, him not being in action was probably the best. Kallus' mind kept going back to the trandoshan and fury filled his mind.

"I will beat you next time because I'm better than you." kallus said to himself planning his revenge.

This took a long time to make. The reason was that it was my first time adapting an episode and I hope I did well. I also hope i did good doing a "fight" scene. Love it,hate it or meh. Mhafandom signing out.