

Vaner awoke three days later, at first, he felt alright just a little mentally exhaust before being assaulted by the pain of this right arm making him want to yell but he still holds it after all he ask for it.

Remembering what he had done Vaner couldn't help but shake his head before quickly stopping as it made his right arm move. Feeling the pain of having his arm destroyed by his own move Vaner couldn't but find himself dumb, breaking an arm to just not look like a clown for a few seconds.

His arm was really hurting him, he had already injured himself during his training but such pain was the first so he could guess that it wasn't just a broken bone making him sigh while letting out a pained groan.

Looking around he knew he was in his quarter of the starships. "So we are going back" murmured Vaner before starting to move in all direction searching for his crystal only to realize it was still in his left hand, he also realize that he was hungry but he wouldn't be able to eat anything soon as he saw Raskta drowsy face in front of him becoming fiercer with each passing second making him know that until she had said her piece eating was nothing but a dream.

The way back from Ilum was better for the young padawan but still not the best experience they had as now they only hoped to arrive faster to build their own lightsaber with their kyber crystal. Vaner was focusing on recuperating from his injury with Raskta taking of him with Bhak who was hopefully here to stop her barbaric way to take care of someone.

Soon one month passed and the starship arrived on Coruscant the padawan had long since calmed down and while they wanted their own lightsaber none rushed out of the starship and all of them calmly head towards the temple.

Once in the temple, all the padawans however head in the same direction, Professeur Huyang teaching room, professor Huyang was a droid however not any droid he was probably one of the oldest droids in the Order and he was the one who helped Jedi padawan build their first lightsaber and he did so for generation even master Yoda build his first lightsaber under his guidance.

As all the padawans headed towards professor Huyang Vaner decide to leave them and head for his master quarter as he had questions about his kyber crystal. However, once he arrived he realized that master Ki-Adi-Mundi wasn't here and he realized he came without calling him and he didn't even know if he was in the temple.

After a call, Vaner knew that his master was in the temple, but he was in the meditation room so Vaner head there.

"Good Day Master" said Vaner with a smile happy to see his master after 2 months.

"Hmm, you're right it is a good day, so did you find you're kyber crystal" answered Mundi while already knowing the answer as Vaner was clearly not looking.

"Yes master, however, I do have question about my kyber crystal, master Yoda explained to us how they worked and how they would react to us but mine react differently so I would like to know if you had any insight on this matter" said Vaner before explaining to him what had happen during his time in the crystal cave.

"I see, you had quite a particular trial on Ilum probably the most special one in a long time. Let me see your crystal." Said his master to which Vaner nod before putting his hand in his rob and taking out his kyber crystal from one of the pockets.

Seeing the crystal Ki-Adi-Mundi was first intrigued by the color as it really wasn't a hue but a full color the crystal was purple, as purple as master Windu lightsaber maybe a little darker but the color was here. Here came the first problem as a purple crystal coming from Ilum was unheard of even master Windu came back from Ilum with a blue one, he only obtains his purple crystal later on a mission for the Order.

Putting this aside Ki-Adi-Mundi found some cracked on the crystal causing him to let out an inaudible sigh. It was possible for a kyber crystal to cracked however it caused to become most f the time unusable and when it was the lightsaber would have defect it could range from the blade being weaker than a training lightsaber or the blade being only half the normal length.

As if feeling the disappointment from the Jedi master the kyber crystal complain to his master as he let out a Force discharge, however even with all his effort all he succeeds doing was float an instant before falling back in the palm of Ki-Adi-Mundi.

However, all of this made the Jedi master totally dumbfound as while it was known that kyber crystals were half-living being as they were made from organic and inorganic matter and that they were verging consciousness seeing a kyber crystal clearly sentient shook him quite a bit.

Regaining his composure Ki-Adi-Mundi said "Honestly Vaner I can't help you with your kyber crystal all the knowledge that I have of them was just questioned by your crystal. Normally you shouldn't be able to find a purple crystal on Ilum before we even talk about the fact that it is deep-colored.

Secondly, cracks should be nothing good on a kyber crystal but here again, yours is sentient so it probably can't be judged like any other. I think the only way to know is to try, we will go see Huyang once the others are done and will try building you your lightsaber."

Hearing his master didn't know what to think about all of this, was he lucky or was he unlucky, looking at the crystal who was back in his hand who was clearly sending him his protest caused him to let out a small smile finding this small guy quite funny.

The next hours were the longest Vaner lived trough until know as he was cursing the other padawan for not being talented enough, as it took them almost two days for all of them to succeed and it wasn't a hard process.

When he finally entered the room with his master he saw professor Huyang who seemed to be waiting for them.

"So you're the young Jedi with a special crystal, from what master Ki-Adi-Mundi said it is a unique one, could you show it to me ?" said the droid

Hearing him Vaner knew that his master had contacted him before they arrived, taking the crystal from his cloth he gave it to the droid who inspect it closely before coming to the same conclusion as his master.

"Since we know nothing about it then we can only try" said the droid before going in a side room and coming back with materials to make a lightsaber.

Once having brought all the needed parts Huynag start to explain the role of every part of the lightsaber before explicating Vaner the assembling process.

Having listened carefully to every word Huyang had said Vaner sat on the ground before using the force to make the different parts levitate and he then began assembling them. While the process and the explication were easy the realization was hard as all parts had there owned places and for the lightsaber to be his own he needs to build it using the Force for it to carry his imprint so the kyber crystal would feel at home. Building it with the force made the process hard as everything needs high precision. Realizing that building a lightsaber for the first time Vaner cursed his mouth for having cursed the other padawans while he had a hard time too.

Finally, after two hours of torture Vaner succeed building his first ever lightsaber, the only thing left was placing the kyber crystal which Vaner did fast enough. With the crystal in the lightsaber, all that was left to do was to test the saber.

"Good now that you have finished building it we will test it, use the force to turn it on as we don't know what could happen I will create a wall with the Force" said his master

Listening to his master Vaner use the Force to make levitate the lightsaber and push it away before turning it on receiving a nod from his Ki-Adi-Mundi. As the lightsaber was turned on the blade start to show itself but before it could work properly the lightsaber hilt burst open in a small explosion.

Seeing this Vaner was clad his master told him to try from afar first or he would have lost his hand with this. Looking at the leftover of the lightsaber professor Huyang nod to himself before leaving the room and returning to the side room.

A dozen minutes later he came back with new parts and a piece of paper. Professor then explained that the lightsaber explodes because it couldn't hold of the energy of the crystal and that this problem was recurrent a long time ago as knowledge of lightsaber was quite a few. Then showing the paper he brought back he showed Vaner and his master the design they would try now.

The design was a cross-guard lightsaber which was back in time the preferred type of hilt of the second form specialist, but this type of lightsaber disappeared with time. This new design was more complex than the making Vaner sigh as he had only had a hard time with a simple design.

Unexpectedly Vaner succeed faster than before which surprised him but he realized it was normal as the technique involved was the same just with more step so he succeeds quite fast. Then he once again inserts the kyber crystal in the hilt before walking away.

Receiving the signal from his master Vaner turn on the lightsaber who didn't explode instantly and the three blades of the cross-guard lightsaber could be seen. Vaner found his lightsaber beautiful, the primary blade was purple a light purple like Master Windu, however, the two short blades while still being purple were made of a dark purple tending to black but still purple.

Sadly the lightsaber didn't stay turn on for a long time as the parts creating the side blade melt before the lightsaber like his predecessor explodes shocking Vaner who thought he finally had his lightsaber.

"The design is good however the material is not good enough" said Huyang

"I see, then if we used Beskar would it be able to support the crystal" asked Ki-Adi-Mundi

"Yes it should be able to work, no I think it is the best material for this lightsaber as it is one of the toughest alloys in the galaxy while being able to repel lightsaber strike however this metal is rare nowadays and I don't have for this young Jedi" answered Huyang

"Then there is no problem I have found some during a mission a dozen years ago I will bring it to you" said Ki-Adi-Mundi

"Good however we will only be able to build the lightsaber in two days as in metal needs to be forged" said Huyang

Hearing their conversation Vaner felt as if he was on a rollercoaster before finally looking gratefully at his master as Beskar was really precious.

Two days later Vaner returned to Huyang's room with his master to build his final lightsaber. Entering the room Vaner saw that Huyang was already ready with all the material in place. And so after small greetings, Vaner start to build his lightsaber and found it harder than when he used standard materials but with his practice from before he still completed it fast.

Putting the kyber crystal in his new home Vaner turned on the lightsaber without using the Force but holding it with his hand. The lightsaber looked the same as the other cross-guard one but the blade seemed colder as he realized that his lightsaber was clearly louder than any other he had heard before.

Holding his lightsaber Vaner first felt a little hot because of the heat emit by his lightsaber but this sensation was fast gone and it was replaced by the feeling of being one with his blade as if it was the extension of his arm and for the first in since being questioned by his master about his future goal Vaner had an idea of what he wanted to do however this would need a lot of planning.