
Star Wars: New Generations Rising

32 years after the battle of Endor and the defeat of the evil Emperor Palpatine, The New Republic has risen from the fallen Empire. Luke Skywalker has rebuilt the Jedi Order and Yavin 4 where he is training a new generation of Jedi Such as Jason and Jaina Solo, Ben Skywalker, and many more students. However in the middle of a war between the new Galactic Republic and the New Empire. The Lost Tribe of Sith has risen from the unknown regions. It is hoped for heroes such as Chancellor Leia Solo to lead the New Republic where her brother Jedi Grandmaster Luke Skywalker has to guide his students against the new threat that is emerging.

Jediknight1997 · Outros
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9 Chs


Both the New Republic and the Jedi order return to Yavin 4 where those who were injured received medical treatment as the temple still had some parts of the Rebellions base tacked, the wounded were taken there. Jacen was one of them having to survive torture and the lose his fighting arm. Leia comes over to see her son, but Jacen feels displeased having Leia been out of his life for many years with her leaving him and Jaina under Luke's care and when Han died it made matters worse for their relationship, he turned his head away from her. Leia thinking seeing Jacen makes her think about her mistakes with him, giving a sympathetic look. 

"You're going to be alright Jacen. I am here if you need me"

Jacen snarls back, "Yeah sure you will, like you were when dad died" Leia was shoked to hear those words. Luke stood next to her when he heard it. He gave Jacen a stare while the young Solos face dropped, "I am sorry, I didn't know what came over me"

Leia sighed, "Its alright just get some rest" the medical team then carries the stretcher that Jason was on to the medical center. Leia looking down sees Luke put his hand on her shoulder with Ben and Jaina behind him. 

"He will come around eventually" Luke assured her.

Leia smiles, "I hope so. Luke, listen I am glad you got us involved, but with the Empire now a threat and your Jedi involved, this is going to start another Galactic Civil War"

"I know its time for the New Republic and the Jedi to unite" 

Later that day the New Republic gets ready to take off. Jaina is walking with Leia who is seen with C-3po next to R2 waiting, "Mistress Jaina it is so good to see you again. I heard master Jacen was hurt. Is he alright?" 

"Yeah 3po he's fine. It is great to see you as well" Jaina smiles back then to her mother.

"Wow, it was great to see you mom. Can't remember the last time since I saw you" the two embraced.

Leia then smiles back, "I know I am sorry I have been absent, but I am so proud to see the woman you have become and so would your father" the two then embrace agian with Luke walking up to greet her sister goodbye. 

"She has done well" Luke puts his hand on the shoulder of his niece. 

As the two are talking, Jaina sees Poe ready to take off in his X-wing with BB8 and turns to her mother and uncle. 

Leia then smiles sensing her daughters feelings, "Its ok Jaina go I will see you soon" Jaina then walks away and to the best pilot in the New Republic. Luke then departs to, getting to his Jedi business.

"I will see you soon Leia. come on R2" The droid beeps in happiness. Luke then turns his head, "3po look after my sister will you" the Jedi then lets out a laugh. 

"Don't worry master Luke I will. Goodbye R2" the golden droid then waves goodbye. 

Jaina walks hope to Poe, "So leaving without saying goodbye" she chuckles.

Poe then steps out of his seat, "Well I do have to return to give a report to your mother, so yea. I did enjoy our team up. Maybe we can do it again?" 

Jaina then kisses him on the cheek, "I would like that" 

Poe then gets back in his seat and takes off

Jacen Flexes his new cybernetic hand. He then gets up to grab his weapon to walk to the hanger only to be stopped by Luke.

"Jacen, I know what happened. Jaina told me about your encounter with the Sith, are you alright?" 

"I am fine Uncle, but there is so much I still need to learn about the force. I don't even know much about my grandfather. Which is why I decided to take a leave of absence. I just need to think about some things" Jacen asking permission, which Luke grants

"Alright Jacen you know you are welcomed to come back when you are ready" Luke then shakes his hand as the young Jedi departs in his starfighter alone. 

Later in the Temple Luke and Kyle Katarn have a meeting with Ben to discuss his future in the Jedi. 

"Ben, so I spoke. I heard about how you did on the mission and good job. I am proud of you" Luke complementing his son's mission. Ben already tried to hide a smile from his Master, adn father.

Kyle then speaks, "Ben I am proud of you. Not only are you one of the best students I have trained, but you surpassed my expectations in all ways, but you survived on your first mission without me and defeated an inquisitor byself. You have came a long way" 

"Masters?" Ben was still confused about what this small meeting was about. 

"Say no more. By the right of the Council, by the will of the force. Ben Skywalker I grant you the rank of a Jedi Knight" Luke ignites blade and Ben is now a Jedi Knight.

"Thank you masters. I won't let you down" The now newley Jedi Knight appoint 

Jaina walks in with Mara Jade, "What is going on?"

Luke smiles as he walks up to his former student, "Jaina you did well on your mission. I helped to expose the Sith and send them back in hiding. I would like to rank you to a Jedi Master"

Jaina then bows, "Thank you. I will do my best to continue serving the Jedi, but what about Jacen?" 

"He left on his journey before I had the chance to promote him. Don't worry he will be back soon" Luke Ensures her. 

Jainia with a sad look on her face is disappointed, but understands. 

Ben is about to reveal his force connection, but doesn't want to ruin this moment. The Jedi all walk out. Luke turned towards Ben, "Coming Ben?"

Ben shook his head, "I will be there soon" Luke gave him a curious look, sensing something was off, but he ignored it, as he wanted to savor the moment. They all walked out, leaving the young Skywalker alone. Ben stepped outside by himself, looking towards the sunset. He doesn't know what will come in the future, but the new Jedi Knight promises himself he will be prepared.

This is the final chapter. Have more stories to transfer from Ao3 on to here. Will be doing a new chapter each week for my new stories.

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