
Star Wars: Golden Age

I don't own Star Wars. Star Wars is owned by Disney. I've learned a lot from writing the Star Wars: A Single Wish fanfiction. It's a fun story to write, and it's enjoyable. However, it's not grounded in what I'd call polarizing characters. The protagonist is quite literally a God of the Force. Due to that, it's basically a story of a guy on a power trip. That's a crude description of my fanfiction, and people would disagree with how I described it. Star Wars: Golden Age is and will be different. There will be overpowered characters, but not Godlike. There is no challenge to face in Star Wars: A Single Wish. ~~~(Synopsis)~~~ The galaxy is in a time of peace and expansion. The Sith have been extinct for almost 500 years. The Jedi and Republic are at the height of their power. On a transport ship carrying a Jedi Knight, twins are born. Conceived from The Force. Lacking a father. The Force acts in mysterious ways. ~~~(Synopsis End)~~~ If you wish to read more than what I post on Webnovel. You know what to do. The book cover has been provided by WhOaMI from the comments of chapter 17. If you want me to remove the image WhOaMI, just let me know.

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21 Chs

Starting To Move On (Prologue II)

~~~(POV: Annabella Saydra)~~~

~~~(Location: Kitchen & Dining Room, Apartment, Denon)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 31 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 585 BBY)~~~

Three whole months have passed, and I've gotten nowhere when it comes to finding Adrens birth parents. The agency I've been in contact with says they'll be naming me as his guardian. They've simply thrust him upon me.



I turn around, and Adrens bottle of milk is on the ground again. He's becoming a handful as of late. Moving his body around more and becoming familiar with his limbs.

He watches me with a smile on his face as I approach him. Lifting him out of the feeding stool and holding him in my arms. A rag is in my hands soon enough, and I'm cleaning off his milk-covered face.

"Oh, Adren... You're lucky you're so cute... Now, open your mouth for mommy."

Okay, fine!

I've come to love him as if he were my son. When I was asked to adopt him, I didn't think twice. I had already taken care of him for two months at that point. A lot has changed since he's come into my life.

Mostly me.

I'll have a transport ship arranged to take me to Nar Shaddaa in a few days. As much as I don't want to be in Hutt Space. There are jobs on the Hutt world where someone with my skillset can thrive. As one of the best Hacker and Splicers around, it's a perfect place.

Adren is my first priority. Living on Denon is fine, but my funds will run out by the end of the year if I stay here. And all the opportunities to make Credits on Denon risk making powerful megacorporations upset.

If given a choice between pissing off a megacorp or some rich gangster, I'll choose rich gangster every time.

It's not like they can find out who I am anyway. Megacorps, on the other hand, aren't something you mess with.

"There we go."

Adren eventually cooperates with me and is now peacefully sucking on his milk bottle. I walk out of the kitchen and head for the living room. Taking a seat on the sofa with Adren in hand. His head leans on my shoulder as he sucks on his bottle.

There are news reports about increased piracy in the Colonies, the Expansion, and the Rim areas of the galaxy. Many of the planets being affected are turning to the Republic for help.

"My, my... Someone needs a diaper change. Ugh!"

The familiar smell of a dirty diaper makes itself known.


"Hahaha! Is that right?"

My son's happy, satisfied giggle forces a laugh of my own to escape. My life has been better since he's come into it. I can't say I'm not worried about exposing him to a bad life, but I've got something on Nar Shaddaa that'll set me up for life.

One last big score, and I can head into the sunset with my ball of love here.

~~~(POV: Jedi Knight Krayla Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Meditation Room, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 20 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 585 BBY)~~~

Meditation isn't helping today.

My thoughts keep going back to Taylor and how she's doing. The council thought it best I have some distance between my daughter and I. Saying I've become too attached to her. In every other part of the galaxy, it's a natural thing.

In the Jedi way of life, it's not. I've always stood by The Order. Thought its decisions and commitments were the right ones. I'll always be a Jedi.

That doesn't mean this isn't hard for me to accept. Being away from Taylor for six days has been hard enough. And I'm supposed to stay away until the council deems it okay for me to be around her again.

My own child...

In the end, they're just being cautious. Too many Jedi have fallen from the Light because of personal attachments. It's wise on their end. As much as I don't like it...

My daughter is remarkable, even among the Jedi. Her midi-chlorian count is higher than my own at 23,400. Highest the Order has seen before.

"I take it you're not adjusting to your time apart from her?"

The familiar voice is one of the people who were against the idea of separating Taylor and me. He's a good friend, someone my late Master knew very well.

"Is it that obvious, Haden..."

I appreciate his concern and his disapproval of their decision. But it's a majority rule.

"That it is, my friend. The infinite wisdom of the council seems to be lacking in this regard, no?"

The joking tone in his voice does help me smile a little. He's one of the controversial Jedi of our Order. He constantly questions the council. When he was offered a lifetime seat, I thought he'd reject it.

But he didn't.

I asked him one time... Why he accepted it... Told me it's to hold the council accountable and ensure they hear all sides of a problem. Not just the Jedi thinking side.

In his words, at least.

"I miss her... More than I ever thought I would..."

Taylor has helped me more than anyone has in getting over the loss of her brother. I don't think I'll ever truly get over my loss, but it's my duty to try.

"What's it like, being a mother?"

I don't know how to describe it. It's one of the best things in the galaxy. The fact my daughter will grow to be a Jedi gives me great pride. I'll enjoy seeing her grow up... What decisions she'll make...

"I don't know how to put it in words... It's like a part of yourself that's come to life... An extension of everything you are... Someone that you'll love unconditionally and do the same for you..."

That's what I get from Taylor. Unconditional love. The nights she's crying and in turmoil are the hardest for me. My bond with her tells me how she's doing.

"I've been doing my best to convince the council to let you be with her at this time in her life. But eventually, you'll have to let her go so she can become a Jedi."

I know... I know...

"Thank you, Haden. Master Garness would be proud of you. He'd have been the first to hold them... Her..."

A habit I've yet to break...

Haden makes his way over to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"May The Force be with you, Krayla."

May The Force be with you.

~~~(POV: Jedi Master Haden Larkor)~~~

~~~(Location: High Council Chambers, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 36 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 585 BBY)~~~

"I understand where you're coming from, Master Larkor. This is a first for our Order. Knight Azure never broke the Jedi Code. However, allowing a Jedi and their child a close relationship sets a dangerous precedent."

Master Hendi doesn't understand anything.

What precedent is there to allow?

Some members of our Order have wives and children due to their race being in decline. How is that better than Krayla's situation?

"Tezor, you must see that what I'm saying is a fact."

Master Hendi clasps his hands together and goes into deep thought. As the Master of The Order, he outranks me. However, that doesn't mean he can disregard my opinions. I'm a member of this council.

"Hmm... What if this inspires other Jedi to start havin-!"

I stand up abruptly and look Master Hendi in the eyes. It's rare for me to ever get frustrated or upset. Let alone in the council room. These are extenuating circumstances, though.

"She's already lost one child."

I leave the council room with firm words and thoughtful expressions behind me. It's not long before I'm in the elevator and leaving the High Council Tower.

The moment I lean against the railing behind me, a sigh escapes my lips. I've been going back and forth with them for a week now, and I'm gaining little ground each day. Krayla has been following the orders she's been given.

Meditating every day and staying away from her daughter. She's an incredibly strong Jedi. Even stronger than I thought she'd be through all this.

"What am I going to do... What would you do, old friend..."

I look out the window as I think about Master Garness. Roland. Old Garn. Not actually old... Died long before his time should've come...

He'd know what to do... He always had a way of getting the council to listen... The door opens, and I see a fellow Master and council member. He must've just gotten back from an assignment.

"Greetings, Master Yoda. It's good to see you."

A smile forms on the oldest Jedi I personally know in The Order.

"Good to see you, it is."

Yoda has been more open-minded when given reason. Perhaps I can have him help me persuade the council...

Only one way to find out.

~~~(POV: Annabella Saydra)~~~

~~~(Location: Private Room, Transport Ship, Corellian Hyperroute)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 31 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 585 BBY)~~~

We're almost there.

Many claim Nar Shaddaa to be one of the worst places in the galaxy. They're right. It's not somewhere you want to settle down and build a life.

Being a world built from The Hutt Cartels' wealth, it's a place filled with opportunities to get what I need. Now that I have Adren to take care of, it's time I got out of this dangerous life. The job I've lined up has been in the making for two years.

I'll have a week to finish it, starting in four days. It's easy in terms of taking it. A horde of Credits I can use to build any life I want for Adren and me.

Speaking of my boy, he's in the middle of a heavy nap. As the days pass by, it takes just a little longer for him to tucker out. Putting a lot of stress on me, that's for sure. But the good kind of stress. The kind that makes a Mother a Mother.

Whoever or wherever his parents are, I hope they're okay. A part of me still wants to find them. To give them back their son. He's just as much mine now... I haven't been searching as hard as I used to...

"We'll be exiting hyperspace in 30 minutes. Thank you for traveling."

The 30-minute warning comes through the intercoms throughout the ship. It's enough to wake up Adren. His crying makes it apparent. As I approach him and pick him up, I can't help thinking I might be making a mistake...

The kind of life and environment I'm exposing him to... The dangers of what I do... I've never been caught. I always steal an amount that won't be missed. Not this time, though... It'll be a haul for the ages...

That amount of stolen Credits will be seen, and the Hutts will ask questions. Doing this on my own is another safety precaution. No one will rat you out if you don't work with anybody.

"Adren... The loud man is gone now... You can stop crying..."

I softly whisper into his ear as I rock him. He calms down after a few seconds and looks at me. His eyes start getting heavy again, and they soon shut again.

Time passes, and the transport ship exits hyperspace. Adren sleeps in my arms as I look out the viewport and see Nar Shaddaa. It has many nicknames. The most popular are Little Coruscant and Narsh. Those are the ones you hear frequently.

The ship lands, and everyone begins leaving the transport ship. Wearing a hood and cloak is an excellent way to keep things on a low profile. I make it to a hotel with everything I need to pull off the job I've planned.

Until then, I'll just spend time with Adren and review everything.

Life will get much better once we're on a world of paradise and luxury where I never have to worry about finances again. Adren can have the life he deserves. That's something worth pursuing. No matter what it might cost me.

~~~(POV: Bounty Hunter Zafar Fett)~~~

~~~(Location: Private Viewpoint, Looking At An Apartment, Nar Shaddaa)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 42 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 585 BBY)~~~

She's been planning something for the past four days, and it looks like whatever she's doing is happening now. A droid is being left with the baby she's got. Intel said she doesn't have a kid... I need to find a better information dealer...

Eir'mo The Hutt wants me to keep an eye on Annabella. Saying she's a Hacker and Splicer from the Core and Colony worlds. Been to Nar Shaddaa a few times.

The reason she isn't dead is because Eir'mo and his inner circle are the only ones who know about her. Her talents are top-of-the-line. Plus, she's never hit anything that has belonged to Eir'mo. His competitors, on the other hand, have been stolen from.

She's a smart one. Only taking enough not to raise any flags or suspicions. Eir'mo wouldn't have found it if not for a rookie mistake. It was her first job, and he's been watching her ever since.

"This is Fett. Target is moving locations. She's leaving the child behind."

All I've been tasked with is watching her and reporting her movements. Eir'mo keeps a close eye on her whenever she comes to Nar Shaddaa.

My fees go up the longer I'm on a retainer like this, so it doesn't matter to me. If the girl had any wisdom left, she'd leave Nar Shaddaa and find a place where she's not known. Sadly for her, she doesn't know Eir'mo knows about her.

"Eir'mo says to tail her and see what she's up to. If you find anything of value, report it immediately."

Eir'mo doesn't usually watch something valuable. All he does is take what he wants. It makes me wonder why he hasn't captured and enslaved the woman yet. It's uncharacteristic of him.

Perhaps he wants to see the extent of her abilities.

Time will tell...

~~~(POV: Jedi Knight Krayla Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Personal Chambers, Jedi Temple, Coruscant)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 20 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 585 BBY)~~~



Little Taylor moves her arms around with excitement as I finish bathing her. Voicing her joy in the process. Yesterday, the High Council decided that I should be allowed to be with my daughter during this time in her life.

Haden and Yoda have done me an excellent service. I don't think I'd be with her now without them. They were able to convince the council of this much.

"Oh, my little girl! Aren't you full of energy!"

She laughs as I hold her above my head and help her pretend she's flying around the room. All she can do is smile and laugh.

It's not long before we have to stop and take a break. Sitting on my bed, she makes it clear she's hungry. She starts trying to get through my robe. I'm glad she remembers me. I was afraid she'd forgotten me...

Undoing my robe and giving her access to feed is an easy process. A sigh releases from me as I adjust to the pain.

"Hungry, huh..."

Her eyes are closed as she sucks away. Life is just starting for her... Her brother is one with The Force now... It's still hard, but not as much as before...

Taylor will have to live for her brother, and so will I.

Here's to it being Friday. Enjoy the chapter. If you want to read ahead, you know what to do.

Word Count: 2578

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