
Star Wars: General of Clones

In a galaxy consumed by conflict, a man is reborn as a mutant clone with an extraordinary gift—the power of the Force. Armed with knowledge of the future, he embarks on a thrilling journey, rising from anonymity to abruptly becoming the General of clones. As he battles adversaries and grapples with his own identity, he becomes an iconic symbol of hope and inspiration for all who follow him. With courage and determination, he forges a legendary legacy that will echo throughout the galaxy for generations to come. Get ready for an epic tale of adventure, bravery, and the power to defy destiny! __________________ Plot directly starts at the beginning of the Clone Wars! Also, I don’t know all the Star War’s lore, so if I miss some crucial details or something, I don’t mind constructive criticism! Well enjoy!, Luxuriant~

Luxuriant · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

General Raven

A few days had slipped by since Silas received the directive to proceed to Coruscant, yet for reasons unknown, Palpatine had delayed his departure.

During this interlude on Kamino, the Prime Minister persistently implored Silas to remain, each entreaty a tacit bid to prolong the study of his genetic material.

'Clearly, they're keen to continue their examination of my genetic composition. But I've made it clear, I'm not interested in becoming their perpetual subject.' Silas ruminated as he patrolled the austere corridors, his steps resonating amidst the white expanse, his brothers in arms maintaining a respectful distance.

'As for Palaptine's decision to delay my departure, I can sense the impending shadow of the Clone Wars, that must be why... It's prudent to ensure I'm poised for action.' he reflected, his thoughts veering toward the tumultuous days ahead.

'I wonder what rank awaits me,' he mumbled inwardly, his mind drifting as he navigated the labyrinthine passages.

Suddenly, the urgent beeping of his comlink shattered the stillness, bringing him back to reality.

'Is it time?' Silas queried silently as he swiftly tapped the device in response.

"Silas, we need you in the Prime Minister's communications room immediately." the assistant's voice echoed through the comlink, urgency apparent in her tone.

"Understood," Silas replied briskly as he traversed the corridors with purpose.

Upon reaching the imposing double doors, Silas was granted swift access, the guards recognizing his authority without hesitation.

Stepping into the dimly lit chamber, Silas's gaze swept over the assembled figures—the Prime Minister, his assistant, and the holographic projections of the Chancellor and a certain green Jedi.

"Strong with the Force, you are." The Jedi observed, his gaze penetrating as it settled upon Silas.

'Yoda?' Silas queried inwardly, a flicker of surprise flashing across his features.

Seizing control of the conversation, the Chancellor interjected, his tone urgent with the weight of impending crisis. "This is Master Yoda, Silas. While normally I wouldn't mind talking, we're currently in an emergency situation."

Yoda nodded in agreement, his ancient eyes conveying a sense of solemn purpose as he observed the unfolding events. Meanwhile, the Kaminoans remained silent, their inscrutable expressions betraying no hint of emotion.

Silas acknowledged the presence of the revered Jedi Master with a nod, his attention shifting back to the Chancellor as he awaited further instructions.

Without preamble, the Chancellor delved into the heart of the matter, outlining the dire circumstances that necessitated their urgent action.

"Jedi Master Kenobi was captured," he explained, his voice grave with concern, "and we speculate that Jedi Padawan Skywalker and Senator Amidala have also been captured. We have information that leads us to believe it was by Count Dooku, and that he's also creating a droid army of millions on Geonosis, with Master Kenobi and the others also being held there."

Silas listened intently, his arms crossed as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

"We've already sent about 212 Jedi for a rescue mission," the Chancellor continued, "but Master Yoda believes that to be inefficient, which is why he is currently heading to your location to bring approximately 192,000 clones to Geonosis from Kamino in order to win the battle."

Silas's demeanor was composed as he realized the day of the Clone Wars had finally begun, his mind already racing with strategies and contingencies.

"I see," Silas spoke calmly, his demeanor unwavering, "So what is it you need of me sir?"

The Chancellor's expression softening slightly, "Based on your overall results as a clone trooper, you have been deemed worthy of the rank, General for the Grand Army of the Republic, and you will have your own Legion comprising of over 10,000 clone troopers with 1 Venator-Class Star Destroyer, 2 Acclamator-Class Star Destroyers, and a few other more minor ships."

"General?", Silas's incredulous mutter betrayed his shock at the sudden revelation, but the Chancellor pressed on, undeterred by Silas's reaction.

"With this mission to Geonosis," the Chancellor continued, "since we are lacking Jedi who can lead, you will temporarily be leading 50,000 clone troopers while Master Yoda leads the rest of the 140,000."

Despite his surprise, Silas continued to retain the information with a sense of quiet determination, his thoughts swirling with the magnitude of the weight of responsibility thrust upon him. 

Caught off guard by the bestowed rank, Silas mused inwardly, 'Of all the possible ranks, General was not what I anticipated. I presumed I'd be designated a standard Commander with Force abilities. Yet, now that I think about it, attaining the rank of General does make sense with the extent of my capabilities, which rival those of any Jedi Master.'

Nonetheless, Silas focused back onto Palpatine and spoke.

"Understood, sir, what are the details of the mission?"

The Chancellor and Yoda then outlined the mission details to Silas. Their objective was clear: rescue the captured Jedi and swiftly neutralize Count Dooku's forces before the conflict escalates into a full-scale war.

With Star Destroyers already stationed near Kamino, preparations for the impending battle were underway. It was decided that 1 Venator-Class Star Destroyer and 4 Acclamator-Class Star Destroyers would be deployed to Kamino and would temporarily go under Silas.

Yoda, on the other hand, would personally oversee the transportation of 1 Venator-class Star Destroyer and 14 Acclamator-class Star Destroyers from Coruscant to Kamino, utilizing professional volunteer pilots for the task. However, upon their arrival at Kamino, the volunteers would disembark, leaving the clone troopers to embark on their first true mission.

In summary, the two primary assets of their fleet were the 2 Venator-class Star Destroyers and the 18 Acclamator-class Star Destroyers, accompanied by a formidable force of 192,000 clones.

"That's a lot of clones," Silas plainly remarked at the sheer scale of their undertaking.

"Indeed... But necessary, it is." Yoda affirmed, his words carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom.

"Time is of the essence," the Chancellor interjected, his voice cutting through the air with a sense of urgency, "Prepare all the clones, General Raven. Once Yoda arrives, you will immediately depart for Geonosis."

"Copy that." Silas acknowledged with a curt nod before turning to leave the chamber.

As he glanced toward the Kaminoans, a sense of apathy washed over him, tempered by the knowledge of how they viewed him as an object for their experimentation.

If they were to die, he would feel nothing regardless of how long they spent together.

Nevertheless, he was grateful for the life he was granted because of them.

"Thank you." Silas murmured quietly, before striding purposefully out of the room.

Taun We, the Kaminoan assistant, watched him go with a gentle smile, her silent support a testament to the bond she felt from watching Silas grow to who he is today.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister's frown deepened, his concern for Silas's safety overshadowed by the knowledge of the secrets that could be lost in the crucible of war.


Silas briskly made his way through the hallway, the urgency palpable in his stride.


Sudden, siren-like alarms blared, punctuating the air with urgency as red lights flashed, prompting clone troopers to pour into the hallways in disciplined formation, their comlinks buzzing with messages.

After a brief jog alongside his fellow troopers, Silas arrived at the vast hangar, teeming with thousands of clones clad in their uniform white armor. Among them stood only a handful adorned in colored armor.

Square formations of clones stood at attention, each row comprised of twenty soldiers, twenty ranks deep, creating a clear pathway down the center of the hangar. The sheer number of troops necessitated the opening of the hangar doors to accommodate them all.

Silas scanned the hangar, sunlight streaming in from the open doors revealing two massive Acclamator ships stationed outside, their ramps lowered as volunteer pilots hurriedly disembarked.

Observing two more Acclamators hovering in the sky with a Venator looming above them, Silas couldn't help but marvel at the sight. 'The other two Acclamators must be waiting for us,' he surmised.

A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips beneath his helmet. 'To command a legion of this size... it's beyond belief,' he thought.

Realizing he remained at the hangar's entrance, Silas strode purposefully down the central pathway, flanked by thousands of clone troopers. With at least twenty thousand troops in the hangar and more en route from other facilities, his legion numbered fifty thousand strong.

Amidst the silence of disciplined soldiers, occasional glances were directed at Silas's distinctive green armor as he traversed to the center.

He stood amidst the sea of white-armored soldiers, his green-clad figure a beacon of leadership in the hangar's expanse.

With a commanding presence, he raised his voice, amplified by the Force, to address his fellow clones.

"Brothers," he began, his tone firm yet impassioned, "today marks a pivotal moment in our journey. The path ahead is fraught with peril, but fear not, for we are the guardians of liberty, the defenders of peace!"

His words resonated through the hangar, stirring a sense of purpose among the assembled troops.

"We were forged in the crucible of Kamino, molded by the hands of destiny to stand against tyranny," Silas continued, his voice ringing with conviction. "But remember this: we are not bound by duty alone. We fight because we choose to fight, because we believe in the righteousness of our cause!"

Cheers erupted from the ranks as Silas's words ignited a fervor in the hearts of his comrades.

"Our valor will be tested, our resolve pushed to its limits," he declared, his gaze sweeping across the faces of his fellow clones. "But I have faith in each and every one of you. Together, we are unstoppable!"

The hangar echoed with the thunderous roar of affirmation as Silas's speech reached its crescendo.

"Today, we march not as soldiers, but as heroes! Let our actions speak louder than words, and may the Force guide our path to victory!"

With a resolute nod, Silas turned, his robust armor glinting in the sunlight streaming through the hangar doors. The clones, emboldened by his words were eager to face whatever lay ahead.

Silas then pounded his fist against his chest.


Other followed suit, as the resounding thuds joining the chorus of excitement.




Shouts of mockery could be heard in the background.

"Haha! Let's crush those damn scraps of metal!"

"Ha! I bet those droids couldn't hit the broad side of a sandcrawler even if they tried!"

"Hey, droids! You're about to face the fiercest soldiers in the galaxy, and trust me, we're not programmed for mercy!"

As the enthusiasm settled, Silas raised his hand, and everyone became silent in an instant, as he finally commanded, "Listen up! We must act swiftly! Board your assigned Star Destroyers! Move out!"

With precision, thousands of soldiers filed into the waiting Acclamators and Laat Gunships, destined for the Venator in the air.

Observing the efficient loading process, Silas nodded in approval. 'Preparation is key,' he reminded himself.

After the last Acclamator sealed its ramp and began its ascent, Silas tapped his comlink. "I require a gunship to transport me to the Venator."

"Copy that, General. A gunship is en route." came the response.

Contemplating the urgency of their mission, Silas's thoughts were pondering, 'Yoda advised waiting, but time is of the essence. Lives depend on our swift action, and the more lives I save, the greater my advantage will be,' Silas calculated.

'If I lead this mission and save more Jedi, I'll not only prove myself as a capable leader but also solidify my position of power. Advancement within the ranks of influence is inevitable if I am seen as the hero of this operation. And the Jedi, indebted to me for their rescue, will owe me favors, valuable leverage for the future.' 

His mind was calm as he stepped out of the hangar, surveyed the towering Acclamators and Venator above, 'These are our vessels,' he thought, a surge of thrill coursing through him.

Silas's gaze shifted skyward as he sensed multiple Star Destroyers enter the atmosphere.

"It seems Yoda has arrived."


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