
Star Wars An Empire Divided

Transmigrated as a Force Sensitive Imperial Grand Moff, with a Wookiepedia System, two years after the Battle of Yavin. Tobias Rune tracks down the Super Star Destroyer known as the 'Annihilator' which had been Hijacked by Pirates and reclaims it as his Flagship. He ironically renames the ship 'Guardian.' A few months before the Battle of Endor, he had it retrofitted by completely replacing the command tower with a fully integrated modified Lucrehulk-class modular control core, which would be embedded into its hull. After the Destruction of the Second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, The Fleet belonging to Tobias Rune fled into hyperspace to the Chommell Sector, Naboo. Three Weeks later, he rebels against the order to execute Operation Cinder by intercepting the Imperial Fleet over Naboo from behind its moon, Rori, and initiating an Imperial Civil War. This story combines elements from both NuCanon and Legends. [ What is the Wookiepedia System? This System not only rewards the main character for completing personal goals, but also holds all the knowledge of the NuCanon and Legends versions of the Star Wars Universe. ] [ Is Rey going to be a Mary Sue in this? No, She's getting revamped, but she will have relatively the same personality. ] [ Tags: Contentious Content, Romance(s), OP Main Character, Empire Building, War ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. I do not own the backgrounds applied behind the character images. I do not own the Character image of Rey from Star Wars. Paul Wiz Johnson Producer, Artist. (Left Background) Talon UK. (Right Background)

InkSavant · Outros
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39 Chs

What a 'Tavirasty'

Naboo had joined the New Republic, but was under the protection of Tobias Rune for the duration of the Galactic Civil War, at least until the Battle of Jakku. However there were still some other remnants across the galaxy. Some of them much closer than one would believe, such as the planet of Eiattu 6 in the Ado sector next door to the Chommell Sector.

Just a day after returning from the planet of Akiva, Inferno Squad is sent on another mission, extract the local Imperial Moff of the planet Eiattu 6 as an asset for the Imperium.

The Corvus shook out of hyperspace as it entered the system, rocketing towards its intended target. The warm climate planet with light forests, swamps and massive oceans. With the death of the original Moff and a teenager inheriting the title, the world seemed to be in political turmoil. There was rebellion against the Priamsta government which had originally overthrown the Royal Family.

Ironically the person manipulating this rebellion was a rogue Imperial agent and Leonia herself who supported the Liberation party. This however has been foreseen to not work out. The fledgling Imperium has intelligence than the true heir to the throne was returning to the world in order to expose Leonia and her false Prince.

Breaking through the atmosphere and clashing with the Stratocumulus clouds which had formed over the planet's capital. The raider-II corvette didn't initiate its cloaking system and quietly landed at the Imperial Citadel.

A handful of Scout Trooper commandos came pouring down the ramp and securing the location as Tavira's own stormtrooper garrison began to slowly close in on the unknown landing party.

However upon seeing the scout troopers, the storm troopers slowly eased up. "What is your designation? Who is your commanding officer?" One of the Imperial Officers from the Stormtrooper Corps called out as they made their way over towards the troopers.

That's when Inferno Squad in black scout armor came walking down the loading ramp. The moment they were seen the Imperial Officer almost dropped dead. He simply stared at them.

"What brings Special Forces to this out of the way planet?" The Officer tried to seem uninterested in their current assigned post. Either that or felt as if they needed to appear to flatter them.

"Commander Iden Versio, Orders from Grand Moff Tobias Rune," Iden responded as she tapped the rifle which was slung over her shoulder. "We're to extract the Governor Leonia Tavira before the Royal Princess returns with the New Republic."

The Officer stood there rather dumbfounded. Why would a Grand Moff want to bother with a young, sexually inclined, governor who manipulates those around her for her own gain? He pursed his lips, unless that is what the Moff wanted out of her?

Iden simply stared at the face the officer was making, she began impatiently fidgeting with her weapon, which suddenly made him snap back to attention. What she was doing, made him quite nervous as it did with the regular troopers on watching from a short distance away.

"Ah.. Yes, Commander. Are the rest of us coming with you...?" The Officer now knowing that the planet was going to be invaded by the New Republic, rebels, wasn't too enthusiastic about staying.

"Hm... No," Kraytia answered as she reached out with the force, all of the stormtroopers weapons were pulled from their hands. A wall of rifles and pistols formed from their arsenal and turned on them.

"Wai-!" Unable to finish even a single word, the entire welcoming committee was gunned down without much more than an utter.

Iden and Del looked over at her for a few moments before looking forward at the dead troopers. They then locked their eyes on the weapons ferrying themselves over towards the loading ramp and then dropping to the floor.

Getting a hint, the commandos began loading the weapons onto the ship.

"Was that really necessary?" Iden and Del both questioned Kraytia who shrugged, seemingly having killed the troopers on a whim. Which was rather scary since she could do that to pretty much anyone else around her.

Letting out a sigh, the three of them would make their way into the Imperial Citadel. The place was rather cosey and there was a large amount of wealth here. It was as if it was all being funneled into the hands of Leonia. It indeed was, which meant she was stealing from the people and couldn't be trusted with governing affairs.

"She is so getting demoted..." Del scoffed as he knew this wouldn't sit with the Grand Moff. He was a man for the people after all, and this kind of corruption wouldn't be openly tolerated.

Iden rolled her eyes and snickered. The stormtroopers on guard seemed to ignore them, they recognized their armor and their Inferno Emblem. They were special forces and there was few reasons for them to be present on the planet. One of the main things though that they could only assume, was that they were here to extract the Moff. The question was, why?

The last time that question was answered however, it seemed people died. So even though they didn't know this quite yet, they found it unlikely that anyone inside would be asking questions.

"So why do you think he wants anything to do with this Leonia character?" Iden asked as she heard stories about how she had probably killed her late husband's previous wife and even had a hand in his own death. This didn't look quite good at all, she seemed to be an Imperial that fancied herself above all the rest.

"Chew toy?" Del mused before seeing both of the girls look at him, glaring at him from beneath their helmets. They had heard stories about her, using her own body to incur control and favor over men.

Kraytia then shrugged abruptly, "Probably. Wouldn't put it past him. Apparently half the assassins sent to kill the Moff were women, and most of the time, it was after they had sex." She snickered awkwardly as she thought about her Master. What she said almost made him sound like a lecher, though he wouldn't deny it as he was quite irresponsible.

The lift they found themselves in after traveling the corridors of the ground floor, would be heading up towards the governor's office section. Within minutes the door opened as the lift lurched to a halt.

The three agents stepped onto the floor and gazed around. "Which..."

Kraytia cut them off, "This way." She waved her hand, having already began making her way towards the personal office of the planetary Moff.

The two followed Kraytia casually, as it seemed their former Jedi friend appeared carefree. The closer they got to the door however, the more they would hear someone screaming? It sounded like an interrogation was going on.

"This is going to be a Tavirasty, pun intended."

Kraytia legit used the force to pull the locked door out of its socket and tossed it aside. This immediately alarmed Leonia and the Imperial Agent disguised as the late male heir of the planet, who was actually dead with the rest of the royal family excluding the Princess.

Iden stepped forward and announced their presence and reason for it. "Moff Leonia Tavira, under orders of the Grand Moff Tobias Rune, you are to be extracted from the planet of Eiattu 6." Her voice sounded commanding, truthful.

Leonia had initially panicked when the door had been ripped from its socket, but when she heard the voice explain its presence. She stared at the three individuals in dark armor, she immediately saw they were special forces.

Pursing her lips, her eyes focused on the shortest of all of them. Just how did they open the door like this? Her gaze remained sharp, observant. Despite her small size, little weight and slender build. She seemed rather dominant impression.

"The Empire... Is for me?" She was well aware after the Battle of Endor that the planet was virtually abandoned by the Empire except for her own officers and troopers. She swallowed slightly, "Why am I being extracted?"

She hated the fact that two of the three were women, she hated the fact that she couldn't see their faces. Why aren't they showing their faces?

Just at that moment, Kraytia pulled out a RK-3 blaster pistol and shot off Harran's ring finger. The so called fake Prince dropped like a sack of rocks into a comatose state. "Because that's not the real Prince and the actual Princess is coming and will expose your exploitation..."

Leonia had barely even flinched when the Prince dropped, or even when the weapon was fired in the room at the man. She was going to kill him in the end anyways and leave this world with all of its goods.

"Your accumulated wealth in your treasury is being taken onto the Corvus by our commandos." From the information that was given by Tobias, she would have billions of credits as well as millions of credits worth of Imperial Bullion.

Looking over the trio, she nodded slowly. This Tobias Rune was a powerful man from what she knew about the Imperial politics outside of the world she was exploiting. The fact that he wanted her, wasn't puzzling, at least in her mind. On top of that, he was taking her wealth, which she could only assume was one of the reasons for his extraction of her.

The sixteen year old Moff would walk towards the two after shoving the half-dead prisoner to the ground, reaching over for Kraytia's pistol, only to be shot with a stun setting and sent face planting into the ground.

"Did you have to do that?" Iden asked as she looked down at the trigger happy former Jedi who not only killed a bunch of Imperial Officers earlier, but also just shot their intended extraction target.

Kraytia shrugged and snickered, "She's fine."

Del shook his head and looked over at the dying prisoner. He snatched the weapon away from the smaller female and shot the prisoner in the head, putting them out of their misery.

Iden would reach down and put the Moff over her shoulder. The other two escorting them to the lift and going down to the ground level once more. It was a rather uneventful trip back to the Corvus. At least this world wasn't really supposed to be all that exciting, at least not in the location for the mission.

They were practically going to be leaving the world broke. By the time they returned to the Corvus it seemed that the entire treasury had been emptied and brought into the vessel. As they walked up the loading ramp, they quickly noticed the stacks of gold and credits. If they were pirates, they'd be bathing in riches.

Making their way up to the bridge as the ship began to take off. Iden would rest the girl in a padded chair and walk over to the front portview windows, watching as they left the world's surface.

The world it self was beautiful, though she knew there were many others which were much more so. Iden wanted to finally live a day in peace, with her father who would have one day sacrificed himself for an Empire that no longer suited him.

The tio would take their helmets off and lazily toss them aside into a basket designated for their helmets. There were other ones in there, as well as other armor similar to the one she wore on Endor.

"Mission accomplished..." The three of them almost stretched their arms out all at the same time. It was mainly just Del and Kraytia following Iden's lead though, mimicry being the pinnacle of affection and fondness of another person.