
Star Wars An Empire Divided

Transmigrated as a Force Sensitive Imperial Grand Moff, with a Wookiepedia System, two years after the Battle of Yavin. Tobias Rune tracks down the Super Star Destroyer known as the 'Annihilator' which had been Hijacked by Pirates and reclaims it as his Flagship. He ironically renames the ship 'Guardian.' A few months before the Battle of Endor, he had it retrofitted by completely replacing the command tower with a fully integrated modified Lucrehulk-class modular control core, which would be embedded into its hull. After the Destruction of the Second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, The Fleet belonging to Tobias Rune fled into hyperspace to the Chommell Sector, Naboo. Three Weeks later, he rebels against the order to execute Operation Cinder by intercepting the Imperial Fleet over Naboo from behind its moon, Rori, and initiating an Imperial Civil War. This story combines elements from both NuCanon and Legends. [ What is the Wookiepedia System? This System not only rewards the main character for completing personal goals, but also holds all the knowledge of the NuCanon and Legends versions of the Star Wars Universe. ] [ Is Rey going to be a Mary Sue in this? No, She's getting revamped, but she will have relatively the same personality. ] [ Tags: Contentious Content, Romance(s), OP Main Character, Empire Building, War ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. I do not own the backgrounds applied behind the character images. I do not own the Character image of Rey from Star Wars. Paul Wiz Johnson Producer, Artist. (Left Background) Talon UK. (Right Background)

InkSavant · Outros
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39 Chs

Of the Stars

A polyester grey sports bra with black elastic trim hugged her modest chest, matching tight fit boxer briefs grasped her waist and her thighs. Her back was enveloped in the warmth of his torso, his hand trailed aimlessly over her leg.

Sosha's head rested upon his right arm, she was turned to face away from the Emperor whom was to be coronated tomorrow. Her eyes tiredly resting half way, watching as the only light illuminated the room.

Flushed red, she wasn't used to this intimacy. She wasn't used to wearing so little. In her mind, she was imagining herself in a full length nightgown. Yet it didn't work, everytime she felt a caress, the illusion was terminated. She bit her lower lip all it did was make her more awake.

Her feet and toes moved nervously, knotting with the sheets. She could feel his fingers toying with the elastic everytime his hand passed over her thigh. Her brows pressed together, letting out a shaky breath as she couldn't figure out this strange feeling in her chest. She was warm, tingly. It was exciting, but she was overtly embarrassed about it.

Every move she made was with caution. She felt his lips against the back of her head as he undid the bun done up in the back. Her bangs drifted to the side of her face. She sucked in her lips, holding in a giggle as his breath tickled her scalp.

This little light was the recording of their wedding, it acted as a single candle in pitch darkness.

She nuzzled the side of her cheek into his soft warmth skin. The former nubian Queen hugged onto her plush pillow, one of its ends resting beneath her chin. She could hear the soft music from the orchestra playing from this recording. It was classical Nubian music which had been used for generations.

This wedding wasn't exactly a private one like Tobias intended, the Royal Advisory board and next reigning Queen ended up making it into an extravagant phenomenon. Confetti, alcohol and plenty of formalities.

Her eyes were narrowly locked on the man in the corner, dressed in a double breasted formal black Imperial tunic, trimmed in gold. Compared to the flamboyant Nubian dress she wore, his attire was rather plain and militant.

She watched as a young twi'lek girl and a young human girl, the younglings under Piru Chase were lead down the aisle by a white haired female. They were dressed in Nubian dresses, bright, vibrant and flowery. They laid petals upon the ground with every step they made.

The crowds of delegates, politicians, nobles and commoners made faces and sounds of adoration. The festivities began, they were almost as large as the victory celebration over the Trade Federation and the Empire's defeat at the hands of the Rebel Alliance.

She opened her mouth slightly, smiling as she watched Tobias lift her face to look up at him as he kissed her for the first time. It was one of her firsts, something she had not had the time to give anyone else. As she felt him take in a deep inhalation of her scent, she looked up towards him, his lips pressing against her forehead in turn.

She smelt of Nubian shampoo, as peaceful and as flamboyant as her homeworld, the scent represented the world's beauty well. She stared up at him with her narrowed, tired, eyes. She pressed danced her fingers up to the side of his face and touched the stumble which had formed. It was clear he hadn't shaved since he arrived three months ago. Was it the stress? Did he just not have the time? Or did he like growing it out?

"You've got to trim..." She muttered quietly, shifting in his arms to face him. She pushed her dainty hands against his chest and put him on his back, crawling on top of him.

Tobias grinned up at her after she said this, but didn't respond vocally to her words.

As she rested on top of him, her arms and pillow tucked between his chest and her own. She stared down at him, her legs suddenly trapped between and beneath his. The short hair on his legs tickling her shaven ones. She bit the inside of her lower lip again, looking down at him as he gazed back up at her.

They were both just as tired, but it seemed Tobias was more so infatuated with her than focused on how tired he was. The back of his finger tips caressed their way up the sides of her back. Causing some involuntary squirming and quietly muffled moans.

Reaching over, Tobias pulled the corellian fleece blanket over them until her shoulders were covered by its gentle fluffiness.

Normally, he wouldn't dare grab her, squeeze her. He was afraid that he might hurt her. To him she looked so fragile, small. He'd wrap his arm around her waist, rolling over and causing her to squeak.

She soon found herself wrapped in not only his arms, but also the fleece blanket. They were in a flesh taco, tightly packed together and she had no escape.

With spent eyes, she rested her chin on his chest, her lips brushing against his prickled chin as she wiggled her way up his surface. She gave a quiet hum, she her heartbeat made her sight pulsate.

Just as she was going to allow herself to drift off to sleep in this position however, she felt his hands glide down and grasp at her rear. She trembled at the touch, she could feel his warm hands beneath the polyester boxer briefs, the tight fitting elastic lifted from her lower back.

"H-hey..." Sosha murmured as she bit her lip more, wiggling her lower body beneath his hands. "Where are you getting this energy from?" She was clearly uncomfortable as she groaned out at him.

"Eep!" She squeaked against his collar, her face suddenly buried into the side of his neck as the elastic of her briefs snapped against her lower back. "Ass freakin' hat," She whined unceremoniously before vindictively taking his collar into her mouth and biting shallowly.

"Ouch..." Tobias gave an autonomous response to the bite, almost robotic as his hands moved up and grasped her beneath the shoulders. A small smile formed over his lips as he nuzzled into the top of her head.

She only bit down harder, tasting the natural salt on his skin. She closed her eyes as she felt him smelling her hair again. "You're so weird..." She spoke against the collar bone she was biting at, her voice muffled as she did so. Sounding childish.

She took in his scent, it smelled of a fresh uniform with a lemony scent. It wasn't something as ostentatious as her selection of shampoo, perfume or other scents. She shivered as he caressed her torso again, teasing and tickling her with silky brushes from his fingertips. "Sh-shtahp!" she moaned into him, biting fiercer, only for him to wince and chuckle in response.

"Yeah... I don't think so," Tobias suddenly huffed as she released his collar bone. Letting a few strings of saliva from her mouth linger between his chest and her. She stared at him as she kept her head held high.

Sosha pouted her lips as she wiped the drool against his chin. "Oh really?" She squirmed under the blanket which held them tightly together, only to feel his hands shifting her about like a spider spinning its prey. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop it! Bully! Tyrant! Domineer!"

She tried to kick her legs about, but they were still trapped beneath his and within the blanket. He thorted her attempt at threshing about, keeping order within the sheets. Now her back was against his chest once more, her head rested beneath his chin. Her eyes were glossy, her face scrunched up, clearly displeased with the manhandling.

"What am I to you, Ithorian Puddy?"

"Hmm..." his throat buzzed as he thought, not knowing how to really respond to this kind of question. It was reasonably similar to 'What am I, chopped liver?' He wouldn't really know how to respond to that.

His hand abruptly invaded the front of her briefs, caressing her pelvis, while the other than injected itself beneath the sports bra.

Stimulation shot throughout her body, the tingling sensation was all over. It was a her nerves, her mind raced from the strange sensations. Her toes curled and her fingers dug into the pillow which she held in her arms. She bite her lip to keep herself from making loud noticeable sounds. "Bully..." She whined out as she let her eyes close lazily as her body got use to the touchings.

"Love you too," Tobias whispered back as he rolled onto their sides and kept her pressed against himself. The feeling of her small form felt welcoming. It had been forever since he had slept with, let alone teased, anyone.

Sosha whimpered quietly until she felt him pecking the back of her neck. Her mouth opened, but her eyes remained closed, too tired to open them. She spun around to face him again, his hands slithering out of her garments as she did so.

Pushing herself up a bit, she blindly nuzzled her cheek into his, letting the bristle-like hairs on his face guide her lips to his. She gently kissed him, licking his lower lip as she did so with the tip of her tongue.

He grabbed at her backside, causing her to tense again and tremble. Yet she quickly rebounded and bit his lower lip softly with a vindictive heart.

Without warning he moved to be on top of her. She thought she was surely to be squished, but his arms protected her. With her black hair spread amongst the sheets, she felt him teasingly brushing his prickled chin against her cheeks.

Her eyes were closed and it felt strange, but rather nice at the same time. She opened her eyes just a little to see their eyes were meeting. She opened her mouth slightly as he leaned in and pressed his against hers.

They were like two suction cups. When one went to pull away, the other followed. They stole each others air greedily, but the entire time he remained on top of her. No sum of little pushes from her arms and hands could get him off.

Hot, steamy. The fleece was not only keeping them warm, but they began to sweat. Their skin was soft, moist. It felt as if they were in an oven. The taste of each other's lips were becoming sweeter and harder to resist.

Their moans and groans resonated, yet all they were doing as playing 'hide and seek' with their lips. However they were quickly exhausted. The ceremony from the wedding, the amount of alcohol and the food they ate had been overwhelming.

Soon enough Sosha fell asleep beneath him and he nuzzled into her. Entwining her within his arms and legs like a small teddy bear almost an entire foot shorter than he, only by two-three inches.

Just as he was about to close his own eyes and join her in the realm of dreams, he watched as the little light on the nightstand went out. The projector had timed out since no one was watching it. He glanced down at Sosha before smiling, she was drooling against his chest. "Seriously..." He muttered quietly to himself as he slowly drifted to sleep, his head resting on one of the pillows by his head which surrounded them.