
Star Wars An Empire Divided

Transmigrated as a Force Sensitive Imperial Grand Moff, with a Wookiepedia System, two years after the Battle of Yavin. Tobias Rune tracks down the Super Star Destroyer known as the 'Annihilator' which had been Hijacked by Pirates and reclaims it as his Flagship. He ironically renames the ship 'Guardian.' A few months before the Battle of Endor, he had it retrofitted by completely replacing the command tower with a fully integrated modified Lucrehulk-class modular control core, which would be embedded into its hull. After the Destruction of the Second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, The Fleet belonging to Tobias Rune fled into hyperspace to the Chommell Sector, Naboo. Three Weeks later, he rebels against the order to execute Operation Cinder by intercepting the Imperial Fleet over Naboo from behind its moon, Rori, and initiating an Imperial Civil War. This story combines elements from both NuCanon and Legends. [ What is the Wookiepedia System? This System not only rewards the main character for completing personal goals, but also holds all the knowledge of the NuCanon and Legends versions of the Star Wars Universe. ] [ Is Rey going to be a Mary Sue in this? No, She's getting revamped, but she will have relatively the same personality. ] [ Tags: Contentious Content, Romance(s), OP Main Character, Empire Building, War ] Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars. I do not own the backgrounds applied behind the character images. I do not own the Character image of Rey from Star Wars. Paul Wiz Johnson Producer, Artist. (Left Background) Talon UK. (Right Background)

InkSavant · Outros
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39 Chs


Two weeks later, Inferno Squad had been officially organized within the Imperium. The Corvus was given a retrofit with greater computer systems than previously thought to be state-of-the-art belonging to the Empire. It's Holonet Transceiver was replaced with a Quantum Entanglement Transceiver, a point to point system that couldn't be tracked nor intercepted by third parties, codenamed QET.

Inferno Squad was to be a member of the Shadows Organization, as special forces, even though the two members of the Squad were not force sensitives.

Docked with the Guardian, Iden and Del were standing on the bridge with their standard crew which had originally fled the Empire together. They all looked toward the man who was standing personally on their bridge.

He was dressed in a black naval uniform with a Grand Moff rank insignia on the center his collar plate beneath an embossed inverted Imperial Emblem, though he was a Grand Moff. His uniform looked much like the Moff uniform from the Fel Empire from Legends. This is what made it appear that the Empire had changed, even in appearance of their uniforms.

"Inferno Squad and members of the Corvus Crew, the Imperium is going to send you on a mission to acquire Garrick Versio. The Corvus will be attended by three Imperial Class Star Destroyers to the planet of Bespin. The Dauntless has been tracked there. We can only assume he is attempt to acquire fuel and weapons for the shattering former Empire he still serves." Tobias remained confident in tone and stance. His hands were held militantly behind his back and his head held high with dignity and professionalism. He didn't stutter once, he kept his cool, he didn't dare sweat.

"The Corvus will exit hyperspace along side the Marina, Attribution and Colossus. They will immediately hail the lone Dauntless and attempt to bring Admiral Versio over to our side. Should 'diplomatic' means breakdown, Inferno Squad is to infiltrate the Destroyer and acquire him by force." He continued to brief the group of elite before turning to look out the viewport windows of the bridge. Staring at the long length of the retrofitted Executor Class Star Destroyer.

"Should this operation go as planned, the Corvus crew and Inferno Squad will be given the newest Star Destroyer class being developed by Research and Development, as their center of command. Consider it a guaranteed promotion." Rune's eyes centered on Iden Versio who was watching the Grand Moff as he gave his speech.

Being given a new Imperial Star Destroyer of a new class, excited many of the people on the bridge. Though it meant they had to learn more systems, and have a larger crew, they would most definitely have a larger 'boat' covered in guns.

"As for Star Fighters, your TIE's have been replaced with Predators. Research and Development jokingly call them Eyeballs." He gestured towards the holographic projector commonly used for communication between ships and Imperial command. Suddenly a TIE Predator appeared, having the typical appearance of a TIE canopy fighter's cockpit with triangular wings reaching out to the sides at an angle.

"These fighters are twice as fast as regular TIE fighters, capable of reaching 2,000 kilometers per hour in atmospheric flight. They can go over 45,000 kilometers per hour with their forward deflector shields on maximum capacity. They have enhanced shielding, and hyperspace capabilities. They even have a integrated astromech for advanced operations and remote summonings." He informed them, telling them of the new fighters which replaced the TIEs which had originally been in the hangar of the Corvus. Many of the people were bewildered with the design, and was wondering why they had been shunned from being able to enter the bay.

"Sir, How many of these predators do you have?" Del asked as he raised his hand and spoke at the same time. Not really waiting for the man to call on him, feeling rather familiar with the Moff.

Grand Moff Rune didn't have a bad reaction to this, it was as if he expected the question or was waiting for it. "We currently have over a thousand on board the Guardian, and a hundred and forty four on each of the Star Destroyers present in the Naboo System and four on board the Corvus."

Iden stared at the man having been given advanced weapons, more advanced than the Empire had given her originally. Her father would definitely see that the Empire was strong. Stronger than he ever thought it would be.

"When does this operation start, Sir?" Iden spoke up as she stepped forward with her hands folded behind her back. Seeing how he didn't react badly to Del, she seemed to find he was more casual than most Imperial Officers.

"Forty-five minutes. Be ready to sortie. Your new armor should be located in your personal quarters," Tobias nodded to her before shooing everyone off. "I will be using a droid during the rest of this operation, as I have to remain on Naboo for this duration."

With that the Grand Moff and two officers made their way off the bridge and back through the docking port so they could return to the Guardian. Within moments the Corvus broke off away from the Star Dreadnought and began to rendezvous with the Imperial Star Destroyers at the edge of the system.


[ Two hours later, in the Bespin System on board the Star Destroyer Dauntless. ]

"Sir! We have multiple unknown Hyperspace vectors opening up to the Galactic Northeast. What are your orders?" Admiral Versio's lieutenant asked as he walked up to him with a quick pace.

"Unknown? Put all fighters on high alert. If it's rebel rabble, we will stand up against them until the fuel and weapons have been fully loaded." The Admiral commanded, this was met with a nod and salute before the man returned to his station and relied the orders to ready against a possible liberation force.

However as these ships came out of hyperspace, they were quickly identified as Imperial Star Destroyers from the portview windows of the bridge. "Star Destroyers?" Furrowing his brows, Versio made his way over to the sensor station of the bridge and looked over the information with his direct subordinates.

The first thing he noticed was the transponders were releasing an unknown code. The icon over their position on com-scan seemed to be appear as an inverted Imperial Symbol. It was the exact opposite of the normal systems.

"Sir, it's the Corvus!" The Lieutenant stated as an identified ship dropped out of one of the corvette hangars of the Attribution and moved into the front of the battlegroup.

Gideon Hask who was standing in front of the window clenched his jaw at the sight. "Traitors..." He growled as he looked towards Admiral Versio for his orders. However he was stunned to see the man with a curious disposition.

"Sir! We're being hailed!"

Admiral Versio looked over at Commander Hask and nodded slightly, "To the ready room." The two of them made their way over to the holoprojector. The lights in the room dimmed and the doors sealed each all four sides.

That's when a Hologram of a Imperium Uniform clad Iden Versio appeared with her hands folded behind her back. "Father," she addressed the Admiral without honorifics and not even his last name or title. "Gideon," her eyes narrowed on the man she had shot in the knee just prior to running away from the Empire.

"Daughter," Garrick Versio replied without any hesitation as she had addressed him, but he sounded bitter due to the casual discourse.

"Traitor," Gideon said bitterly as he hadn't been ordered to sortie and attack the inferno squad for treason against the Empire. He very much wanted to get his revenge.

"We are here to extend an invitation for you to join Grand Moff Tobias Rune's reformation of the Empire known as the Imperium." Her voice was unfaltering as she said this, despite the presence of her former squad mate.

"Imperium?" Garrick raised a brow slightly. He was under the assumption she had joined the Rebel Alliance or the New Republic, but it appeared she had joined a new Imperial remnant? The title of the man who had been said to run this remnant, he was familiar with. He was an Authoritarian Leftist, an Imperial for the people. Rumored to have a fetish for near-humans and humanoid aliens.

"At this point the Empire is going to fall, father. Gallius Rax is going to use the New Republic purge the ranks of his Remnants. I can't lose you too," Iden's voice sounded of sentiment, yet it wasn't weakness.

Garrick Versio could see the strength brimming in her eyes and her tone of voice. He closed his eyes and smiled as his head slowly lowered.

"You have followed through with the last Orders of a Deadman," a new voice appeared with made him immediately raise his head. His eyes centered on Grand Moff Rune, the signal was coming from the Attribution. "If you wish to preserve the Empire and its ideals, you will join the Imperium."

Gideon simply stared into space as he heard this. Preserve the Empire and its ideals? Wasn't this what they were fighting for? His eyes narrowed on the man who stood there in the projection.

"Where is this Imperium going to be situated...? The Empire is being pushed out of, and pulling out of, several systems as we speak." Garrick pointed out with his hands folded behind his back, his eyes squinting sternly as he wanted to test this man.

"The Imperium has secured indefinite support from over sixteen sectors and the newly forming Tion Principality. Among these sectors that will be housing the Imperium is the Albarrio sector, Atrivis sector, Braxant sector, Carrion sector, Cassander sector, Clacis sector, Dynali sector, Obtrexta sector, Myto sector, Perinn sector, Prefsbelt sector, Raioballo sector, Relgim sector and Velcar sector. Kuat and Fondor governments and shipyards are also currently supporting the formation of the Imperium."

Hearing the fact that this man had already gotten all these connections going, only mere weeks after the fall of the Empire's greatest weapon and their leader, made Garrick shiver. He could only surmise that this man knew that the Empire was going to fall and was taking full advantage of this. Even as an admiral in the ISB, he didn't know about this.

Garrick looked in the general directions of the Star Destroyers which were slowly approaching, though he obviously couldn't see through the walls. "Is this a recruitment mission, or an extraction mission, Grand Moff Rune?" He asked as he narrowed his tone down to his typical arrogant voice.

Gideon raised a brow as he looked over towards the Admiral, "Extraction?"

Garrick sighed in disappointment as he got no verbal response, other than a smirk on the Moff's face. "You're not looking to take the Dauntless or its crew with you, are you?"

"Their loyalty to you, Admiral Versio, is commendable." Grand Moff Rune then looked towards Gideon who looked a little bit unstable, fidgeting at his holstered weapon. "But an Empire without its people, isn't an Empire at all."

Gideon's eyes widened as he looked to Garrick again, he was referring to Operation Cinder, the burning of Vardos at the Order of the Late Emperor Palpatine.

"You're outgunned, outnumbered and your technology is severally outdated." Rune exclaimed the Dauntless and its 'limited' capacity to fight back against him should they assault his Destroyer.

Suddenly the door to the main bridge unsealed, "Sir!" The Lieutenant from before barged in, "There are squadrons of an unidentified class of TIE fighter launching from the unknown Destroyers!"

Gideon and Garrick turned their heads just in time to see Squadrons consisting of hundreds of TIE Predators fly by at their highest speeds. Their screaming engines caused the portview windows to reverberate, resonating with the sound.

"A new class of tie fighter...?"

"With Hyperdrive, shielding and additional heavy weaponry. It can act as both a fighter and a bomber. A superior space variety fighter." Rune gave him the basic information pertaining to what he was seeing outside of his ship. "The Empire you made strong, will continue to exist."

Admiral Versio and Gideon looked at one another, their remnant was small and they hadn't fallen under the command of Fleet Admiral Rax as of yet. Versio then looked back towards the Grand Moff and his daughter's projections. "You said an Empire isn't an Empire without its people. Will you accept Imperial Refugees?"

Scoffing slightly at the question the man asked him, "Of course."

Gideon blinked a few times hearing this, somewhat confused of what was going on. That was until his eyes were brought upon Garrick's face.

"All hands abandon ship! Collect as much supplies as you can carry and report to the hangar for immediate evacuation." They were scuttling the Dauntless.

"My Apprentice will be with you shortly..." Garrick and Gideon both froze for a moment as they heard this line right as the Grand Moff's transmission ended.

Gideon was confused once more, his face scrunching up. "Did he just say, Apprentice?"

Admiral Versio was well aware of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader's Master and Apprentice relationship. He hadn't expected the Grand Moff to have his own apprentice.

Suddenly the nearby ventilation shaft busted open, a small form then entered the room. A girl with blue eyes and white hair looked up at the taller men, a silvery cylinder in her hand.

Instinctively Gideon drew his blaster and went to fire, but as he did so the cylinder's pure white blade activated and deflected the bolt into a nearby terminal. Causing its screen to shatter and internals to combust.

They all stood there confounded, their sight centered on the pure white weapon, before looking at the young girl. "Shadow Disciple Kraytia reporting," she boasted a light Pantoran accent from her stay in the Pantoran System. "Mission parameters, escort Admiral Versio to the Corvus."

"Commander Hask, evacuate with the rest of the crew." He said without looking directly towards the last member of his Inferno Squad. He didn't wait for a reply as he casually followed after the girl as she lead him towards the emergency docking hatch on the side of the command structure.

"Sir?" Gideon called after him, but didn't follow. Just as the Admiral disappeared from view, he followed the orders though he wasn't happy about it. He was loyal to the Empire, and it seemed loyal to Admiral Versio as he was his commanding officer with a sound mind and hadn't committed treason.