
The Canon Chronicles V: Vengeance

I don't own star wars. And read the previous chapter first, it builds up into this one.

A section of the ship exploded as the Mirialan woman known as Bariss Offee scrambled towards the bridge. Dozens of imperial corpses littering her wake as she clutched at the wound in her shoulder… she found the second sister. Pinned to the wall with a long steel bar through her chest… and then… fourth brother… at least his body, his head and right arm seemed to be… missing…

She quickly opened a communications channel as she got to the bridge… already everyone was dead or dying. She ignored them as she called Malisis, her blue twi'lek face appeared on the com. "Mother. I need reinforcements!" she said immediately, tearing off the sleeve of her robe and binding it. Malisis' eyes widened as she viewed the carnage… and looked both amazed… and disturbed. "He's… he's too much…" Bariss said shamefully. "He's nothing like he was…"

Malisis' bit her lower lips… was she… scared? "…Make a run for it. Try to get to the escape pods."

"Mother?" Bariss asked, confused. "...Master?" she asked, breaking protocol.

"Good luck." Malisis said dismissively. Signing off without another word as Bariss desperately tried to call her back, then barring that she tried for any imperial forces in the area… but no one was answering. No one responded. She slammed the console with her fist, and drew her saber slashing away at it as explosions across the ship increased… she recovered herself, quick to realize that the battle was lost… she ran for it.

A few of the survivors of the crew had the same idea unfortunately. "Wait!" she shouted as a collection of troopers and officers loaded the escape pods "I order you to wait!" she shrieked furiously as an officer looked her dead in the eyes. And scoffed. Hitting the buttons that ejected the pods. "Damn you!" she shrieked, watching the pods eruptws away from the ship. She tried to think, tried to come up with something… the hanger. There would be ships in the hanger!

She ran for it again, desperation in her heels as she ran to the hanger… however… the second she saw a few spare tie-fighters… one was forcefully pushed into the others, sending them spiraling out into space as wreckage… she shivered in fear as she realized why.

…When she was arrested. And locked away in a jedi holding cell. Lost… afraid. Broken from the war… she came to her like a dark angel. Like a mother finding a lost child. She promised her she would never need to be afraid again… all she had to do was throw off her old beliefs, her false Jedi beliefs. And she did, Malisis taught her so many things. Great truths and teachings that allowed her to grow into a confident woman. Then… she gave her a test. Seduce her Grandson. The man known as Darth Salacious. And destroy him. She had succeeded and more. He fell into the trap so easily with the promise of her body, and she spent an… enlightening night with him. Deep into the throughs of sith-filled passion that she never would've felt as a Jedi. He was… even she could admit it. Gentle with her.

But the look on his face now… the pure. Unadulterated sith rage. He would not be gentle with her now…

"Bariss…" hissed the clean-shaven former sith lord. "…Where are you going?" he said coldly, "I'm not done with you yet." He slowly strode towards her, red-bladed lightsaber in his metal limb slowly carving through the floor in a long-melted line as she drew her own saber, shivering in fear. "I told you." He said firmly, throwing out his real arm he twisted her wrist, she screamed at the sudden jerk and dropped her saber as he hurled her into a crate of weapons. She screamed in pain as he pushed her down to the floor. Before lifting her in a high arc and slamming her painfully down onto the cold metal floor. Then by her long green hair, he pulled her to his hand as she screamed in pain. "I'm going to make you my BITCH." He growled. Grabbing her by the throat as she tearfully looked into his eyes. "And look…" he said, stroking her long ponytail. "You already come with a leash…" she stared into his cold, harsh eyes… and cried.

Much later, and far away from the destroyed star destroyer in an abandoned imperial base, two beautiful women were arguing… well one was arguing. "Ashoka you cannot be serious!" Hera Syndulla cried as she walked with her friend, "We need to interrogate her! You can't hand her over to… to… that monster!" she hissed. Ashoka however stayed silent, she was grim-faced and pondering as rebel soldiers saluted them both. "Ashoka." Hera began again but Ashoka shook her head.

"Hera… you do understand that he DESTROYED a star destroyer full of imperials?" she looked at her pleadingly. "It's not a matter of if I want to… I HAVE to. We made a deal."

"Who cares about the deal!" she replied, "This… she's a valuable hostage filled with information! We can't just… just… sell her like a hutt slaver!" Ashoka glared at her, and the beautiful twi'lek glared back.

"He will kill EVERYONE here… if we don't honor the deal." She said without any doubt. "Then. More than likely. He will find out that you're the one that suggested it. Then he will TORTURE the crew of the ghost in front of you, and probably rape you to death before he takes what he wants anyway."

Hera stared at her horrified. But her lips formed into a firm line. "…He should not be humored." She said determinedly. "He should not be bargained with, or any sort of deal honored."

"I feel my ears burning…" they jumped together as Roland stood behind them. Looking at both of them rather stoically. "…Planning to stab me in the back already?" he asked rather bluntly, eying the beautiful Hera, blatantly undressing her with his eyes. "How very imperial of you... Go back to your ship." He said firmly, ordering her like a common slave.

"Screw you." Hera said, standing firm and glaring back at him. He actually smiled, she was taken aback… not just because he wasn't threatening to kill her, but because he was actually rather handsome when he wanted to be.

He laughed and pushed past them… heading towards the holding cells. "Come on then. Come say hi to my new pet."

Bound by her wrists and hanging from the ceiling the bruised and battered Bariss Offee hung like a piece of meat. Her ankles were also bound tightly in chains as they rattled on her unconscious swinging body. Without waiting, Roland grabbed a bucket full of cold water and hurled it at Bariss, she spluttered awake and glared around, only to realize that she had absolutely no power, and no chance in Darth Salacious' presence. He gestured to her, "Well. Go ahead." He said to Hera. "Ask away. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to answer your questions. Won't you Bariss?"

Bariss however, remained tight-lipped.

He then turned to Ashoka. As Hera reluctantly tried to pry information from the 'First sister'. "Our deal remains intact I hope?" he asked, calm, casual, and in a whisper.

"…Yes." Ashoka replied abruptly, "…You can have her tonight." She added.

"Hmm… 'her' huh…"

She glared at him, "A deal is a deal…" she said, and with a reluctant sigh, she nodded. He stood a little straighter and rolled his eyes as Hera tried to appeal to the jedi that was once Bariss Offee. He waited, and waited as Hera talked and talked and talked… then without warning he shoved her aside, pressed his real palm to Bariss' stomach, and sent a torrent of force lightning through her body as she screamed.

"STOP!" Hera roared as Bariss trembled and screamed under the lightning. "Sto-" but his metal limb gripped her by the throat and lifted her from the floor. He stopped and glared at Hera.

"Tell me… what have you lost? If you haven't lost anything… who are you to tell me what to do?" he asked, Hera stared into his eyes… the were cold, but they weren't cruel or callous. He tossed her out of the cell, and glared at Bariss, who twitched. "Tell her what she wants to know… or I will not be so gentle." He stomped away, glaring silently at Ashoka who met his look, but turned away helping Hera back to her feet.

Late into the evening… Ashoka pushed Bariss on, her hands bound tightly behind her back and leading her to a small one-man freighter parked in a deep cave away from the base. "So…" Bariss began, "You're really doing it?" she spat at her, "Trading me away like some common twi'lek slave girl?" she was far braver now that the metal-armed ex-darth wasn't around.

"Shut up Bariss." Ashoka replied, "…I'm not happy about it either…" as they approached the freighter, Bariss became increasingly nervous and saw a crudely painted word in fresh blue paint upon the ship: RATTLETRAP. Obviously the name of the ship. However... at the sight of it, Bariss began to panic, she recognized that word and it held special meaning to Salacious, to name his ship that word was like a death sentence to her and she reacted accordingly. By pitifully begging for her life.

"Don't do this Ashoka!" she said nervously, digging and dragging her heels as Ashoka continued to push her onward towards the ship, "We… we can take him together! You and me! Just like old times!"

"Before you framed me? I doubt it." Ashoka said, strangely spiteful. "I never understood why out of all of the jedi you could've picked you picked someone you knew… a friend." Bariss shivered at the cold unrecognizable look in Ashoka's eyes. "You might even have gotten away with it if you picked just about anybody else."

"I can tell you things! Lots of things about the empire! I was in the inner circle with Malisis! I know secrets even the Emperor would bow to!" they reached the ramp, "Please!" she begged sliding up it easily as her feet lost all traction, "Please don't do this! I'll do anything!"

"Such a lovely word…" came the cold voice of Roland. "Anything. It's one of those words that to the right person can reveal such wonders… like the word MERCY." He strutted down the ramp, shirtless, and covered with dozens of battle scars. He gripped Bariss' chin in his metal hand and glared at her. "...Anything." he hissed as tears rolled down her face.

He lead her into the ship, and as she openly wept she wondered why exactly Ashoka was still here… the ship ramp closing behind her. "Please. Help yourself… I'll be with you in…" he seemed to think on it. "Actually, I'm not sure… but help yourself." He said politely, half dragging half carrying Bariss into his quarters as the door shut behind them.

"I can tell you where Malisis is!" she said immediately, as he made her look at the bed.

"You're going to tell me anyway." He said confidently.

"I can help you!"

"You will."

"I can… I can…" she tried to find words but shivered as he glared at her into silence. He then gestured dramatically to the ship.

"Do you like it? You should get used to it you'll be spending a lot of time here…" he said, as she whimpered. "I named it after my friend… the man you killed. Do you remember him? Or has it gotten to the point where you don't remember how many you've killed?" she dropped to her knees before him, about to plead for her life but his metal limb wrapped around her mouth and lifted her back up, "Oh. Don't worry…" he laughed, "They'll be plenty of time for that…" he hurled her onto the bed, and he tore off her clothes, tossing them haphazardly away as she shivered in fear and in the cold. Her green nipples hardened as her body seem to quickly remember her night with him so many years ago.

"Anything…" he spat that word in her face, and spread her legs, running his cold metallic fingers on her pussy as it slowly began to vibrate, his hand on her neck as he made her look at him. "…Start working on it." He spat and shoved his fingers inside her. her legs suddenly clenched and stretched as she screamed in pleasure at the intrusion, his fingers wildly shaking her inner walls as he moved them in and out, his hand around her throat sending quick jolts of force lightning into her body. Making her clench and shake as he quickly dominated her body.

Her legs spasmed as she tried to resist the pleasure he was giving her, forcing on her, but he made her look into his eyes as he glared deep into her soul, "Cum for me you little cunt…" he hissed, "Time to learn your place under your new master…" he shoved four of his now slippery fingers into her pussy, vibrating violently inside her as she squirted in orgasm, her shrieks echoing on the ship as her eyes rolled.

"I remember that look." He cooed, biting her neck as she writhed beneath him. "That's the only look I like about you now…" he ripped his fingers out of her, her pussy ejaculating arousal as he flipped her over, taking his metallic thumb and shoving it into her ass hole as he thrust his fingers back into her pussy, once again, making them vibrate inside her.

"Oh Force! Gods! FORCE!!!" she shrieked, spasming as he pinned her down, sending bolt after bolt into her body as she writhed violently from the pleasure.

"I haven't even gotten inside you yet…" he hissed yanking her long hair as she whimpered, her body continuing to shake in pleasure. "it didn't take much to make 'anything' into fuck toy now did it?" he sped up the vibration and thrusting fingers, "Cum for me." He ordered flatly, dismissively, treating her like she was nothing. Her body obeyed regardless as she screamed, her holes tightly clenching on his fingers as he scraped them slowly out of her lifting her up, her hips shaking wildly as he dropped her back onto the bed. He flicked her pussy juices off his fingers and onto her back, smirking proudly at how quickly she broke.

Her eyes slowly closed, she was exhausted… he however was just starting… his real hand smacked hard onto her ass, painfully so, waking her up as she hissed in pain. But she had no time to complain as he spread her ass cheeks apart, her pussy instinctively spreading and drooling onto his bed as he pulled it further open with his thumbs.

"Looks like you missed me…" he said smugly, as she shivered. "Don't worry… you won't ever feel 'lonely' again…" he hissed darkly as she whimpered, his implications well known to her. he gripped her hair and pulled, as she felt his thick, dominating cock slowly push into her drooling pussy. Hating herself, her body, and most importantly, Malisis as the familiar and unforgettable sensation of Darth Salacious' cock pushed deep into her tunnel, stretching her barely used pussy to capacity as his tip kissed her womb. Her whole body trembled as the entirety of his length adjusted her insides, her hair being used like reins to hold her in place. He ran his real hand over her trembled ass cheeks as tiny orgasms ran through her body… as if declaring to her pleasure nerves.

He has returned!

Then… he began to thrust. Pulling all the way out, and pushing all the way in as she screamed, gasped, and writhed beneath him, orgasming almost immediately as he pinned her down, biting hard into her shoulder and marking her with his teeth. It was different the first time, passionate, deep. He let her set the pace, let her on top, let her adjust to him… it was, and she had to admit it. A wonderful, unforgettable first time.

There was none of that now… he was different now. She was something to him before… she was nothing to him now.

"Fucking take it." He ordered cruelly, filling her up unapologetically with his seed. She shivered, but not from orgasm… she should have. She was so close, her body demanded it regardless of what her mind told it. He pulled out of her, leaving her feeling empty regardless of the massive thick load he left in her… dripping it onto his bed as he watched smugly. Standing casually away from her, apparently waiting…

She panted softly, struggling against the bindings as she dripped his human seed from her wet womanhood. She was coming down, the buildup of pleasure deteriorating quickly as he left her lying on the bed. Watching her silently. Her hips slowly bucked up and down before him… her body reacting instinctively to entice him… but he held firm, and that meant was two ways. His cock standing proudly at attention as if more than ready to claim her body again… but he wasn't.

He sniffed suddenly and approached her, spreading her ass cheeks again with firm hands and abruptly shoving himself deep into her stuffed pussy as her body joyfully reacted to him. Clenching and screaming as he pounded deep into her. Her body reacted happily as it was built up to climax again, she felt it. She was going to cum. He was going to make her…

He thrust deep into her body again and released, "Fucking. TAKE. IT." He hissed dismissively, draining his seed into her ass he pulled her immediately out… she shivered; suddenly she felt very empty.

"No no no…" she whimpered, trembling violently as her mind lost reason. "No! I want to cum!" she begged pathetically.

He smirked and smacked her ass, she leaked more profusely as he turned and opened the door. "I'm ready…" he said simply.

Bariss stared at Ashoka, looking shameful and utterly naked. entered. Salacious watched her carefully before wrapping an arm around her waist, and pulling her to him. What? What was he doing?

"I'll be gentle…" he whispered in her ear, "And I won't do anything you won't want…" he said, almost romantically. "I am a man of my word." He added.

He pulled her carefully into a kiss, she cringed slightly but accepted it. He stroked her lekku and gently pressed her to the door, caressing her body almost lovingly as Bariss shivered from the cold… both the temperature and the complete dismissal…

"Just make it quick." Hissed Ashoka. "I don't want this any more than she does…" her eyes suddenly widened as he slipped a metallic finger gently into her pussy, and she moaned. Gasping as she clutched tightly to his shoulders, the unfamiliar feeling of pleasure ripping through her body.

"It's alright." He said kindly, as she breathed heavily, "Let it happen…" he added lovingly, kissing her again as he increased the vibration. "Just feel good… feel better. Cum for me…"

Bariss' empty feeling grew as Ashoka had another, and another, and another carefully built orgasm. Writhing in blissful pleasure as Salacious… no… Roland. Played with her body, pleased her. he smiled fondly after Ashoka scrapped the door with her fingers, and he grinned, "Am I good enough for you yet?" he asked gently. Ashoka shook her head in annoyance… but…

"…Fine… come on." She said, a little prideful. He carefully lifted her leg, letting his rock hard throbbing erection that Bariss had given him, and slowly, carefully penetrated her…

Like a lover…

She adjusted slowly to him, gasping as she wrapped her arms around him, her raised leg tensing as he slowly and carefully moved inside her, plainly, virgin pussy. He made love to Ashoka, letting her feel more pleasure than he would, letting her go at her own pace as he steadily moved forward. His free hand gently caressed her body, her breasts, her hips, her surprisingly soft rear as he kissed and nibbled her lekku.

"AH!" Ashoka suddenly gasped, and she tightened around him, holding him close as she was hit with a trembling orgasm. He let her ride it as she moaned into his shoulder, biting down instinctively… but he didn't cum. In fact, once she had finished, he put her leg down and pulled out of her immediately approaching Bariss and shoving callously into her pussy. Giving her a few thrusts before pumping her full again with his load. Then just as quickly as he entered he pulled away, leaving her empty regardless of just being filled. Before returning to Ashoka and leading her to the bed.

It was like watching a romantic holo. She pulled him on top of her as they kissed before Bariss' eyes. Bariss' pussy trembled as he pierced into Ashoka again, making her writhe with pleasure as he wormed up and down on her body. Stroking her, caressing her, adoring her, he worshiped Ashoka like a togruta goddess… Bariss's pussy, despite herself, trembled jealously, and eagerly for him to return…

Ashoka came again, whimpering into his mouth as he brought her to another wonderful orgasm… and once again, he pulled out of her, and pierced deep into Bariss' now overstuffed and sloppy pussy, and dumped his load… almost immediately pulling out, but her hips wouldn't let him this time. Shoving back against him.

"No! No! Please let me cum! Please fuck me!" she begged manically, the words spilling from her lust-addled mouth as he watched her dismissively.

"…No." he said bluntly, callously tossing her away as he sniffed, "All you are now Bariss… is my toy to do with as I wish." He gently pulled a strangely content-looking Ashoka to her feet, and wrapped his arms gently around her, caressing her body. "Ashoka won't let me cum inside her so that's all I'm going to use you for… a tight little cumdump."

"Please!" she whimpered, crawling on her knees before Ashoka, "Please I'll do anything! Anything you want!" he gently let Ashoka go, pulling her gently aside as he took his admittedly hardening cock and slapped it onto Bariss' desperate face. Immediately she eagerly began to suck, slurping it loudly into her mouth as she tasted the mixture of her and Ashoka's insides. Her tongue lovingly caressed his length as if it was a treat.

"You're going to tell me everything we want to know…" he said, as she moaned confirmation, her placed his hands on her head and forced her to go faster, harder. "You're going to do everything I want you to do." He hissed, speeding her up. "And you are going to fucking swallow…" he shoved the entirety of his cock into her throat, it spasmed around him as he shot a thick stream of warm seed into her gullet as she gagged erotically on his length. He threw her onto the floor as she panted happily for breath, a long stream of cum splashing onto her body as he grinned knowingly at Ashoka.

"Told you it would work." He said proudly, she scoffed but didn't complain. "Now if you'll excuse me." He said proudly, lifting Bariss' legs up as she stared eagerly at his length. "I've got a fuck toy that needs to be rewarded." He said smugly, pounding deep into Bariss as her pussy sprayed his cum around his cock.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!" she pleaded happily as she squirmed in pleasure. Ashoka watching disgustedly from the bed, but more at Bariss herself than the sight. "Make me cum master!" she squealed, her breasts bouncing wildly as her body shook and squirmed at his relentless thrusting, "YES!!!" she suddenly shrieked, thrashing about at her long-awaited orgasm ripped through her, "YES!!! MY PUSSY FEELS SO GOOD!!!"

He kept going, kept thrusting deep into her eager little body as her mind flew far away. He pounded hard against her ass, it shook and quivered with the motions until he roared his imminent release with a primal scream. "Master's cum! Master!" she cried happily.

"There she is…" he mocked as her eyes rolled and she came, his load filling her up again as she trembled. "There's the little fuck toy…"

"Fuck toy…" she repeated blissfully as he pulled out of her, her pussy exploded with cum along the floor. He scowled, and grabbed her hair, tossing her callously into the puddle as her tongue eagerly began to lick it up like a dog. "I am master's fuck toy..."

He sat on the bed with Ashoka, watching her proudly as Ashoka stared with disgust and fascination. "Now then… there is the matter of my grandmother…" he noted coldly, "…And how we're going to kill her…"

Ashoka sniffed, turning away from Bariss licking up the spilled cum. "…And I suppose I'll have to 'pay' you again for your help?"

He however began to lick her lekku, she cringed, but more from shock than disgust. "…Well… since we're already here…" he cooed gently, "We could start negotiations…" he looked at Bariss who had finished cleaning and grabbed her long-braided hair, dragging her face to his crotch as he shoved his cock back into her mouth. Ashoka cringed at the sight, but he shrugged, "What?" he asked, grabbing Bariss and stopping her blowjob for a moment, "She likes it."

Bariss smiled with his cock in her mouth before he began to make her work it again. Ashoka sighed but gasped when he felt his metallic fingers pierce her pussy again, gently. As he held her close… she rolled her eyes… they were already here after all…

He pulled her into a kiss as he pulled Bariss' mouth down on his length, shooting a load into her mouth before shoving her away and pulling Ashoka on top of him as they began 'negotiating' his further services….

End of Chapter.

You know looking back on this Darth Salacious might be my favorite What If interval series. I think it's Salacious, Imperial Aiden (we'll get to him) and Moff Aiden (which also includes Imperial Roland and a great deal of incest.) It's not really important, just my own thoughts.