
Interval Thirty-Six: Hunting Wolf

I don't own star wars

And contains scenes of a space werewolf having sex. So... maybe beast? It's probably just furry

Quite the melee they started… every two-bit Bounty hunter who threw in their lot with Altora Kane was brutally crippled or injured as the twi'lek hunter tore through them like wet tissue paper. Babayaga was a clever slug, but I'm not dumb enough to attack a fortress with just a blaster rifle. They were waiting for it now, they knew the attack was coming.

I sniffed the filthy air, filled with smells of food and shit and I cringed. Getting back into my speeder and I watched Green-Eyed Killa lead the Kane boy through the gauntlet of fools. I contemplated my plan thoroughly, ideally, I'd like to gut the Kane boy now, get paid, and move on. This was more trouble than it was worth. But I'll do it on my terms. My time… So I went and found his ship. It was easy enough to discover, I had a few contacts who could be discreet. And when the occasion called for it I could move without being seen, heard, or noticed in any way…

Admittedly the stealth field belt helped.

Finding a good place for the tracker was easy, the pile of scrap and garbage in what I could only assume was the Jawa's room was simple enough to hide it in. However, the trick was avoiding the blue-haired woman… it was as if she could see me but wasn't sure if I was really there. I couldn't afford to fight at such a disadvantage. The Wookiee and the Varli were the most dangerous obviously and I could take out one or the other first, but they weren't Alecinder… they were actually competent.

So I made myself scarce and went to bide my time. I can wait for a more opportune moment.

Of course, the waiting was the problem… I drove around Nar Shaddaa… explosions and violence still occurring off in the distance, not necessarily caused by the Kane boy and his pet hunter. Eventually I parked my speeder and lay back in my seat… my eyes shutting as I crossed my arms across my chest.

I hate waiting and doing nothing… I wanted to be doing something. I suppose I could occupy my time with the lesser hunts. A rhodian bail jumper, a wife beater, a bitch who stole a large sum of credits… those weren't worth my time, or my effort. I snarled, my teeth bared angrily at the thought… to be honest, I was half a second away from trying my luck against Killa when a tap-tap-tap rapped on the window…

I opened one eye and it swiveled onto the window… an attractive orange skinned togruta stood outside my speeder, leaning onto the car as her large pendulous breasts swayed in her tube top. Her short skirt and fishnet leggings briefly drew my eye as I quickly realized she was a streetwalker. I glared at her for a moment, and closed my eye again to go back to sleep as the tap-tap-tap repeated on my window… I sighed. I rolled it down as she smiled at me, her purple lipstick lips stretching beautifully…

"What?" I said abruptly, ignoring the smile as she looked me up and down.

"Well you look like you're a little bored baby…" she cooed, standing a little straighter as she rubbed her toned stomach, "Maybe you'd like a good time with me? I can be very entertaining…" she licked her lips, running her hand down her slender waist to emphasize her body. She did have a nice set of breasts, and hips.

Normally… I'd say no. But I literally had nothing better to do… spending my time rutting some common street slut was a better idea than nothing… I looked her up and down again, and as if sensing my examination she did a little turn… her ass was flat, she shook it slightly with a giggle but there wasn't much she could do with it. But since I'm the sort of man not to do something half-assed, it could be remedied by the addition of another slut…

"Get in." I said abruptly, and she walked around the car, slipping into the passenger set as she stroked my leg. I glared at her, "…I want another girl. Know anyone?" I said abruptly as she blinked at me curiously and her face fell, realizing quickly that I wasn't going to be a quick credit. She was going to have to earn it tonight.

"…Any particular preference?" she asked, smiling again. I looked her up and down, she leaned back in the seat, cupping her large breasts and bouncing them in her well-manicured hands.

"…An ass I could sink my fangs into…" I replied with a low, gravelly growl.

"…I know a few." She replied, "A few streets over. A twi'lek, a chiss, a cathar, a couple humans, a nautolan…" she listed off a collection of races on her hands as I snorted, I didn't care. I'll just pick one when we find one.

I put the speeder in gear, following her directions into a red-light district. "Who do you work for?" I asked eyeing her as she watched me.

"Babayaga runs the girls around here…" she said, "So you better be careful." She added smugly, I snorted again. she frowned. "…There." She said, gesturing to a particular corner occupied by a handful of walkers and potential johns. Jiggling and strutting as they peddled their goods under a street lamp. A chiss girl with two long pigtails, a short loose skirt and a revealing tied top gripped the pole and began to twerk her ass for a couple of protectives, the skirt bouncing up and down on her blue, and apparently tattooed ass wrapped obviously in a thong.

From what I could tell, the words 'Docking Port' was stamped across those big firm ass cheeks, with her holes for the 'O's… "She'll do." I said abruptly to the togruta. "Go get her." I added firmly as she sighed, getting out of the speeder and strutting towards the chiss. Her ass slapped hard against her ass as the chiss turned and smiled. Words were exchange and the torguta pointed to my speeder. Arm and arm they walked back towards my speeder as her prospective customers turned their attention to the other girls.

"Hi…" she said, leaning against my window, pressing her good-sized breasts against the glass as the togruta walked back to the passenger seat. "I'm Berry."

I snorted abruptly gesturing to the back seat. "Get in."

"Ah-ah." She replied smirking, "Price first. What do you want?" I grinned at her, and on my face… it wasn't a pretty sight. Her smile slipped as she shivered.

"I'm feeling particularly energetic." I said coolly, "…Everything." I added as she twitched.

"…Everything? I'm not cheap baby." She noted hesitantly as if to discourage me.

"WE aren't cheap." The togruta added but a snorted angrily, I was getting annoyed.

"I'm going to cost you some credits." Berry added, stroking her body tantalizingly as if to emphasize how good she looked.

"I'm good for it." I growled, "Get in the speeder. Or get me another whore." I added firmly, looking at the togruta. They exchanged a brief look, but Berry slid into the back as I took off. "Motel." I grunted, abruptly asking for a location.

"Just down the street." Berry replied pointing to a grungy building with people flowing in and out. I parked nearby in an alleyway, getting out of the speeder as they draped themselves around me. I lead them in, heading towards the counter being run by a rat-faced human man who grinned slimily at me.

"Welcome to the-" he began but I tossed a credit chip abruptly onto the counter, his eyes widened at the amount ON the credit chip as the girls stared as well.

"Room. NOW." I ordered as he cleared his throat and quickly retrieved a key card. "All night."

"Yes sir!" he grinned, knowing he could charge me the most expensive one they had. After all, red-light motels like this one operated on a turnout rate. If someone was staying for the whole night the price was much bigger. "The best room in the building, top floor. That'll be-" he began again as I glared dangerously at him and he froze, "…I'll uh…" he suddenly glared at my arm, my face, and realized I wasn't one to screw with. "I'll give you a discount…" he added with a nervous laugh, taking the amount from my chip and handing it back to me as I groped the girls in my arms, squeezing their tight asses roughly in my hands as I dragged them off.

"Baby why didn't you say you had so many credits?" cooed Berry as my hand slipped beneath her skirt, "Ah!" she gasped, my hand abruptly forcing her ass cheeks apart, shoving my fingers into her tight little asshole. "Stop." She whimpered as nearby clients eyed her ass hungrily, "I don't do free shows…"

"You'll do whatever I want." I growled, shoving more fingers into her ass and practically carrying her along, her legs trembling as she stumbled in her heels. "I own you for the night." We stepped into the elevator, another hooker and her client tried to join us but I glared at them. They froze, and the doors shut as I began to grope my togruta. Berry pressed her hands on the wall as I worked my fingers harder on her ass.

"F-fuck! Fuck…" she groaned, her ass shaking on my hand as I squeezed the togruta's chest. I already had two fingers in Berry's hole, but as I slipped a third she shrieked, clawing the walls of the elevator as my claws lightly scrapped the inside of her ass as her hole shivered on my fingers. I pulled her ass further away from the wall, she leaned farther over as I slipped a finger into her tunnel, it was warm and tight around my fingers… but not quite wet.

I pulled out of her, her thong askew as the door dinged open. I grabbed her hair, pulling her exhausted body from the wall as I led them both down the hall. Eyeing the number on my card I found the door, opening it up and practically shoved them inside.

The room was grungy and basic. But probably cleaner than that higher turnout of the lower floors. Of which I had no doubt were covered in various fluids. Speaking off…

I slid my hand beneath the Togruta's skirt, she gasped as I tore away her underwear, tossing the scraps away as she glared at me, only to hiss as I shoved my fingers into her tunnel. She was wet, or at least aroused enough for my taste. "That's going to cost you." She whimpered, trying to keep a stern face but it was lost on me.

"Fine." I said with an abrupt snarl. Pressing the Berry firmly against the wall, her ass out to me as I ran my claws gently across her smooth cheeks, hooking her thong and pulling it aside as I smacked the blue flash, watching it shake. "Come here." I ordered the torgurta.

"Tandi." she replied

"Fine." I said uncaring. "Come here. TANDY."

"With an 'I'." she added as she approached, but I grabbed the back of her head, and shoved her roughly to the floor and pressed her face between Berry's ass cheeks. "Lick." I ordered, rubbing her face against Berry's pussy. She resisted at first, but her hands wrapped around Berry's flesh as her tongue ran up and down her clit. I gripped Berry's hair, yanking it back as she hissed in pain and I pressed her to the wall.

"How much is THIS going to cost me?" I asked, rubbing Tandi's face into her crotch.

"…7000 for the whole night…" she growled at me, "Especially if you're this rough…" she yelped as I yanked her hair but let her go. Pulling Tandy away as I approached the bed, removing my armor. To reveal my damaged left side. They watched me sit down on the bed. "…You ever been with a Shistavanen before?" I growled, watching them exchange a look. "Come here." I ordered.

Tandi crawled on the floor as Berry walked, dropping to their knees as I removed my pants, revealing my moderately smooth and, to them, genitalless crotch. They did notice that I had balls, but Berry could not help but giggle.

"Where's your dick?" she laughed, watching me with a smug face. I gripped her hair as she flinched, "We don't even need a condom!" she burst out laughing as Tandi giggled, not noticing that I wasn't concerned at all. "Its not my fault you- you…" it came out slowly at first, their eyes widened as it slowly became two inches, three, four… at seven they looked concerned, at eight they where shivering… and at nine, when it rubbed against Berry's face her lower lip trembled. at Ten however they were speechless.

My thick, pink, canine member flopped against her face. I growled in satisfaction. The look of concern on their faces hardened my length. "…Good luck finding a condom for me." I noted as they realized what they were in for. I growled at Berry, rubbing my cock against her lips as she immediately stretched her blue lips wide, smearing her lipstick on my length as she sucked. I pulled Tandi to it, letting her lick the shaft as they took the initiative by stroking my length and balls that their tongues or lips hadn't gotten to.

I sighed contentedly, letting them work. My cock throbbing in readiness but I held on, my firm hands resting on their heads as I switched Berry's lips for Tandi's smirking as Tandi went deeper. I could tell by the lipstick smear. "Get the knot too." I ordered, pulling Berry to my knot, "Better lube it real good…" I warned. She messily worked her tongue on it before I pulled her back to my balls. I bore my teeth at them in a smile, they shivered at the sight. I wasn't much to look at.

I pulled Tandi off before pressing them firmly to my cockhead, their lips touching as they slurped their tongues on my head. "It's been a while since I rutted a couple of bitches…" I said flatly, standing up and pulling them roughly to their feet. "I hope you hold up." I smirked, tossing them both onto the bed as I practically tore away Tandi's skirt, tossing it to the side as I spread her orange asscheeks.

"Y-you'll pull out right?" she said hesitantly as my head probed her pussy.

"No." I replied so abruptly that she shivered as I pushed my cock into her immediately as she shrieked in pleasure, her pussy stretching amazingly to accommodate my length.

"Kark!" she screamed as I grabbed her horned lekku, pulling her head back as Berry watched nervously beside her. "Karking! KARK!! FUCK!!!" she growled as I pounded into her unrelentingly, noisily slamming my hips hard against her, admittedly bony, ass. But her pussy was good, better than the Snistavanen bitches I had rutted before. I pressed down onto her body, pinning her in place as I sink my teeth onto her lekku, but not enough to draw blood, it was a love bite in comparison. "OH FORCE!!!" she screamed, fear tightening her body as my knot rammed against her pussy.

I destroyed her. her fingers clawed violently at the sheets ass she practically yodeled her first orgasm. I continued unabated even as she slapped my arms, now wrapped securely (but not tightly) around her neck. "Cum as much as you want." I growled into her ears as I forced another orgasm through her body, "But I'm not stopping until I'm DONE." She shrieked as I ravaged her, her pussy leaking fluids like a broken damn as I approached my first release.

I sneered hungrily, I loved this part… I pushed my knot firmly against her tight hole and she trembled. Her eyes rolled up into her head as she began to scream, slowly at first, then more audibly as I pushed. "FUCK!!!" she screamed as the pain overrode the pleasure, then back again as she went limp. Shivering as she felt my thick, breeding seed rush into her body. My knot making sure every last drop was stuffed into her alien womb…

Hookers are always a treat to knot...

It would be a while until I was 'done' done… but as I lifted her ass up, her arms limp on the bed and her face drooling, she twitched rather pleasurably… Berry silently, and nervously watching me breed her friend. Finally, a few minutes later my knot lessened enough to pull out, and I tossed her abruptly aside, grinning smugly at Berry who shivered but couldn't look away.

"…I want that ass." I order, gripping the meaty flesh in my hand as I crawled onto the bed, dragging her with me as I pressed her to the headboard, making her look at me and lifting her legs as I spread her ass apart, her ass tightening nervously. Good.

I pressed her feet to the head of the bed, she nervously whimpered. Looked hesitantly at Tandi and the door and realized no help was coming. She had no words, she just grit her teeth and hissed through them as I whipped my cockhead against her asshole, not presented and ready for me. I pressed in my cockhead, and she shivered. I put in an inch, and she trembled. Another two, she yelped and writhed as I stretched her. Then I slid all the way to the root, her pussy squirted onto my furry scarred chest as she shrieked and struggled in my grip, but I was too strong for her, her toes curling as she tried to alleviate the pleasurable pain in any way she could…

Then I fully began to move… and she broke. She screamed incoherently as I fucked her. I used her. she came again and again on my cock as I ignored her, letting of body command her more than my words as her ass tightened again and again on my thick throbbing length. I rubbed her wet, leaking pussy as she screamed, clawing at the sheets, the headboard, anything, as her body bounced and shook with my forceful thrusts.

I grinned down at her, tears actually leaked from her eyes as she realized why… my knot pushed, and pierced her ass, she SCREAMED… and I released my load, howling with a primal cry as she went limp, twitching as her nerves overloaded.

I barely waited for my knot to shrink as I ripped it out of her, her ass spraying seed onto the sheets as I smirked smugly. Her ass was good and gaped now, I felt a sick sense of satisfaction, wondering if that hole was useless for most clients now.

Oh well… I got of the bed, grabbing Tandi by the ankle as she whimpered, and I dragged her to the bathroom. Like a primitive savage claiming a female as his property… which wasn't too far off the mark. I pulled her top free, tossing it aside as her breasts bounced. I groped them, she fidgeted as I leaned her against the shower wall. Whimpering…

"Force…" she bit her lips nervously. "Oh please- shit…" she replied watching my cock revive itself as I played with her tits. "You're going to ruin me…"

I took the shower head and aimed it at her chest, turning on the cold water as she jumped at the feeling of it cascading down her skin, hardening her nipples as I gripped her lekku holding her in place. "On your knees…" I ordered, groping her tits. "You're not done." She hesitated but jumped at the chance once I put the cold shower head to her pussy, spraying the water up her tunnel as my seed flowed out of her.

I put the shower head back as her big soft breast wrapped around my length. She was big, but my cock looked like an oversize hotdog in a smaller bun. I took the liquid soap, spraying her tits as she slowly rubbed them up and down in an alternating pattern, lathering up her chest into a slippery pleasure trap as she gave me a proper titjob. She was a natural girl, her tits wrapping tightly and snuggling around my length as she worked it all the way up and down, my cock head tapping against her chin.

"Suck it." I ordered as she looked up at me concerned, "Hurry up." I replied at the look.

She hesitated, but took my cockhead into her mouth, still stroking my length with her tits a little awkwardly, but I was still enjoying myself. The foam of soap splashed away as I made the water hit her chest, her soft breasts firmly wrapped around my length as I let go.

"Ah!" she yelped, thick ropes of cum splashing onto her face as she turned her head, dripping onto her breasts as I pulled out between them, stroking my cock as I fired my seed onto her. "Jerk. You could've warned me."

"Very well." I snarled, pulling her to her feet by her lekku as she nervously shivered, "I'm going to fuck you again." I informed her as she trembled, my hands lifted her from the ground, spreading her legs apart as I easily lowered her down onto my erection. She was light as a feather to me, although she obviously didn't weigh much at all.

"Fuck… Fuuuck…" she moaned, feeling me stretch her as I lowered her easily down my length, my hands groping her ass as her legs hung helplessly in the air. "Oh force…" she screamed as I began immediately, easily lifting her up and down my cock. She clawed at my back, water spraying forcefully onto our bodies as I satisfied myself with her body. If she managed to enjoy herself, which is what the shaking and screaming would imply as she tightened up, desperately clinging to my length as I ravaged her. Then that was her prerogative and no concern of mine.

Sure. A whore who enjoyed her work on Nar SHaddaa was a credit a dozen. But when you MAKE that whore enjoy herself, well you're just a talented worker.

But then she went limo, moaning incoherently as her body shook against mine. Her tongue lolled on my furry chest as she whimpered in pleasure. I snorted, my claws sunk tightly into her ass as she flinched, I made her ride my length for a little while longer until I pulled her down my length. Silently filling her cunt with cum as she leaked it down my cock, splashing to the floor as I used her body to get out the last drops.

Then I dropped her like rotten garbage as she leaned against the shower wall. I continued to bathe as if it she was nothing at all, before abruptly leaving the shower with her still trembling inside, lying limply on the tiles as the water washed away the various fluids she was covered in. I returned to the bed, tossing the towel aside as I glared at Berry's sleeping body, right where I left her.

She was briefly aware of what I was doing half a second before I did it. Not waiting for her permission and buried my cock back into her tight ass as she screamed into the bedding. The whole thing creaked dangerously as I pounded her ass again, her legs flailing and her hand clawing as I buried myself fully into her hole with each stroke. She was muffled by the sheets, and I wanted to hear her… I gripped her hair and tugged, she screamed incoherently as I rode her harder, her voice undulating with each forceful stroke inside her ass… which felt a little looser…

She tried to crawl away, apparently subconsciously, but I grabbed her hips and pulled her back. Her head said 'no'. but I drowned it out with my-

"YES!!!" I growled, knotting her ass again and releasing deep into the gaping orifice. I collapsed onto her, thrusting my cum into her ass that was molded firmly against my hips. I raked my teeth gently on her blue skin, "Lie there and take it." I ordered abruptly, gently nipping her skin as she trembled uncontrollably…

Probably afraid I'd rip her apart… I only did that with one slut, and she was an assassin.

I grunted my last drops into her ass, leaving her lying limply on the bed as I lay down in contentment. Well… not that content. I gripped her blue pigtail, she whimpered as I easily dragged her lips back to my cock. Sliding her down it as I relaxed, guiding her head easily along it as I watched her.

"…I'm going to ruin you." I said firmly, gripping both pigtails in a hand as she shivered nervously. "…Brace yourself. Tonight, will be a night you won't forget. And I hilted into her quivering throat…

After a couple of hours… their holes just seemed to blur together. Tandi had let Berry satisfy my urges for a little while longer until she finally left the bathroom. And seeing her 'partner' limp on the floor covered in seed she tried to make for the door…

That made me laugh… she had just reached for the doorknob when I was on her, grinning at her fearful eyes as I licked her wet cheek. "…Where are you going?" I replied with a growl as she tearfully whimpered, barely able to resist my muscles as I dragged her back to the bed. I throbbed at the idea of letting her go, letting her run away so I could hunt her down and claim her body. But that might have caused a few issues with the motel… and I didn't feel like fighting my way out of here today.

"Have mercy…" she whimpered as I spread her legs, she quivered around my cock as I slipped easily back into her loosened hole.

"Shut up." I ordered as I ravaged her, slamming my cock into her as hard as I could. Foreplay was over, it was time for the real fucking to begin.


…It was morning… I held Berry's head down on my cock as I spilled my last load into her throat. I pulled her off as my cum flowed from her lips onto the floor. I glared at her frowning, and callously checked her pulse…

Still alive… I dropped her abruptly to the carpet, her face landing in a pool of fluids as her holes gaped painfully. I chuckled as I saw my teeth marks on her jiggling ass, her holes leaking torrents of cum as I approached the unconscious Tandi and pushed her with my foot, she had passed out hours ago… I pushed down on her stomach, her ass and pussy leaking cum profusely as I smirked proudly. I did not even the one who had to clean up this room…

Sheets were torn, cum stains were everywhere, and a bed leg was broken as well as the table. All in all, a good night… well… I eyed the two whores on the carpet; used, abused, and probably sexually broken.

…No, I was right. It was a good night. I stood over Tandi, grinning as I relieved myself on her. She quivered mournfully as she felt the warm liquid on her body and shivered as she felt the credit chip slap against her skin as I walked away. Leaving them in the room to take care of the rest.

Without another word I left. Heading towards my speeder. A twi'lek hooker and a weequay were rubbing up against it, apparently, he had paid for a good time. "Leave." I said abruptly as they scrambled away I was about to step in when-

"…Hello there." I paused and turned to see a pure-blood sith… with long, vibrant purple hair, blood-colored red skin, and glowing purple eyes. I frowned. I had never seen one with purple hair and eyes before… she was curvy and slender in all the right places, holo-girl levels of eroticism, and dressed like a high class escort. She strutted towards me, I growled like a territorial hound.

"Now Now ,Mr. Vargoss… I come with a proposition…" I flinched, my nose twitching as I smelled… shit. Pheromones… she was leaking them like a horny Zeltron.

"…Who are you?" I asked snarling as I tried to shake the feeling out of my head.

"…I've forgotten…" she cooed, running the soft hand along my scarred cheek. "…But you my dear can just call me Gasp."

End of chapter.

I kinda wanted to go dark with this one. More just a little, like I did. It was almost Vargoss taking our 'disposable sex worker tropes' into an abandoned district and hunting them down like a serial killer (but you know, fucking them stupid instead). But then I felt that was a little cliché. So we got this instead 

And Gasp has a body now! And I'll just spoil the 'secret', it's Kaath-Tyi's DNA mixed with Zeltron. She really liked Kaath-Tyi's body.