
Just an Egg

Sorry for da wait :> 

Please note this chapter takes heavy inspiration from the Mandolorian show.



Jakes tired body rose up from the small table Ada had laid him the day before, it didnt take long for the ones who could sleep to knock out, hell Teesh was already asleep before it even turned dark. But that didnt matter, the boy was awake, he swung his legs to the side, glancing at a sleeping Teesh and the pile of familiar droids all with plugs sticking out of them. Jakes gaze quickly lingered on Ada, she was huddled in a blanket sitting on a seat, he walked up to her looked down, smiling lightly before slowly hobbling over to the door.

Opening it, the light morning sun found its way to his dry face as he began to hop down the stairs. Funnily enough he heard some noises...wait...noises? Jakes face turned to one of slight concern.

Thats not funny at all. Walking away and around Adas ship and peaking at his LAATs wreckage, hand on his blaster, he saw a massive veichle, towering over the LAAT and Adas ship, his eyes widened as he scanned it from tread to top, it was a Sandcrawler, not that Jake knew that. Scanning the rest of the area Jake begun to see...JAWAS?

A hoard of them, walking around and chittering with eachother in their dark cloaks, holding pieces of metal and debris from the ship, seeing what was worth something and what wasnt. Small huts and rugged cloth covering protected resting Jawas from the sun as the walked in and out of their Crawler.

Jakes flung around rapdily, ignoring the sand in his face as a gust wahsed over him, starting to stutter.

"JA-JAWAS!!!" Jake was quick to draw his weapon and rush forwards, holding it by his side. the Jawas skittered around dropping items and scrap they had ripped off the LAAT, letting out suprised yelps, a Jawa by Jake carried a Battledroid arm, Jakes thoughts poured into a fuming rage, his hands shaking as even the gun shivered in his hand.

"YOU SCRAPPED BUCKET!!!" Jake pulled his leg back and slammed the sole of his shoe into the side of the Jawas head, the small being toppling to the side, the Jawa panicked as it threw itself onto its back and tried to crawl backwards before Jake stepped on its stomach, his eyes sharing more reseblance to a laser than a pupil.

The boy raised his weapon and aimed it at the Jawa.

"JAKE!!" Ada yelled, jogging over as a confused and tired Teesh peaked around the ship, the droids that could walk close behind.

"Whats going on?!" Teesh practcally yelled upon seeing the scene, the Jawas stood infront of their Crawler awaiting Jakes move, not knowing fi theys should save their comrade, said comrade on the floor just staring upwards with an arm covering his face.

"These...these FUCKS!!" Jake spat as he reached the gun closer to Jawa "Are tearing apart MY ship!!"

Ada stared at the boy and then the Jawa beneath him, she gave a disapointed sigh as Teeshes slitted eyes scanned the line of Jawas now watching them. Clank and Tac arrived, the other droids not capable of walking.

The Jawa began to ramble gibberish but Jake quickly shushed him with an aggressive stare. Teesh looked over at Jake, stepping over the Jawa and walking over to the Jawa hoard. 

"Ssssssssssshow usss your Leader!" Teesh snarled, two of the Jawas scampering back into their crawler, the huge machine a dirty brown color, covered in rust and large bolts. The Jawas whispered among eachother, Ada rubbing Jakes shoulder as the boy breathed slowly, calming himself before giving a small nod of thanks to Ada.

"Sorry not sorry..." Jake said stepping of the Jawa, the small creature stumbling to its feet as it ran back to its hoard. And as if on que, a Jawa emraged, slightly taller than the rest, although that isnt saying much, and wearing a hood with a red stripe going across the back of it, along side a small red cloth around his waist. Jakes put his blaster away as he began to walk by Teeshes side, Ada following as she gazed with suspicion beneath her helmet, Tac and Clank staying back. a soft gust of sand blew by as the Lead Jawa, followed by two others with oddly shaped blasters, probably guards, walked up to a few feet infront of Jake. Out of respect, Jake kneeled down to see the Jawas eyes to eye, the action seeming to catch the leader of guard, although it was hard to tell anything with that mask...or..whatever it was.

The leader rambled on about soemthing in his native language , obviously Jake had no idea what the hell he was saying, he looked over at Ada, which had copied him in the kneeling action, the both of them shrugging. To their surpise, Teesh began to utter back the apparently incoherent nonsense back to the Jawas, the leader and the lizard exchanging what Jake assumed was a conversation. The boy put away his questions as to why Teesh knew how to speak Jawa, he was just happy the lizard could.

"They want to know why you attacked them" Teesh translated, the Jawas peering at the boy.

Jake stared back for a moment.

"Well even if it crashed this is my ship, we where going to use it to fix her ship" Jake said using his hands to motion to the specifed objects, his metal shirt rattling slightly.

The Jawa spat something in return, Jake and Ada turning to look up at Teesh, who had of course refused to kneel down.

"He said that they found it, and it wasnt touched" Jake quickly turned back to look at the Jawa, who stood, if you could call it that, with his arms crossed.

"Hey look, i get it right, scrap is great, back where im from i used to be a scrapper...buuuut this is my ship..." Jake paused for a moment, assuming by the stare and lack of answer his reasoning wasnt enough for them to leave him alone. 

"Well...how about this...we get the parts we need to fix her ship, and you guys can keep the rest?" 

The trio stared at the Lead Jawa as he talked to his guards, the two droids in back still staring with lasting concern. after a minute the Jawa spoke to Teesh, who was quick to rely the message.

"He says that the others dont think its enough..cause you stepped on their friend"

Jake mentally groaned as his face deadpanned staring at the ground, Ada turned to see this, and pat his back, Jake letting out a single chuckle.

"But..he says their is something you can do" Teesh said shrugging his shoulders, sharing Jake and Ada's confused look. The Jawas standing in the back immdiantly began to huddle closer to Jake, seeing he was one who would make the choice, all gazing. Jake stared around a bit unerved but mamaged to tear his vision back to Teesh.

"He wants you to go and get some sort of egg" Teesh could barely finish his sentance before the Jawas started cheering, throwing scrap bits into the air, and chanting 


Tac and Clank treaded over, now being totally sure the Jawas where not hostile, Tac staring with emotionless confusion. 

"What is a Zuka?" Tac said turning to Jake, only to be answered by Teesh.

"It meanssss Egg in Jawa" 

"Well...how hard can getting a Egg be" Ada said looking at Jake, who stared

contemplating. Well...eggs are usually made by animals right? what animals did it belong too?...not that it mattered, the deal was so sweet, much easier than fighting the Jawa colony..thats for sure.

"And...the leader says he will provide transport to the egg and back here, aswell as help you fix her ship" Teesh spoke again, barely being able to translate the leaders words through the cheering.

Jakes eyes held surpise as he heaved him off the ground and took a light step towards the Jawas, reaching an arm down.

"You have yourself a deal" Jake said with a happy tug of his lips, he hadnt done a trade deal in a while, and even if the Jawas arent...trustworthy...the rush of comming to an agreement was soemthing he missed doing with the now scorched villagers of Geonosis.

He was dragged away from his mind as the Jawas cheered the lead one nodding his head. Although, some of thr Jawas seemed intrigued by the two BattleDroids, which then prompted Teesh to translate again, signing with annoyance.

"So…they want to buy your droids"

Jake scoffed "sorry guys, these guys are my friends…I can't sell em" Jake explained as he heaved himself to his feet, the droids letting off mental sighs in their programming.

The lead Jawa stared with at them with his big ol eyes for a brief moment, before seemingly shaking his head and looking at Ada, spouting out random noises.

"He asks if your ship can fly" Teesh translated clearly unamused at the role he's playing. Jake stared on as Ada and the Jawa exchanged a few words, or mumbles in the Jawas case. He had noticed that the Jawas around the leader were still very much happy, but seemingly getting ready to board, more importantly, he had noticed Rusty and Racket weren't there with them, he knew they couldn't walk so he slid out of the conversation and went to back inside the ship.

Jake's footsteps echoed against the steel as he peaked inside, Raxket still posted up agains the wall corner and Rusty fiddling with his hands in the seat, snapping his head over to wave at Jake.

"Greetings friend!" The B1 chirped happily, Jake couldn't help but chuckle as he waved back.

"Hey bud, just checking on you two, we're dealing with some Jawas who where stealing our stuff" Jake pulled away and hopped into the sand, jogging back. Rusty staring at the door.

"Well that's just rude" The B1 spoke, Racket nodding in agreement.

Jake returns to see the Jawas now scattered around picking up their things and loading it onto the crawler, Teeshes yellow ishs cales shimmered as the reptile turned to him.

"Hey kid…the Jawassss are lendingsss us a ride, and letting ussss park Ada'sssss sssship atop there crawler" Teesh said with his typical lisp.

"Can that thing hold your ship" Jake asked with slight concern, dusting some sand off his helmet, which had been subconsciously holding the entire time since he awoke.

"Mhm…" was all Ass replied as she continue to stare at the Jawas jog about. It didn't take

Long for the lead Jawa to yet again approach, nodding at Ada. The mandolorian flew off to her ship right next to them, the engines roaring as it slowly came to life. Ignoring that, Jake bent down to ask the Jawa something.

"How long will this trip take" No translation needed as the leader simply held up 1 finger then pointed at the suns.

"One day I assume"

He nodded.

Jake nodded back and gave a thumbs up, which went ignored as the Jawa turned and beckoned them in board. Tac and Clank looked at eachother as they began to follows Jakes short steps, the lizard already ahead of

Them. Jake's shoe kicked small gusts of sand as the double sun snow blasted at them, now strong compared to their morning form.

Jake and the others with him stepped into and up the crawler, watching as the massive door closed and the small hallways lit up with wall lights, the brown interior marching the rugged outside.

Clank near immigrant ly sighed as a Jawa scurried to him rambling, pointing at Tim and Tac. Jake glanced at Teesh who gave a deadpan look before translating.

"She's saying droids have to stay on the roof" Jake stared at the Jawa, he wouldn't be happy about but he nodded. Tax waving at Jake as he and the B2 started to follow the Jawa to some elevation system, disappearing from few.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be fine" Ada reassured the teen placing a hand in his shoulder, Jake flinched at the action but relaxed once he realized who it was.

"Mhm..I know" Jake replied with a small laugh, he turned around his helmet and slammed it on, Buckets head still welded on stared eerily into nothingness, despite how gruesome it may seem, Jake wore his dead comrades head proudly, hoping that whatever spirt droids might have would help him.

Jake wandered the halls, well, more like squeezed his way. They were tiny as one could assume, thankfully big enough for people to fit, but only if crouched. Some Jawas came walking by, Jake having to press himself against the wall, the Jawas staring at his helmet as they passed.

Teesh had followed the Leader Jawa, being the only one who he could talk to, and Ada was behind him, both of them trying to find a way to the roof to check on her ship. Small issue…they were lost.

"I told you we should have asked" Ada teased.

"Normally going up isn't that hard" Jake said with fake annoyance, a smile tainting his face.

"Oh fuck off Jake…I know for a fact you have no clue where we are" Ada spoke aloud as she started to laugh. 

Jake stared for moment through his helmet, his eyes happily dialated. "Heh..hmmm nah..watch this" Jake then procded to start running while crouched as fast as he could away.

"Hey!" Ada said with panic and laughter as she followed him. It didnt take long for them to stumble upon a small elevator, which they both entered, the creaks of steel echoed within as it heaved both of their Un-Jawa like bodies upwards, it was obviously not built for this, but it got the job doen as the door opened, and they exited on the roof. Adas ship stand on the other side, the Lead Jawa surronded by a few others and Teesh stand in front of it. 

Walking over with Ada in tow the teen called out to Teesh, waving a hand up as his new armored shirt rattled. "Hey..Teesh!"

The lizard turned as the did the lead Jawa, Teesh grinned as said something to the jawa as Jake approached.

"Sssssup kid, your droidsss are in the sssship" Jake nodded 

"Alright good...and what are they doing?" Jake followed, pointing at the small hoard of Jawa welding away at Adas ship as the Mandolorian watched nervosuly beneath her helm.

"Well the Jawas thought theyd repay us partly before hand, to encourage us not to attack them" Teesh said with a shrug, the lead Jawa nodding.

Jake chcukled lightly "Oh dont worry, we wont attack ya lead Jawa" 

"Hissss name isss Tibet" Teesh corrected.

"Oh uh..sorry Tibet" Jake said with a slight stutter, Ada giggling to her self behind him. The scenary around them was pale but amazing, the long expanses of sand flowed like an ocean as in the far distance the presence of mountains and canyons made themsleves known, Jake and Teesh relished the breeze of sand that hit them, the specs of sand hitting them like a hug after so long away from Geonosis.

Jakes weary eyes unstuck themselves as he got up from his laid posistion, to his surprise he was in a tent like structure, made from scrap metal and cloth, reminded him of home. He grabbed his pistol and welder, stuck it to his sides and walked out of the tent. He was still atop it, Jawas walked around working on random pieces of metal, or tearing them apart, in the distance, Teesh, Tac and Clank seemed to be talked, not like the droids had mouths so Jake didnt really know, and Ada sat on the edge of the crawler staring out into the distance, the suns light shining against her armor.

Tibet was quick to scuttle by the boy, rambling on about something. Jake stared still in somewhat of a daze but just nodded, the Jawa giving an unconvicned sigh, and walking away. 

Seeing Jake standing in the open the droids near instantly tore away from whatever Teesh was rambling about to walk towards the boy, Teesh followed, annoyed at his yap session being interupted. Jake saw them coming and met them halfway, his leather shoes tapping against the brown metal.

"Greetings sir, how was your recharge period" Clank emitted.

"Oh uh" Jake stiffled a chuckle "It was good, thanks for asking"

"Sir, we have arrived at our destination, the Jawas were awaiting you to awake to send us out there to find this egg" Tac notified the teen, Jake just nodding with a thankful thumbs up.

"And hows my least favorite reptile doing" Jake said loudly with a cheeky smile as he walked up Teesh and pat his back.

Teeshs scoffed "Yeah yeah....Letsss jussssst go get that stupid egg"

"Oh yeah..this is gonna be easy" Jake said confidently, shaking his head to wake up.

"Roger Roger, that egg shall be captured" Clank said with his garbling voice giving encouragement.

"Thaaaaaaaaatsss the spirit!!!" Jake said raising his hand to give a high five with his pale hand, the teens shirt rattling. 

Clank did nothing..

. . .

 . . .

"K...." Jake said slowly putting his hand down, the scene was cut off when Ada landed with a thud by the group, Jake yelping with a small jump at the sudden noise, Ada laughing and playfully punching his arm, Jake huffed with fake annoyance.

"The Jawasssssss are asssking usss to go" Teesh interupted, two Jawas clad in their cloaks standing by him.

And with a nod and the power of walking they arrived to the front of the crawler, Jawas skittered about setting up theirs tents and crates, clearly prepared to spend at least a night or two waiting, Jake mentally processed this, why would they need to wait? from the looks of it they just needed to go down their, steal an egg, leave..simple.

"What about Rusty and Racket, the Jawas wont touch em right, their still injured" Jake said with slight concern as the group of five walked down the ramp. Chief Tibet side eyeing him.

"Nah...despite what it seems Jawas honor trade deals and bargins" Ada says casually, Jake giving her a contemplating stare for a moment before nodding, and putting on his helemt, Buckets head glistening in the sunlight. Jake didnt reply to this, mentally he was relieved though. Steping off the platform and onto the sand, the suns rays where blocked by the giant rocky hill infrotn of them, a large crack splitting into two, it was obvious the Sand Crawler couldnt fit, and theyd need to go on foot. Any normal person would mentally sigh, not Jake, he was relieved actually. Space was annoying, sitting there doing nothing, sure the sight was pretty but it got old quick, he was happy to be able to walk from place to place again, even if it was temporary.

Chief Tibet rambled on to Teesh, who quickly translated, stating that the Jawas would give them some rations and supplies, but since we had weapons already they wouldnt give any. Saying that, Teesh was able to become a decent friend to the Jawa in the hour or so that it took to drive here, and the Chieftan was willing to send 4 Jawas to go and help, they were consdiered undesirables by the smalls society, and Tibet made an effort to explain that where even more expendable than the droids Jake had.

This comment wasnt well received by Jake, and the droids, but they ignored for the sake of the reward. With supplies packed and ready they began to walk into the canyon, the Jawas carrying small backpacks armed with their ion blasters, Clank and Tac making an outgoing effort to stay away from them, fearing that even one shot could shut them down.

The treck wasnt too long, too bad it felt like forever considering theres fuck all to look at, the only interesting thing that happened was Ada, who the entire time talked with Jake, the boy not responding as much as he normally did mostly due to being tired, although she did fly around with her jetpack for a while, and Jake will admit, she looked great doing so, his focused on her helmet as she balsted around weaving away from the canyon walls if she got to close, wondering what was beneath it.

The area was strange...it was open...to open.

Jake walked ahead with caution, Clank heaving himself behind as per his protective protocalls. The desert sands blew against the team, the Jawas chattering amongt themselves. Eventually one of the poked Jakes legs, the boy looking down, the Jawa pointed at a large cave entrance.

Jake nodded, so thats where the egg is..looks...suspicous.

"We'll cover you, go on and grab that egg" Jake said peering throuhg his own helemt, the hooded Jawa nodding, calling over a friend and jogging inside, blasters aimed. The other two Jawas cowered behind Teesh, who already had his Trandoshan rifle aimed, Clank lifted his arm as Tac crouched on one knee and aimed is Tusken Slugthrower, Jake cocked the pistol Teesh gave him, and pointed it forwards, Ada doing the same with her double Wester blasters.

Why where the Jawas scared? it was clearly having an effect on the team, Clank took a small step back, Teeshes cold blooded eyes searched the cave entrance in a hurry, Ada form lightly shook as the Jawas made small noises of panic at the slightest noise. Jakes sweat leaked down his skin and onto the backside of his metal shirt, his hand trembled lightly from the anticipation.


Everyone perked up as the Jawas could be heard with an echo from within the cave.



The blue glow of Ion rifle lasted only a moment as more yelps echoed out to the squad, the two remaining Jawas staring with concern.

"UUUUTTINIIIIII!!!" The Jawas yells ceased their echo as the small hooded figure came flying out of the cave, Jake and other lowered their weapons slightly in surpise as they followed the flying Jawa to his unfortunate destination, he crashed into a large rock, the red stain visible even from where Jake was, and the Jawa unmoving corpse also helping with figuring out the outcome. 

Now utterly terrified, Jake and others shakily rasied their blasters, even the still faced Tac taking steps back. Roars emegred from the Cave as the two Jawas outside pointed and exclaimed gibberish, both of them running past the group, with a look Jake could see the other Jawa running from out the cave, waving his arms about, but Jake wasnt prepared for what followed.

A horrendus and low pitched screech emiited from a huge creature, it trampled over the fleeing Jawa leaving a red stain that sunk into the sand. The two Jawas that where going to meet their friend screamed in a panic as one began to run back to Jake, and other opened fired. The Ion bolts absorbed harmlessly into the beast as it charged in a rage and slammed the jawa several meters away with its horn, the poor helper being crushed against the side of the canyon.

"What....what did those Jawas get us into!!" Ada yelled out, still shaking with disbelief. Jake couldnt respond even if he wanted, he froze up at the sight of soemthing so huge, only comparble to the Acklay the Geonosians hunted, but of the group Teesh seemed the most fearful, his eyes held a certain glaze over them..he had seen this before.

"Mudhorn...of course" Teesh spat cursing himself, the creature staring directly at them, huffing heavily.

"We are to cpature this things egg?" Clank asked.

"This is illogical" was all Tac had to say.

Before Jake could speak the creature roared, reering up for a moment before it started to barral at the group. The droids and Teesh dove away to one side as Ada and Jake flung themselves in the other, all of them landing on the floor. the Mudhorn screeched as it crashed into the side of the canyon, its horn impaling the rock.

The final Jawa ran over to Jake and quickly helped him to his feet, Ada helping her self up as they stared at the animal tearing it self out of the wall and staring at them.

"Oh Fuck it!!!" Jake gave an angered sigh and pointed his pistol, firing at the creature, each bolt puffing against the fur, Ada and the Jawa fired, the small barrage slamming into the Mud horns face and upper back, that didnt stop the creature though, it roared and charged again. 

Clank, Tac and Teesh stumbled up as they watched it start to charge. Ada grabbed Jake and triggered her jetpack just as the Mudhorn charged. Jake fired wildly at its back as they lifted off. the last Jawa leapt and clung to Jake's leg, pulling them slightly off balance. The trio tumbled to the ground as Ada's jetpack gave out under the weight. The droids and Teesh rushed over, Clank marching forwards as he began to pummel the beast with red lazers from behind, the only arm he had left fired as the stub lifted itself pretending to fire.

Tac and Teesh helped the other up as Clank was unable to move out of the way, mindlessly walking forwards at the creature Clank met the Mudhorns charge by attempting to grab its horn, slamming his foot into the ground. It wasnt enough, and after a few seconds the Mudhorn shook its head, Clanks arm being thrown to the side as his body stumbled, and the Mudhorn reeled back to slammed Clank with the side of its head, the hefty Droid tumbling away into sand, laying motionless.

Jake screamed out "Fire!!" pointing his own blasters as the colorful barrage hit the Mudhorns face, the Ion bolts and Trandoshan shots from Teesh Jake and the Jawa werent effective, neither was Adas bolts. But Tac aimed down his sights, calculations spirred in his mind as he fired his slugthrower, the metal slug flying throw the air and landing directly against the beats eye. This was more than enough for the Mudhorn to stop its charge, it flailed around as its unfocused eyes darted around, clearly dazed the group swiftly surronded the beast.

It huffed and thew itself about as it focused on the nearest being, roaring and kicking its feet up along side a metric ton of sand, the Mudhorn began to charge forth, ramming into the poor Jawa, more than likely killing it on impact, but it contiued untill it smashed the small creature into the canyon wall, turning it into a fine paste. The sight immidiantly made Jake lower us gun and throw of his helmet, heaving out his inards into the sand, he breathed heavily as his hazy vision looked up. He saw Teesh fire two shots at the Mudhorn in front of him, the creature roaring as it swung its horn at him, the fur shuffling around as Teesh jumpoed up and landed on the beast, said beast quickly shaking and launching Teesh to the side. Tac came after firing a single slug at the creatures side, being kicked away seveal feet and crashing back first into a rock, the Tactical droids right arm snapping off.

Jake clenched his fists in the sand, watching his friends thrown aside. Now, it was just him and the Mudhorn. They locked eyes, frozen in place. As if in a staring contest Jake didnt dare move as the Mudhorn stared back, its slobber falling onto the sand like rain.

They stood, Clank was Down, Tac was down, Teesh was down....It was just him and beast.

"Just me...me and you fucker" Jake spat out, standing up, the Mudhorn slamming its hoof into the sand, snorting.

"Dont forget about me" Ada scoffed as she landed next to him, the noise enough to cause the animal to break into a rage again. It started to reel itself back to charge, but stopped, suddenly screeching pain as it bucked away from the two. behind the beast revealed Teesh, blood leaking from his head, but more imporantly, the Mudhorns tail, in his mouth, and no longer belonging to the Mudhorn.

"YEAAAHHHH THATS WHAT IM FUCKING TALKINGGG ABOUT!!!" Jake yelled out, Ada staring with concern at the lizard. As if on que, Clanks movements returned, the droid now bearing a dent on its chest heaved itself up as it began to spew fire at the animal. Jake and Ada joined in, Teesh however had a different idea, as the red and yellow bolts slammed into the Mudhorns side and face.

The Tactical droid rose its face, a spark coming from his neck. Tac steadied his slugthrower, his single arm adjusting with mechanical precision. He waited. Calculated. Fired. The shot tore through the Mudhorn's eye, and with a final screech, it collapsed.




Jake stared with confusion, Ada lowered her blasters.....Teesh got snapped out of his rage as he hopped of the carcass, Clank lowered his arm, turning to stare at Tac. The droid standing up with the rifle in hand, lowered down.

"Tac...that was....very badass" Ada said nodding as she walked around the unmoving Mudhorn.

"Jeez....poor thing" Teesh said with some remorse as he poked the gooey remains of a Jawa.

Clank walked up and simply kicked the dead animal with disdain "Idiot"

"heh...fair enough" Jake said weakly..."Lets just....get the egg"

Everyone nodded, walking into the cave....


So uh....i think this was a good fight? i persoanlly i used alot of the same words....but if you guys think i couldve done anything else better please lemme know, im all for changing it.

bye :>