
Star Trek Strange New Universe

Star Trek Strange New Universe takes place after the seventh episode of Star Trek Strange New World. The main plot in this book is quantum universes. Quantum physics has a different set of rules than 'ordinary' physics. For example, you can go and eat lunch with your loved one and then quantum jump and eat again lunch with your loved one. You can quantum jump six more times and eat the same lunch with your loved ones at the same hour, minute, and second. Differences can be minor like you eat meat on one lunch and you eat fish on another lunch. Or it can be a major event like world war 3 started after lunch or an earthquake. Quantum physics and quantum universes can be very confusing for readers who do not have at least a basic knowledge of the subject. In this book, you will experience quantum physics, time travel, stellar events, and many more. The storyline pushes the characters in a direction and situation that will test their courage and resolve to a maximum.

DaliborSapina · TV
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


Star Trek Strange New Universe is a series of stories that go in a new direction.

Stories are taking place after the seventh episode of Star Trek Strange New World.

In the seventh episode of Star Trek Strange New World, the character Angel is introduced in series. Captain Pike and the crew of Enterprise are attacked by pirates and tricked by Angel.

At the end of the seventh episode captain Pike and the crew of the starship Enterprise, manage to outsmart the pirates and win Enterprise back.

Pirates are captured but Angel manages to escape in personal spacecraft.

Last scene is showing Spock, brother.

I recommend that you watch Star Trek Strange New World before reading Star Trek Strange New Universe.

If you are a fan of is Star Trek franchise, you will enjoy and appreciate Star Trek Strange Now Universe.

There are several new characters that I introduce in the series.

Also, there are characters that you will never expect that have exciting storylines.

Star Trek world is huge and I take out the best of Star Trek and go on exploration in a new and exciting way.

In my forty years as a fan of Star Trek, I want to write a fast-paced and smart story that has lots of humor and excitement.

Come and ride in the new Star Trek universe that is written for you with love.