
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Out of the Darkness

Chapter Eleven: Out of the Darkness

While the child was unconscious, he heard a voice in his dreams, "You are close to waking me up, do your best."

"What? Who are you and what do you mean by waking you up, and where am I now?" The child replied while shouting at the top of his voice

"You will know when the time comes. As for who I am, it is not wrong to consider me a part of you, and we are in your awareness now," the voice answered slowly and patiently.

"My consciousness? Are you the thing that changed? It seemed as if my inner being was liberated in front of the snake?"


" Why are you laughing? "

"Sorry, but to call the Sacred Poison Dragon a snake is actually a phenomenon." The voice continued mocking after that.

A look of surprise and intense shock appeared on the child's face as he muttered, "Dragon?"

As if the voice didn't care for the child's shock, he immediately continued, "Yes, the strange feeling you felt was because of me, but to be prepared, I've sucked out most of the source poison that the Poison Dragon left in your body."

Although the child does not know what the source poison is, he knows that there were great benefits from it. "Would you take my chance without asking permission and without compensating me?"

"Your compensation? Don't overestimate yourself, child, but anyway the benefit of this poison was directed at me from the start to raise my grade. Actually, I should thank you, boy, for your strange ways of dealing with poisons raised my grade to near nonexistence and created this situation here."

"Your grade?" The child replied surprisingly, but without much confusion

"Oh, looks like our time is up. We'll continue talking next time when you wake me up," said the voice, very deep.

At this moment, the child felt that he was being pulled from his place and forced out as if a black hole with great suction force was pulling him out of his place.

At this moment, the child opened his eyes, but what met him was some soft light that looked like sunlight

The child felt severe pain, burning his skin and his eyes from the sun's rays

But fortunately, it seems as if he is still in the same dark room as before, but this time there is slight sunlight illuminating the room.

Immediately after that, a voice was heard throughout the room

The voice was neither high nor low, but it sounded as if it was directly speaking to the soul

To all participants, congratulations on your success in the filtration, and from the moment you exit the door of the room in front of you, the real test will begin.

Of course, this filtration revealed a lot about your abilities, personalities, and intelligence, so you will not all be treated in the same way.

You will be classified into 4 layers, the third layer being the lowest. In it, the worst 27,000 participants were chosen out of 30,000 who survived the liquidation. The second layer contains 2,500 of those who passed the liquidation.

In the first layer, there are 485 participants, and in the most distinguished category, there are 15 participants who were the best by all standards in this filtration, so we named This layer the layer of the sky, and now, as soon as you get used to the sunlight, you will come out of your caves. After you leave, each of you will meet a bronze guard to hand you your identification bracelet. It will contain your personal information, the methods of calculating your points, and your classification, in addition to the class you belong to, and now goodbye, testers "

The child took a deep breath and knew in his own decision that everything that had happened so far had nothing to do with what he would face in the future, especially when he remembered the terrible pressure and the eyes of the dragon a while ago.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The child's adaptation to sunlight within one day

Then he resolutely looked at the door and took his first step out of the darkened room since he was reborn

Immediately after he left, he was met by a knight in silver armor, standing as still as a stone

The knight looked at the child with black eyes and white and black hair

Despite his poor condition and the filth covering his entire body, he does not hide his subtle beauty

Although the outer knight was calm, he was actually shocked, "This kid adapted so quickly? No wonder."

At this moment, the child said, "Didn't the voice say that he was a knight in bronze armor?" in a slightly childish tone and with some doubt.

The Silver Knight did not answer him, but threw a black bracelet at the child and said to him, "Keep it as you preserve your life."

The child received the bracelet and looked at the departing silver armor

As the silver armorer was leaving, his voice reached the boy again and said, "The order in the sky is not exact, so you could be the strongest or the weakest. This is something time will tell you, oh and before I forget, there is a river in front of you. There are some clothes. Choose what you want from them. Go and Wash yourself before a bronze armored knight directs you to the assembly area."

The child looked at the bracelet before putting it on his hand

As soon as he put it in his hand, the child felt a strange feeling, as if he already knew how to use it

The child closed his eyes and then opened them to see in front of him a transparent screen written on it in a strange language, but the strangest thing was that he was able to read it

Name: Tian Fei (The Empty Sky)

Layer: sky layer

Rank: 4

Given nickname: realist arrogant

Martial World: none

Martial Strength Appraisal: Seventh Heaven Profound Sensing

bloodline: Not awake

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