
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Chapter Twelve: How I wish I could retire now

Chapter Twelve: How I wish I could retire now

Filtration rating:

survive (normal)

Clear the darkroom using the remaining senses (rare)

Mental corrosion resistance (rare)

Eating spoiled food (normal) Filtering spoiled food (rare) Fighting food poisoning (normal) Creating immunity against spoiled food (rare)

Knowing the weak points of the door (rare)

Gain the ability to open the door (epic)

Choosing not to open the door (legendary)

clearing the 4 waves of the first emoji (rare)

Use of snake corpses (rare)

Killing venomous snakes (common)

Breakthrough Profound Sensing Stage in pure strength (Rare)

Breakthrough Fourth Heaven of Profound Sensing in pure strength (Epic)

Breakthrough 7th Heaven of Profound Sensing in pure strength (Legendary)

clearing the 4 waves of the second emoji (epic)

Download the 4 waves of the third emoji (epic)

Move under the pressure of the Western Dragon (against the sky)

Passing through source poison (rare)

Gain absolute immunity against poisons (legendary)

Complete the first body wash under the Deep Sensing Layer (Legendary)

The final evaluation is SS+, according to which the fourth place in the filtration was assigned

You currently have the choice between showing your name on the statue of falling geniuses or not

For information, not showing the name reduces the privileges of the sky class by half. Please choose carefully!

"Fourth, huh? If there is one thing I learned in my previous life, it is that the world is very competitive. Having better resources means a higher starting point, so I won't be so ignorant and choose to cut my resources in half."

I choose to show my name

"Selection confirmed. Congratulations. You have chosen to display your name on the Fall of Geniuses board. You will be notified of all your privileges later."

After that, the child turned his eyes away from the screen in front of him, so that they disappeared immediately

Then he headed towards the lake mentioned by the Silver Knight earlier

After walking about 30 miles, the boy found the lake mentioned by the Silver Knight

It was neither big nor small, but its water was transparent and beautiful

With the reflection of sunlight on the lake and the fresh air caressing his face

tian phai was sure that this was the first time since he was re-born that he felt alive

This site was sufficient to relieve the gloom that had gripped his heart since the moment of his arrival

Forgetting all the problems that revolve around him, the test, and the desire for strength, tian phai began to clean his body well

After half an hour of swimming and cleaning, the child came out of the lake to look at the set of clothes placed next to a large rock on the side of the lake.

The child chose a black robe with red embroidery, a red hair crown to tie his long black and white hair, and black shoes with red embroidery.

Black and red were his favorite colors since he was a child in his previous life

The robe was made of the finest materials he had ever seen

The child did not leave immediately after his preparation, but rather sat on the edge of the lake, contemplating and enjoying the calm surrounding the situation.

Just in anticipation if this is the last moment of peace he might live on for a long time after that

And while the child was enjoying the lake in front of him in another cave and another place

A blue-eyed, blond-haired child came out to look at the golden knight in front of him

who was waiting for him with a smile on his face and said, "As your lordship said, you are very interesting, boy, for coming out so quickly."

The child's expression was so cold that he would then say, "Am I the first?"

"No." The golden knight replied with a smile

The boy got colder and then said, "Who is he?"

The golden knight's expression suddenly changed as an endless killing intent erupted from him. "You seem to have misunderstood something. Although you are interesting, you are nothing more than an interesting ant, nothing more, nothing less."

The blond child's expression turned pale and his eyes turned pale white, revealing one face of pure fear. "I'm sorry, sir," he said.

The Golden Knight's expression did not change and he said, "Anyway, there are 3 that preceded you. Anyway, take this bracelet and fuc* off ."

The child took the bracelet in both hands and bowed respectfully to the golden knight and said, "Thank you, sir. I'll fuc* off, sir."

Immediately after that, the golden knight disappeared

But as soon as the golden knight disappeared, all fear disappeared from the face of the blond child, and a smile appeared on his face

Then the golden knight appeared behind a black armor and said to him, "This child is dangerous. I felt as if I was dealing with an old monster when I spoke to him. But as expected of the Sovereign, had it not been for the information I had in advance that this child is a fabulous liar, he would have deceived me."

"It means your lack of knowledge only. In this small conversation now, he managed to extract some information from you despite your caution. The whole conversation was directed by him, acting as familiar and unbearable. He did not want to know his rivals, but to know his value, and he succeeded in that."

Some confusion appeared in the golden-armored's eyes as he said, "Please enlighten me."

If you hit him hard, he will know that he has no value in our eyes, and if you do not hit him, there will be 3 possibilities that can be easily eliminated. The first is that there is some value in him, but not much. The second is that he has very great importance. "

Then follow the knight in black armor

" the third is that You got a naive character and were excluded from the piercing killing intent that you unleashed. As for the second possibility that it is of very great importance, it will be excluded because of your insulting him as an ant, so only the first possibility remains."

The golden knight's back was covered in a cold sweat, but then he suddenly said, "But why did he act like he was afraid and humiliated then?"

"Your question explains why you've been stuck as a golden knight for 300 years and you couldn't advance. He deceived you using psychology. When you see behavior that satisfies you from someone you can't do much for, your ego will satiate and you'll become more indulgent. The proof of that is that you told him how many people you've outdone. by acclimatization

The Black Knight left directly and did not look at the golden knight who was still covered in his sweat

After some time a smile of self-deprecation appeared on the Golden Knight and he said, "How I wish I could retire now!"