
Spirit Stealing

You had just signed a contract to kill your father. Don't think its easy, inferno is the strongest fire spirit holder. Defeat him before the illusion spirit kills you.

DrBlingBling · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Amber, the color of strength

"This suck! I need to act clueless about my power, I wonder what a fire stone would look like. Let me try to harmonies with this pebble anyways."

After class, the professor chose random pales to become roommates. They paired Hikaru with three different students. Anger was shared, but rules can't be broken. Hikaru entered the dorm and found a bed without a mattress. The boys all plead innocence but Hikaru complained to the teacher until he inspected the dorm. They returned to find the mattress placed on all beds. The teacher shouted at Hikaru's disruptive behavior and warned him not to misbehave. Hikaru stormed out of school, vomiting his cries until malnutrition. He sat contemplating his life when he harmonized with the crystal. Hikaru's heartbeat calmed and his breathing rate was in parallel to the vibrations of the rock. The ground began disappearing, making an endless fall for Hikaru. As Hikaru got closer to the Earth's core, he got hotter and hotter until he woke up. It turned out that Hikaru fell asleep dreaming his way through the day.

"Are you good, young fellow? Don't sleep in the rain, you might catch a cold."

Terrified by the nightmare, Hikaru went back to his dorm and lied spine till midnight. He sneezing and instantly fell asleep. Hikaru woke up to a huge sand temple. Teachers blasted the door, confused at the scene. Hikaru seemed innocent and went to the cafeteria to escape the commotion. The food's texture was slimy, and their milk was like cum. Hikaru threw the food into the garbage, treating the chef like how his father treated his mother. Eyes looked at the boy, cursing him to death. He sat at the edge of the room, looking at his pebble. IT sparked with amber.

"Hey coward, if you can't handle the delicious dishes delivered by the staff, then leave! Hey! I am taking to you. Look at me and respond."

A second grader picked up Hikaru and pinned him to the wall. He threw the boy to the centre of the room where kids spat, slurred, and threw milk on him. He dragged Hikaru like a nigger to the chef where he plead for mercy. Hikaru went to the clinic to recover. While using a tissue to clean his nose, he saw sand particles on his mucus. Turning a blind eye made him surprised by what happened through the day. Hikaru's punishment was to fresh up the cafeteria. During his cleaning section, Hikaru spotted a pile of sand. He arced to the ground, looking at the sand when he sneezed, washing the sand away from his views. The closer he walks to the sand the larger the sand particles became. Hikaru ordered the sand to lift and it obeyed its master.

"This is sick! I have a new power. But I must clean the floor again…."

Earth Power!!!!!!

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