
Spirit Stealing

You had just signed a contract to kill your father. Don't think its easy, inferno is the strongest fire spirit holder. Defeat him before the illusion spirit kills you.

DrBlingBling · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Training before battle

Hikaru remembered his sun power and was excited to gain a new trait. With private training: sand turned into soil, dirt shifted into sediments, and tiny rocked became large boulders. Hikaru was ready for the nation's compulsory competition to test his strength. The primary motive of the exam is to advance the winners into a special academy.

"You're lucky the event is mandatory, or you wouldn't be able to join. Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Earth nations test" was in sections. The first segment was a show to display powers. A one-on-one match was in the second section. Finally, the last section was a hunting race. Hikaru's palms were sweaty and his weak arms were heavy, but he won't give up that easily. Hikaru spent his time enhancing his skill, but forgot to prepare for the show. Yasser Seirawan used his lightning to paint on a canvas made of wood. The artistic style and Yasser's accuracy shocked the audience. Time came for Hikaru's audition. The boy stood with spaghetti legs and hands as vibrators. Hikaru told everyone that his powers hadn't awakened, thus can't participate in the first section. Silence was disrupted by laughter. Hikaru and the school were embraced. The head professor pulled Hikaru and told him that he will fight with Yasser to represent his lightning talents.

"It's truly a shame what you have done to our school. Try to survive in our fight."

Hikaru had a plan to assure his success. His plan was to infest the air with sand particles to have them disturb Yasser's play time. The first match was interesting and ended when an electric type electrocuted himself from the opponent's water skill. It came time for Yasser's clean victory. Lightning bursted through all ten fingertips. But Hikaru's reflex allowed him to dodge attacks. Unfortunately, many attacks hit the weakling. Shear willingness-controlled Hikaru's body as if he's a puppet. By Brownian motion, sand began entering and irritating Yasser's eyes. He became a dog trying to bite his tail. Yasser blasted lightning in all directions and the match had to stop for the audience's safety. A light and a shadow trait fought in another main match. When light and shadow fights, the environment is a deciding factor. This match was no different. <Light man> scattered suns producing light around the place, leaving everyone near blinded. The audience squinted, pupils shrunk, and light shunned the shadow power out of the stadium. In the illusion clan, the third and final section was to be done. They sent the best ten students of each academy to meet the king. King Bling Bling gathered all competitors to explain the last task.

"Students will be sent to the forest of Kinder, where they would fight until ten students capture a bird each. One condition for victory is to collect ten stamps by fighting other students. One stamp will be given to each student."

The king's advisor teleported everyone to an enormous tent. The kids ate, drank, made teams <Allowed????>, slept, and prepared for their adventure.

"This girl's baggy clothes makes her look like a garbage bin. Her power must be the ability to turn everyone off. Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Hikaru's thoughts about her terraformed into pettiness. The girl ate, drank, trained, and rested alone. At 9 o'clock, teleportation magic scattered the kids for the battle to begin.