
You Will Not Break Me

When Yiren returned back carrying the cute fluffy rabbit, Xuefeng saw Drakos following after her, showing a fearful expression as he looked at her.

"You will not break me… You will not break me…" 

He repeated some kind of mantra as he entered, distancing himself from her. 

Xuefeng couldn't help but ask, really curious of her methods, "What did you do to him?" 

"Oh, I just forced him to be nice," Yiren replied simply, displaying her rabbit. "I asked him to be nice to Fluff for at least one minute. He choked but he somehow said some nice words. I think there is still some room for improvement."

"Just wait… When I regain my power I will find you and eat you alive…" Drakos muttered as he stared at the fluff hatefully, blaming it all on him. 

"Little Blue!" Yiren warned hiding fluff from his view, "Do you want another session?"