
A backstory

A car is being chased by a group of People, A Millionaire and His Family. The Dad(the millionaire) was trying to save His Family from the People that were chasing them but the Car was shot and a tyre was damaged and driving the Car was hard.The Car suddenly slipped and started to roll down a cliff.Luckily the Car got stuck on a rock.Nobody was harmed and the Father got out and helped His Wife to get out with their son. He told the Woman to run away with His son.She cried after hearing that but She had to go for Her son.She ran away from the area and Her Husband was caught. The gunmen tried to chase He but She ran away to a shop and she gave the baby to the shop keeper with a box and told Her to take care of the Kid for Her and She told Her that the Kid's name was Nick Parker. She ran out and the Shop keeper was very confuse. After few seconds She heard few gun shots in a distance. She quickly hid the baby in a locker before the gunmen come...

This is not a chapter! Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! Any thoughts?

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