
"Begins a Journey"

Nick is sleeping in His bed after travelling a long way from Home. He wakes up because of a call He received and answered it. He asked "Hello?" It was a Guy named 'Brent' on the phone. Brent said "Nick,I sent some Pizza for You" Nick asked "Huh?No Pizza?" Then the door of His room opened and a Girl came in.It was His step Sister. Nick said "Nevermind,bye" and He declined the call. She asked "Am I late?" Nick replied "You brought Pizza?anyways! Thanks" She came in and closed the door. She kept the Pizza boxes on Nick's table and sat on His couch. She asked "Aren't You tired?" Nick said "I am really pissed off of the Journey but the Destination is cool" She said "I'm really tired man" & "can I lay down a bit?" Nick replied "Alright,I won't mind" and She laid down on the couch next to Nick. Nick gave Her space and walked to His balcony. He loved the City view of New York. His Step Sister 'Lucy' asked "Are You okay Nick?" Nick answered saying "I'm fine,Why?" Lucy said "Just wanted to know" and then He came back in to get a Pizza slice. Lucy turned the TV on and said "There are lots of crimes here,You know..." Nick said "Yeah I know,It's better for Us to be aware" Lucy replied "Yeah,For sure" & She asked "It's really beautiful outside,Isn't it?" Nick said "D*mn,I'm addicted to that beauty" then Nick grabbed His phone and closed the balcony doors and turned the lights off. Then He jumped onto His bed.

Lucy asked "You gonna watch something?" He said "Nah,Not really" then Lucy said "Alright then I'm gonna watch something" Later... Nick felt asleep. Lucy looked at Nick and went closer to Him. She smiled and started to pat His head. She thought "Aww... Nick,I'm so sorry for being rude for You earlier... about are really a Brother to Me,More than anyone, I-..." Suddenly Nick opened His eyes. Lucy asked "what?" And Nick said "Thanks Sis" and He closed His eyes again.

stay tuned for the rest.....coming soon...