
Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

A mars researcher was bitten by a spider and was then transported into the Marvel Universe. Read as how he goes about on this amazing journey. (Starts in Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse) ===== Patreon link for advanced chapters: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction ===== I don't own anything. All rights goes to their owners.

Baph0met · Anime e quadrinhos
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191 Chs

Chapter 134

"Did you turn him into a vampire? But you... No, you're clearly not a vampire! What's going on?" Blade was getting confused.

Blade was the offspring of a vampire and a human woman. After his birth, his mother turned into a vampire, but she didn't want Blade to stay in that dark world, so she sent him to an orphanage.

As time passed, Blade started to become different from ordinary human children. He realized he had some of the abilities of a vampire – quick movements, immense strength, and sharp reflexes – but he didn't need to consume human blood to survive, and he wasn't vulnerable to sunlight. In a sense, he had evolved, possessing the strengths of a vampire without their weaknesses.

However, being the only one with these abilities while everyone around him didn't, made him an outcast. Blade was considered a "freak" by others. As a result, he soon ran away from the orphanage.

Later, Blade was found by the vampire hunter Whistler, who trained him to become a vampire hunter. Blade aimed to kill the vampires responsible for his challenging fate and hoped to reunite with his mother.

Up to this point, he had fought vampires for many years, and the number of vampires who met their end by his hand was countless. Yet he had never heard of anyone who could transform others into vampires without being one themselves.

"Yes, he is a product of a machine called the Neogenic Recombinator," 94 Spider explained.

He attempted to clarify the situation to Blade, trying to prevent him from obstructing his mission. After all, he didn't want to carry around a little "tail" that might attack him while searching for Dr. Connors.

Blade's expression changed dramatically. "What? There's actually a machine that can create vampires? Where is it?"

"What do you plan to do?" asked 94 Spider.

"I intend to destroy it! We can't allow it to produce those disgusting creatures like vampires ever again!" Blade said coldly.

As he spoke, he pulled out a specially crafted silver pistol from his motorcycle.

"Wow, you're so unreasonable, aren't you? I thought you should be called 'Madman' instead of 'Blade'." 94 Spider found this situation a bit of a headache.

He felt like he had recently encountered a lot of stubborn individuals. He had encountered Punisher not long ago, and Punisher didn't listen to his explanations before attacking. Now, he was dealing with Blade, another person who followed his own rules.

"Suit yourself! As long as there is a vampire left in this world, I won't stop my fight, even if it costs my life!" Blade roared and raised his pistol, firing several shots.

All the bullets from these pistols were specially crafted silver bullets, designed to combat vampires. 94 Spider realized that Blade was actually a righteous individual fighting against evil vampires, which made the situation more complicated because it meant he couldn't take action against him.

With no other choice, 94 Spider lifted Morbius and swiftly turned around to run. Thankfully, his enhanced physical abilities allowed him to carry Morbius, who weighed over a hundred pounds, with ease.

"Monster, where do you think you're going?" Blade twisted the motorcycle with one hand and chased after 94 Spider single-handedly.

His motorcycle was custom-made and quite extraordinary.

Not only could it climb walls, but it could also make short jumps between buildings.

94 Spider found that he couldn't shake off Blade for the time being.

They chased each other through the city for a while, drawing the attention of many people.

"Quick, look, it's Spider-Man! He's got someone in his grip!"

"You see, I told you Spider-Man is a bad guy; he's actually abducting someone!"

"Who's the one chasing after him?"

— The Daily Bugle.

J. Jonah Jameson received a report from his subordinates and exclaimed, "Robbie, you see, I knew this Spider-Man was a bad guy. He's actually abducted a hostage; is he planning to capture people like spiders for a meal?"

Robbie was somewhat displeased. He had always believed that Spider-Man was a good person and retorted, "Jonah, I think we shouldn't rush to conclusions like this. Spider-Man is a good guy; he's making this city a better place!"

"Heh, a good guy? Him? A masked guy?" Jameson laughed loudly, "Alright, regardless of whether he's a good guy or not, I hope to publish the photos of 'Spider-Man Abducts Hostage, Motorcycle Hero in Hot Pursuit' in my newspaper as soon as possible. It'll definitely be a hit! Where's Parker? Where did Parker go?"

Robbie sighed, "I don't know where Parker went. He was just attacked by a vampire earlier, so maybe he's a bit scared. Let the kid rest for a while."

"Rest? What about my news? Darn it!" Jameson cursed, but he really didn't bring up the matter of getting the photos he wanted from Parker anymore.


Misfortunes never come singly; when it rains, it pours, and troubles seem to compound.

94 Spider had to stop once again. Behind him was Blade, the "Motorcycle Hero," and ahead of him was Punisher, the "Skull Hero" wearing powered combat armor.

"Alright, alright, in a world where super-villains are born, only Spider-Man is missing!" 94 Spider chuckled with self-derision.

He tossed Morbius aside and assumed a combat stance. At this point, anyone could tell that there was no easy way out for him.

He had to defeat these two foes unless he wanted to be caught in a two-on-one battle. Moreover, both of them had an array of technological gadgets and physical prowess to match his, well, atleast one of them.

But now, he felt he could do it!

Just as he was getting more familiar with his new body and mastering these powers during the intermittent stops he had just taken, Blade and Punisher exchanged glances and realized that their target seemed to be Spider-Man. So, they instinctively flanked 94 Spider from both sides.

94 Spider wasn't planning to just sit back and wait. He seized the opportunity and swiftly lunged toward Punisher. He was more irritated by this guy who was coming after him indiscriminately, whom he had nicknamed "Silly Head."

Punisher was brimming with confidence. In their previous encounters, he had noticed that Spider-Man's close combat skills were lacking, despite his superior physical abilities. However, he soon discovered that he was mistaken.

Spider-Man's close combat skills were still somewhat unpolished. After all, Peter Parker was just a student and hadn't learned any combat techniques. However, his current physical capabilities far exceeded the peak of human potential by a significant margin.

Spider-Man didn't need to rely on any special fighting techniques to increase the power of his strikes; in fact, he had to control his strength to avoid accidentally killing his opponents.

He didn't know how to punch more efficiently, but he didn't need that. Instead, he had to control his strength to avoid killing anyone. He also didn't know how to dodge the attacks skillfully, but he had a well-developed Spider-Sense (94 Spider's Spider-Sense was stronger than other Spider-Men, which was his only advantage), as well as extremely agile movements and lightning-fast reflexes.

Even point-blank bullet shots couldn't hit him!

Bang! Bang!

Two muffled sounds rang out as 94 Spider's punches left two dents in Punisher's powered combat armor. The impact of the punches traveled through the armor and wreaked havoc on Punisher's internal organs, causing him to collapse on the ground!

This took Blade by surprise.

Then he looked at his temporary companion with some puzzlement.

Clearly, he's not very skilled, yet he decided to come out and pick a fight? What's he thinking?

After a brief pause, Blade increased his speed once again, and his sword slashed towards 94 Spider.

94 Spider swiftly ducked and executed a spinning leg sweep, knocking Blade off his feet with a loud thud.


94 Spider then stepped on Blade's chest, looking down at him and said, "I really don't want to fight you, I'm afraid I might accidentally kill you. As for Morbius, I'm determined to save him and restore him to his original state!"

With that, he shot several strands of webbing, immobilizing Blade's limbs and throwing his motorcycle onto the roof of another building.

Next, he walked over to the unconscious Punisher and tore off his powered combat armor. He did this for two reasons: firstly, the armor was already deformed and leaving it on could affect Punisher's breathing, so it was a kind of rescue. Secondly, 94 Spider dropped the metal armor on the ground and stomped on it, turning the valuable equipment into a crumpled metal ball.

"This is the punishment you deserve for attacking me multiple times!" 94 Spider tossed the ball-shaped armor next to Punisher.

Having done all this, he picked up Morbius from the side and continued to head towards the New Genetic Research Institute.

As for what happened next, Mark, who was observing, didn't pay any further attention.

In this world, the new genetic technology was indeed remarkable. It seemed capable of fusing the genes of any animal with humans, often creating beings with tremendous powers. Spider-Man, Vampire Morbius, Scorpion, Lizard, and many others were examples of this success.

However, the flaws in this technology were glaring. While it could fuse genes, it couldn't guarantee the outcome. Some ended up in a permanent monstrous state or even inherited the drawbacks, like Vampire Morbius. Some maintained their rationality while in a monster state, like Scorpion. There were also cases where they switched between a monster and human form, like Dr. Connors.

Ironically, Spider-Man was the most successful result. But if not for his involvement, he would have still become a human-spider monster.

So, the current shortcomings of this technology were quite evident. With the current state of technology, it could only temporarily restore Morbius, not provide a complete recovery.

Mark estimated that it wouldn't be long before Dr. Connors or Spider-Man himself sought him out for help in perfecting the new genetic technology.

With these thoughts in mind, Mark turned over, cradling Gwen in his arms, and finally fell asleep.

Gwen's body tensed for a moment, but she soon felt Mark's steady breathing. She felt a hint of disappointment but adjusted her position, snuggling closer into his embrace.


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