
Spider-Man:The New Era

It's not the same being a hero as waking up in a hero's body. Taking control of Peter's body, the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, and that hero is Spider-Man. He manages to find a balance between being a hero and a regular teenager. Readers can expect adventures and character development as the new Spider-Man discovers his own path as a hero.Will include MCEU and more --------------------------------- If you like my writing, support me in Parteon!Advance chapter are available there. Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store! patreon.com/Jesse_Smith

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"Get him!" the other thug yelled out as the last one tried to take me on. He thrust his blade forward, trying to rip my stomach open, but I managed to dodge them all, my spidey senses helping me to predict what was going to happen.

Suddenly he roared and charged forward, trying to grab me, but I jumped over his head, landed on the other side and sent a kick into his back than landed him on the ground.

Before anyone could react I charged the last thug still standing and grabbed his knife, I got it to stick to my hands, pulling it out of his grip before throwing it away.

"What the fuc-" my punch connected to his face so hard I felt his nose crack under the impact. He went flying back.

I turned to the last thing getting up, kicked him in the stomach, hard. The air in his lungs got knocked out, he rolled around holding his solar plexus in pain.

"T-thank you," the man replied.

I didn't turn around, my face being obscured by hoodie. I looked at them both before running away as quickly as I can. I may not be a superhero, but a single skinny kid beating up and thrashing three thugs? Yeah right, like I can explain that!

I got him that night with a smile.

"Oh, had a good day at the gym?" May asked.

"It's a dojo aunt May, and yeah, I did," I smiled remembering the muggling I stopped, the people I saved. I was right, if I actually knew how to fight I could be so much cooler!

"Well that's good. Wash up Peter, we're having your favorite tonight! Pizza!"

Oh this day just gets getting better and better!

It was over a week of my new training schedule when something happened that was even remotely interesting.

It was Sunday morning when I woke up to uncle Ben watching the news, which was reporting on how there was an accident in the Baxter building, resulting in a small explosion.

To uncle Ben that may not seem like much, but to me? It was fucking world shattering.

For a while now I assumed this was the Marvel cinematic world, meaning only the movies would be included. But now? The Baxter building was home to a special group of people, Marvel's first family!

The Fantastic Four!

Holy shit! They're real!

I moment I realised this I booted up my computer and searched for them. Reed Richards was young in this universe, just 25. Sue was even younger at 22, Johnny was a teenager at 16, Ben Grimm was 25 and Victor Von Doom was 30.

It sounded like they were the Ultimate version of the Fantastic Four, but it didn't feel like so. Reed was smart and very collected and Doom was in fact ruler of his own nation at this moment. They were college batch mates, and by the looks of things on Doom's scientific accomplishments, he didn't value Reed at all, often mocking the man in his papers.

I honestly didn't know what I should do at this point, I mean, they were the FF, was I supposed to help them? No, no they can handle themselves. Maybe after I get a suit made I can introduce myself, but until they I'll stay put.

So with that done I found myself enjoying a relaxing Sunday. I had no training, no homework of note and best of all, aunt May and uncle Ben were going out in the afternoon to visit friends and would only come back late at night!

I needed to take advantage of this, and I will. But first things first, a costume. I felt silly trying to be Spider-man without a costume, so I started to browse through Ebay to find one.

I honey wasn't surprised to be completely horrified at the choices I had. They were all so disgusting! Fucking hate these things! Can't I just get armour? Oh wait...I'm poor. Forgot about that.

But that didn't mean I had to be fucking stuck with shitty looking spandex. I bought two, one red and one black. I wasn't a big fan of the whole red and blue classic costume, and if you didn't figure it out, I'm going for the whole, 'Superior Spider-man' thing. So black and red it was!.

The costume would arrive in few days, good thing too, gave me time to learn how to stitch. It took me most of the morning watching videos upon videos on how to sitch on Youtube, but I did it. It was a very brain numbing job, didn't really involve heavy thinking, so it was an easy concept to grasp.

When May and Ben left for the day I went to my room and changed into a nicer set of clothes and went out. I didn't want to be stuck in one house all day, plus I was near New York! The greatest city on Earth! I had to explore!

I took the train into the city and sighed as I enjoyed the sights. I know I may be giddy like a tourist, but I didn't care! This place was so amazing! I walked down to Harlem, curious to see what it was like now.

Needless to say was a wreck, people were still cleaning things up, apparently the military did what they could, but the party de was still huge. Debris was still being cleaned away, people were volunteering, a new organization called, 'Rebuild Harlem' was on the scene.

My curiosity now satisfied I left the place, knowing it was in good hands. But as I passed through the Apollo theater I looked around and noticed the road was still cracked. This was where they first clashed, and when I looked down the road I could see the crater whether Bruce landed and transformed into the Hulk.

I grew curious and walked over there, people were told to keep back, but obviously no one listened. People were taking pictures and such, but now all the attention the hole drew was gone. I found myself staring at it in silence.

I was about to leave, when I saw some something under a rock. I walked into the hole and carefully lifted the heavy stone, and there it was, a brownish stain. Blood. Hulk's blood.

I immediately knew this was dangerous. Not only was it extremely volatile but it did some funky ass shit. I remember people were mutated when exposed to it, some guy grew super smart when it seeped into his head...so what would it do to me?

I was curious, I wasn't going to inject myself with it, but….I wanted to know what it was.

I took the rock up and put it in my pants, it was around the size of my hand, not too big. I left Harlem quickly and stuck around the city for another hour for lunch. Soon I was back home in my basement lab holding the blood soaked stone.

I scraped off a little bit of the dried blood into a test tube and be the process of making it useful. It took some time but soon I had a vile of Hulk's diluted blood ready to go. I put the stone under my desk, away from sight. I would need to find a better place to hide it and soon.

But back to the blood. I analyzed it under a microscope, not much I could see, but I did find the blood cells were still active. Usually dried blood would mean dead cells, hence why they lose the colour, but now….the Hulk's cells have some amazing properties.


If you like my writing, support me in Parteon!Advance chapter are available there.

Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store!
