
Spider-man: Spiderverse to Marvel Universe

Milo, who was bitten by a Spider poison, died in his sleep as he ignored the pain as he thought it was not harmful to his body. At the same time, on the other part of the parallel universe, a man just woke up after a good night's sleep after being bedridden because a spider bite realizes that something is wrong with his body especially his mind. Follow Milo to his unexpected reincarnation. I'm just installing the photoshopped, so I don't have a book cover yet. So can you wait for now thank you. Ok guys since no one is willing to be a proofreader I started to grind again and reworked all the chapters and use some help from software that helps in this kind of situation.

kardodalisay · Filmes
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6 Chs

Nice to meet you Tin man

Ray sunlight shines in the middle of the gaps of the door of the bunker. It slowly creeps onto Milo, slowly but surely, it hit his face in which Milo woke up.

Milo stretches his body. Cracking noise can be heard as this is the first time he pushes his body to the limits of his in the limited amount of control of his superpower. He ran and swam all the way here never realizing how taxing that activity for ordinary people.

Milo looked at Spiderman, he felt terrible that he didn't do enough to save him.

"I could have done more!" Milo then walked in circles.

"We never officially met" Milo remembered that he didn't listen to what Spiderman told him and just drag him here.

Milo felt nervous that Spiderman might be disappointed with what he had done, he didn't realize a small device is within one of the gaps of cracks in the walls.

It's a live feed in which someone is watching a guy with a beard on his face.

"I think that guys is Spiderman, but who is this kid?" The bearded man asks.

"His name is Mile Morales, he is currently studying in Brooklyn Vision Academy. He is 13 years old with some impressive academic achievements," A robotic voice answered back.

"Okay let me visit this guys, and ask them why are they in my hanging spot!" The bearded man suddenly walks towards a door in an extended roof outside his building.

"Spiderman seems to be seriously injured sir" The robotic voice advice.

"I don't care" Iron man look again at the screen, and his face scrunched up.

"Prepare the med bay when I got back" the Iron man then proceeded to stroll.

As he was walking something pops up under the floor and the wall, robotic arms stretch out and attach something in his body.

The metallic parts are continuously attaching piece by piece until it covered his whole body. A red and gold plated that shines with each look covered this man, and the face suddenly closed.

It walked to the end of the extended tower and jumped and flew with on towards the small island.

A small burst of air sounded as the flying suit speed up in the skies of Manhattan, people look up and shout.

"Its IRON MAN" some people cheered, some women even flash their bras in the air, some men even cursed.

All of this didn't matter on the man on the flying suit.

Tony Stark, a billionaire, playboy, philanthropist you can call him a lot of things. But he hates being named as a hero.

In the island, Milo thought what to do next.

"What should I do? where should I bring him? how should I explain to my parents that I have a human hiding in my room in the house, even in my dorm. My roommate might probably freak out.

We didn't even know each other, I don't know what reaction he will had" Milo kept on thinking.

Milo looked up at the ceiling as he senses something, Suddenly the top opens up a hole, and a Red light bulb suddenly started ringing. The wall suddenly swallowed the cabinet and ref hiding all the objects that can be seen by the eye.

Milo was scared, and he looks at Spiderman scared that he would wake up.

Milo suddenly feels the adrenaline rushing, his mind is on overdrive thinking of possibilities and outcomes that might happen.

"I should take Spiderman out of here first" As Milo was on the way to lift Spiderman. A sonic boom sounded very far, as he has a sharp sense he already felt someone is coming.

"Teeeghh!" Robotic sounds came from outside the door as if some landed and waiting for them to go out.

Milo doesn't know what to do, he decided that he will just go up and escape again, as he was walking on the stair towards the bunker door. The door suddenly opened, a broad ray of sunlight shocked the bunker. Milo was forced to closed his eyes and step back.

A robotic footstep down slowly, field with charisma, plated with red and gold an armored man showed up.

Milo opened up his eyes and was shocked to see the one and only Iron man.

"Isn't this too early for the story?" Milo thought of that instead of escaping, as he was pondering to what things he can say to Tony Stark if he questioned him?

"Hey kid, where are you going to bring that guy?" Tony questioned in a serious tone as he doesn't know about the situation at all.

"Why are you asking? do you know him? I'm just helping him" Milo answered speedily logically as much as possible as he was nervous as he was talking on one of the big shots in the Marvel Universe.

"Helping him by kidnapping him and your brought him to my hanging spot?" Tony asked again.

"What, this is your place? Sorry this is an emergency, so can you let me go, I'll payback in the future. I promise" Milo answered sincerely.

"It's not about that kid, its about who he is this man and what he is to you. He is Spiderman by the way do you know that!" Tony steps down from the stairs and stand protecting the way outside, blocking any escape route.

"If you don't tell me everything, your gonna end up in a lot of trouble young man!" Tony walked towards Milo and tried to reach Spiderman.

"Stop! I'll tell you everything, okay?" Milo then told him the events that unfolded.

It took a long time, but after a few minutes, Tony looked outside and looked at Milo.

"I see, so you are at the anomaly last night. I understand now" Tony walked up again.

"So are you letting me go now?" Milo asked again for assurance.

"When did I tell you that?, come with me" Tony declared in a commanding tone.

"Wait what?, we didn't conclude on that, and why I would go with you?" Milo is a little bit of nervous for a different reason.

"Because no one will help you, other than me in this current situation. Isn't that why you've been thinking in circles earlier?" Tony opened up the armor in his face and smiled.

"Your watching us?" Milo didn't saw a camera last night or this morning. He even checked the previous double night before sleeping for assurance.

"How did it escape my senses? or am I just weak?" Milo still feels terrible about his weakness.

"Let's go, you have no choice" Iron man lift both of them like a sack of potatoes with no regard of their feeling at the moment.

They arrived at the Stark tower in the middle of Manhattan. People even look up as to why Iron man is holding two people, some people even tried to take a picture. Some who are hiding in the restaurant and the buildings nearby reported to their higher-ups, bad or good you don't where did they come from.

One of these is a man smiled, he lifts his hand and talks to it.

"We have a situation here sir" The agent then hide in the dark. But that is for another story.

Inside the tower, some commotion is starting.

"Now tell me everything, that you are hiding!" Tony Stark commanded while robotic arms are removing the suite out of his body. He took up a glass of bourbon and sat at the couch and point at the chair upfront.

"What are you talking about? Didn't I tell you everything?" Milo was nervous again.

"You didn't told me everything, as I sensed that your heart rate started to spike up while explaining to me the events last night and right now while you are answering my questions, and don't worry about Spiderman he's in good hands, he'll be okay for a few day. After I collect data that is" Tony Stark took a sip of the bourbon.

"Hey don't that to him, he is not a specimen!" Milo stood up and angrily threatened.

"Did I ever said that I would hurt him, I'll just collect some information about his body. Don't worry about it" the Iron man smiled and pointed again at the chair to force me to sit down.

"Okay thanks for the assurance" Milo can't fully trust him. But he doesn't have much choice right now.

"Now going back to where we started, who are you and what are you?" Tony stark put the glass of bourbon on the table and put his hand on the armrest and release a pressure that came from out of nowhere.

He is not expected as people depict he is, he has already experienced a lot of things. Inside of his aloof attitude, this is maybe the leader of a multibillion-dollar company. And he is genius for a reason.

"I, I... Okay I'll tell you everything" Milo then started talking nervously. He tried to be calm as possible, but to no avail, his heart is still beating up like a horse on a race.

I feel lightheaded as I started fasting again, as I stopped for a few months because of the quarantien so I feel weak and dehydrated so I feel a little bit tired after and in the middle of writings. Enough for my personal life just chat me if you can help with the following:

1. Proofreader

2. Marvel Fanatic

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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