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8 July 2013, 2:34 p.m.

New York, Peter Parker's flat.

Amazing Spider-Man.

We came home after last night with mixed feelings, but mostly they were joyful. The kitty was moping a bit, albeit a little moping because of the way the evening we had prepared for so long had ended, but Mary and I managed to relax her.

When I woke up, I decided to get on with my business and work on my new project. Still, my disappearance had made one important thing clear - I had to be prepared for anything. Right now, the Baxter Building has begun mass reproduction of Spiderbots. I need more eyes all over the city. Just in case. I'll try to keep them as compact and unattractive as possible, and only put them in areas of total danger: banks, Time Square, places that need close monitoring, like where my allied friends in suits are stationed. I'm not going to play Superior Spider, sticking my drones in every crevice. Just the bare necessities. No frills.

Also started a project to counter Magneto, called "Poles", and a "Pump Up" project where I'm trying to figure out how to improve my girls so they're capable of taking care of themselves, or so I can stop worrying about them before I start recruiting for the same HYDRA.

I can't think of anything else but Cap's blood, but I can't ask Steve for a sample, and I'm not on fire. There's one other option, but it requires a lot of planning.

There was so much information and thoughts that I decided to get some air, and at the same time to close another question.

It didn't take long to get to the west side of the Upper East Side, and I reached my destination quickly enough.

I landed on the roof and called the home number I'd found earlier and waited for an answer.

- Yes?" came a calm female voice on the communicator.

- Emma Marko?

- That's right. To whom do I have the honour of speaking?

- An old acquaintance of your ex-husband, who recently helped with your daughter's operation. By the way, how's young Penny doing, on the mend?

- Y-You're Spider-Man? - the woman asked in disbelief.

- Is Flint home?

- Y-yes," Emma confirmed uncertainly.

- Just tell him I'm on the roof of your house, waiting for him.

- Okay," I ended the call.

Five minutes later the door to the upstairs opens and Flint Marko emerges, looking just as I'd said goodbye to him a couple of weeks ago.

- Good to see you, Sandman," I extended my hand in greeting.

- Likewise," Flint said, a little stiffly, "I haven't seen you in a while, Stenolaz.

- That's right. By the way, your wife must have been surprised, for she didn't say how your daughter was?

- She's fine, they operated and removed the tumour. I...I'm forever in your debt, Spidey," Marco looked into my eyes. - Always, if you need anything, anything at all, you can come to me," the Sandman said confidently and held out his palm to me.

I shook it.

I guess that's how you become a loyal ally.

- Just be a good father and stay out of trouble, Flint," though such an ally could always be useful. - Find any money?

- Well, as you know, it can be hard for a corpse to get an official job," the man smiled wryly, "but on local construction sites, papers aren't necessary. Skills help and who knows, maybe I'll make it to foreman?

- Glad you've got plans on this side of the law, big guy," I was distracted from my conversation with Marco by a call on my communicator. - Sorry, it's for you.

- That's okay," Flint nods.

I step back and take the incoming call, activating the masked transmitter.

- Go ahead.

- Spidey, it's George," comes the tired voice of a policeman on the other end of the line.

- Glad to hear it, Captain, how did you know I was back after my sudden disappearance? - Did he get a hunch or something?

- Um...ah, did you disappear somewhere or something?

- Your voice sounds painfully implausible.

- 'Anyway, I'm calling you for business, not idle chatter,' Stacey interrupts the discussion of the matter sternly.

'Well, as he wishes.

- Don't think I'm just going to let it go. All right, what's going on?

- Something happened in Harlem last night. It's not for the faint of heart, and I need you here.

- All right, give me the address.

As soon as I heard the location, I let go of the cobwebs and left the roof without even saying goodbye to Flint.


An hour later.


Former Pumpkinhead base.

- What do we got, Gonzalez? - George turned to his department-issued aide.

Although for the most part, the guy wasn't so much an errand boy as he was a good student.

- According to the fire brigade, they arrived when the fire started on the lower floors," Eduardo adjusted his cap, "the fire was contained, and when they were checking the upper floors to make sure there was no threat of a second fire, they came upon this massacre.

Yeah, it was a massacre. A real massacre. Twenty-six corpses, and that's just the ones the experts managed to identify, there are still body parts and burnt remains to be found here and there.

Whoever this psychopath is, he's had a hell of a time.

Stacy was about to go into the building when he heard the familiar sound of spider webs being released.

Spider-Man landed right next to him.

- What do we got? - The guy was extremely collected and focused.

George took a quick look around at his men. Most of them reacted to the appearance of the hero in the suit in a very casual manner, while the rest, including Gonzalez, did not try to hide their admiration. So the department's programme was working.

- Let's go," the captain nodded at the building.

Spider stood beside him and they walked inside, with Gonzalez's patrolman trailing behind them.

They passed through the ground floor and Stenolaz noted the signs of heavy fire and destruction. Once up on the first floor, the small group passed the forensic examiners and found themselves in a large hallway, which was the main area showing the recent bloodbath.

- How many dead? - In a neutral tone specified the hero in a suit.

- Twenty-six, but the head of the forensic team, Miss Cooper, will give you a better idea! - shouted the officer.

A pretty girl with brown hair braided into a small ponytail and glasses with large rounded lenses stepped away from the row of people in specialised clothing.

- Captain Stacey," Miss Cooper nodded and stared at Spider.

- Would you please give my partner a briefing on the situation," George asked calmly.

- Yes, of course, please," the girl led the men away. - Traces of mass destruction and gunpowder residue indicate that a powerful explosive, possibly plastid, was used here. There are also bullet marks on the wall surfaces and in the bodies of the victims.

- Is it possible to determine the number of attackers, Miss Cooper? - Friendly Neighbour asked.

- Please, just Carly," the brown-haired woman smiled. - The consistency of the gunfire indicates that it was fired from a single, travelling point, and it's hard to tell about the explosives.

- So all the dead were killed by explosions or bullets, right, Carly?

- There's another type of damage," the medical examiner led the captain and superhero over to the polymer-covered bodies against the far wall.

- Four bodies with extreme fire damage, and I can't imagine how skin, tissue, and bone could burn to such a state in such a short period of time.

Spidey leaned over and removed the material, glancing at the disfigured and burnt to charcoal corpse.

- Assumptions?

- Probably some kind of chemical or a very very very very very very very very powerful flamethrower. You don't buy that at Walmart.

- I see," Verhaulaz got to his feet.

- That's why I called you in," Stacy began to say. - I remember you were very active in the pursuit of the Pumpkinhead gang about five months ago, almost single-handedly ensuring that their opportunities to become the new powerful New York gang were nullified, do you know anything about what happened?

- Are you implying that I might have been the one to clean up the Pumpkinheads, Captain? - Spider asked calmly, looking at the cellophane covered corpses.

- What, no, of course not!!!

Carly's mouth dropped open at the ridiculousness of the suggestion. A prankster Spider-Man, and he'd organised such a bloodbath? That's ridiculous.

- I just think you have ideas," George clarified his thought.

- You're right, and really, there's no reason for me to kill them, is there? - Spider tried to turn his assumptions into a joke. - And about ideas...tell me, Captain, who is the mastermind behind the Pumpkinheads?

- The criminal who attacked that opening of the medical centres, it seems to be the Green Goblin, right? But we haven't heard from him in months, do you think it's really him?

- The way I see it," Spidey started to say, "the boss came back to town, saw the state of the organisation and decided to do a purge," Stenolaz turned away. - I think it's a statement.

- A statement? - Carly asked ingratiatingly.

- "I'm back and this is just the beginning.

- Are you sure we should expect more of this kind of thing? - Stacy clarified, convinced that there was a threat.

- You can never be sure of anything with Gobby, but I'll do everything I can to stop it," Spider said firmly and turned to leave.

- Wait! Do you know where the Goblin is?

- I'm going to test a theory.

- Wait!

The Spider turned round perplexed.

George sighed.

He was used to not demanding his partner to follow protocols or tell him everything he knew. It was useless and stupid. The police need Spider more than Spider needs the police.

- All I'm saying is you don't have to worry about the Guynes. While you were...wherever you were, my men found them and neutralised them.

- Really? - Spider asked the question in surprise.

- Hey, telepaths, not telepaths, but not everyone can stand up to a SWAT team. We're not just sitting around in the police for nothing.

- I believe you. Good work, Captain, - nodded Spider.

One less problem.

The hero headed for the exit. Leaving the room, the Wall climber was about to cling to the nearest wall when he was interrupted.

- Excuse me, Mr Spider-Man?

Peter turned around and saw the kid who always rubs up against George.

- Yeah, Officer Gonzalez, right?

- Do you know my name? - the cop was surprised, and his face brightened up.

- I remember all the prospective police officers," Parker lied a little. - We're actually colleagues, we're trying to protect civilians from criminals, to keep the city safe, right?

- Y-yes, that's right! - Stammering, confirmed the policeman. - I'm sorry to interrupt you, I'm sure you have a lot of things to do, and how dare I waste your time, - the man began to rub his cap nervously. - I just wanted to say...my daughter is a big fan of yours, she doesn't miss a single video on YouTube, and in general...what I'm actually getting at, please, could you give her an autograph? - The officer took out a notebook and looked at Spider with a pleading look.

Somewhere leaked information that Spider gives out autographs?

- Yes, of course, - the hero took a notebook and a pen, - what's the name?

- Emily. Emily Gonzalez," the officer said quickly.

- Emily from her Friendly Neighbour, Spider-Man, and remember the real hero is your dad," Peter signed. - Here you go, officer.

- I...thank you very much, sir! - Spidey's message brought tears to the man's eyes.

- You're welcome, mate," Spidey saluted and left before the policeman was completely moved.


At this time.

Peter Parker's flat.

Mary Jane sat on the sofa and could not dare to confirm her hunch. Mrs Hardy's words were still lingering in her mind, and coupled with her sensations it was becoming a necessity to be sure.

In the morning she was again nauseous.

But Mary continued to sit on the sofa and stare at the table on which the packet from the chemist's shop lay.

She was scared and she didn't know which fear prevailed in her mind, that everything would be confirmed or vice versa.

Her whirling thoughts were interrupted by the slamming of the door.

- Oh, I can't even believe I managed to escape! - Fey said excitedly, throwing off her cloak and shoes as she went.

- Hello, Kitten," the redhead greeted her girlfriend in a thoughtful tone.

- Hi, Carrot-top, - Felicia landed smoothly on the sofa and kissed her lover. - How are you doing?

- Good. How are you?

- You know, after last night, it's been a lot, the police, the sponsors. And don't look so surprised, I don't know how, but it got us a flood of sponsors, Tony Stark was one of the first to offer corporate co-operation.

- Maybe he likes you. - Mary tried to tease the blonde, distracting herself from her own thoughts.

- Stark is hot, but you remember who I prefer to spend my nights with," Fey said calmly. - He's been paying you a lot of compliments, though.

- You know very well who my heart, body and soul belong to," MJ replied heartfelt, returning to her thoughts and touching her stomach involuntarily.

- Wow, well, I hope I can claim half of that? - Hardy asked slyly, trying to put her arm around Watson and intercept her mounds for a massage as she liked to do.

- 'So that's the end of your day's work for today, then? - Mary returned to the subject, dodging the clinging fingers.

- 'Mum said I had to meet with a representative from some law firm that will be private attorneys for Hardy Consolidated, but that's all off today. Why? - Cat didn't like that the redhead had decided to play hard to get. - Did something happen?

- Maybe something happened, but I don't have the guts to check," Watson exhaled.

Fey's cheerfulness left her in a flash.

The blonde moved over to her girlfriend and took her hand.

- Mary, what's wrong?

The green-eyed girl only nodded at the bag from the drugstore.

Hardy immediately grabbed the item and pulled out a small box.

As soon as she realised what it was, her blue eyes immediately widened in surprise.

- Are you sure?

- What was I just talking about?

- But...why are you scared? - The blonde peered into the emerald pools.

- It's just...we just had a conversation about it a while ago, right before he disappeared, and we're students and we've just started university, it would be so bad timing, and besides, Peter's been missing for almost a fortnight and I don't know what if it happens again and...

Fey stopped her panicked speech, silencing MJ with a light kiss.

- 'Would you be happy if it was confirmed? - The blonde asked simply.

- 'Yes, very,' the green-eyed girl agreed quietly.

- Then don't waste time worrying about it and just do it, redhead, and I'll back you up," the blonde said with a wink.

- Thank you, Kitten," Mary hugged Felicia, "I love you.

- I love you too, Carrot-top.


An hour later.


Norman rose from his chair and walked over to the table where he kept the alcohol. Uncorking a decanter, the businessman poured himself a whiskey.

Taking a glass, the man went to the panoramic window and began to admire the sunset, sipping the drink.

After a couple of minutes Norman noticed a rapidly approaching blur outside the window. Only just before the impact did Osborn realise, it was Spider-Man.

The New York hero swiftly flew into the window of Director Oscorp's office, shattering the glass with his metal arms. Norman was thrown back from the shattered window, slightly scratching his cheek with the shards.

While the corporate director lay on the floor, Spider abruptly approached the man and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and nailed him to the wall, lifting him a metre.

- What do you think you're doing, Osborn? - practically growling, the infuriated hero asked the question.

In Peter's mind, images of the recent massacre were overlaid with memories of Uncle Ben's accident and the Goblin's involvement with Doctor Octopus in the organisation of the Sinister Six.

- Currently enduring a vigilante attack," Norman smiled back. - Do you realise how many laws you've just broken?

Sensing clicked in Spider-Man's head.

"Raj, stay alert," Parker warned his partner, after being reminded of the vision.

- Forcible entry onto private property is clearly more harmless than the mass brutal murder of forty people, right, Gobby? - Spider asked, pressing down harder on his enemy's body.

- I don't know what you mean, Spider-Man," Norman replied calmly, as if he didn't notice the threat of accusation and force.

- Don't pretend to be an innocent sheep! - The phrase came sharply to mind. - I am well aware of all your machinations, Goblin.

- I'm afraid you're the one who doesn't understand something," Norman replied, pressing on the hero's hands, "and if you want to continue this conversation, I suggest you let me go to the intercom before my entire security team comes running here.

Spider let go of Osborn, not so much because of the threat, but from the sudden discovery with what force he was pushing down on his arms. Could he really be that strong?

Meanwhile Norman walked calmly to the intercom, adjusting his tie as he went.

- Miss Alvy, contact Mr Borrow and tell him I'm in no danger," Osborne sat down in his leather chair. - And don't let anyone in, I'm meeting with a special visitor right now," Norman said, folding his palms and looking straight at the Spider.

- Understood, Mr Osborne," the secretary replied affirmatively.

Meanwhile, Peter walked over to the desk and rested his fists on the countertop.

- If you think you're going to get away with what happened....

- I already have," Norman replied calmly. - Think about it, hero, what proof do you have? - The man asked mockingly, leaning back in his chair.

With every movement and gesture Osborn showed confidence in his words and control of the situation.

- I know perfectly well who you are, I don't need proof," Spider growled, pressing down on the heavy oak table.

- Words, words, words, words," the businessman sighed. - 'You don't see the whole situation lad and you're wrong about that.

- You've got a long list of sins behind you, Normie," Peter said, not letting Peter take the lead in the conversation. - Let's take a look at your employee Dr Octopus, who assembled a team of supervillains to kill me!

- Alas, the therapy I sent Otto to didn't work and he escaped, stealing funds from my company's accounts," the Goblin said with exaggerated frustration, "it's all documented, do you want to check?

- Nice work, Osborne. What about the accident the Parkers were in?

Stupid. Very stupid. Now he knows that Spider has access to police reports, that there may be some co-operation with George. He'll be even more careful. Stupid.

But Peter couldn't help it, he was filled with unbridled rage.

- An unfortunate accident," Norman said without blinking an eye. - My head of security was supposed to tell the officers responsible for the collision that they had to go to the police to testify, but those two found out and ran away. They're probably in Mexico by now.

- You're covering your tracks professionally, but believe me, I'll be waiting for the moment you stumble," Spider moved closer to Ozborn. - Don't forget, I know you're the Green Goblin.

- Empty words," Norman got up from his chair and also rested his fists on the tabletop. - Empty threats. If that's all you've got, get out of my office," the Goblin said in a victorious tone.

- Empty threats, huh? And if I threw you out the window right now, with that nice draft blowing in, would that be an empty threat, too?

- Oh, you wouldn't do that," the man tilted his head to his shoulder, "and you know why? Because you're too cowardly. Weak.

Parker grabbed Norman sharply by the jacket and, throwing him over the table, dragged him towards the broken window.

- Do you think I'm too weak now, too? - Spider asked the question in a cold tone, holding Osborn at arm's length, above the precipice of forty stories.

- Yes," the Goblin smiled madly, "only now you're also stupid. You think there are no cameras in my office?

- And what, you think I can't, while your carcass is flying down, hack into the system and delete the records?

- Not likely, while my entire security staff, right now, is watching us through the cameras, and Mr Borrow has his hand on the phone, ready to call the police. What do you think would be quicker, your attempt to deal with all my bodyguards or just one call to the police?

- Are you so sure I won't sacrifice my reputation, my name, my heroism to deal with you!?

Osborne laughed.

- 'No, you won't,' the man replied cheerfully, catching the currents of wind with his skin, from the height of the fortieth floor. - I think you like being a hero: children's smiles, women's delight, the respect of the law and your dear super friends. But one misstep and they hate you. After all, what's more interesting to the herd than the story of a hero's rise? His downfall. How long before your yesterday's friends declare you a maniac out of control? How soon will the police's admiration for you turn into a desire to stick you in the darkest cell in the Raft and throw away the key? Or would you prefer Ravencroft? Will you pretend to be insane? You know," Osborne grabbed Spider's arm. - Let me decide for you.

Norman shoved Peter's wrist away with force and flew down a second later.

Spider-Man immediately fired two strands and caught the Goblin, throwing him back into the room.

There was only laughter in response to the hero's action.

- I thought so," the man smirked, lying on the floor.

- We're not finished, Osborn," Spider threw curtly and jumped out the window.

And Norman was left lying in his office, laughing loudly.

- Oh, I'll be waiting, boy," orange flashes of flame flashed in the madman's eyes.


Twenty minutes later.

In the sky over New York City.

Peter Parker.

I mechanically changed hands, swinging on the web. Twip-twip, right arm, left arm, the most stable element of my life.

And I can't breathe properly.

It's like the goblin got under my skin.

I can still hear that laugh.

"Bearer, how are you?" - The Clintarian inquired, sensing the host's confused emotions.

"He's right, Raj. The damn bastard was right about everything," I sigh. - "He beat me."

"Peter, Osborn is insane," the symbiote tried to support the Host.

"And even in that state, he's one step ahead," I land on the wall of the building and crawl up. - "Think about it, I know who he is, but from the outside it looks like I'm attacking a regular businessman!"

I start running across the rooftops.

"And now it's worse, I've once again failed to control my emotions and Osborne has found out about my connection to the police and he's going to be a lot more careful."

"At least you know the secret of his identity and he doesn't know yours," the symbiote tried to find some silver lining.

"Oh yeah, otherwise this is guaranteed to turn into a war of annihilation," I pondered, flying between streets and seeing the outline of my house.

"I guess that's the price of heroism," Raj said weightily.

"Couldn't have said it better, brother."

I crawl up the wall of the building, climbing to the roof.

"Disgusting day," I think, changing into civilian clothes, "on the other hand, it can't get any worse, right?"

Walking down the stairs.

I stop at my floor, opening the door.

I walk into the flat and see the girls sitting on the couch.

Maybe I could end a bad day with a great night.

- Hello, beauties," I announce my presence, closing the door and taking off my jacket.

The girls immediately turn in my direction.

- Hi, handsome," Fey jumps up from a piece of furniture and pulls MJ, who was clearly nervous, with her. - And we've got news for you.

- What's that? - I relax from the comforts of home and step closer to my passions.

In response, Felicia pushes Mary right into my arms.

- 'I have something to tell you, Tiger,' Carrot bites her lip nervously.