
Party Fun

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Same time.

Raft Prison

Dr Otto Octavius.

He lost.

Dr Octavius always loses.

*Metal clangs.

Revenge failed, his Sinister Six lost. He lost.

He always loses.

*metal clangs.

Defeated. Defeated. The Jealous will live and Osborne won't come to the rescue.

* Metal clangs*.

Dr Octopus always loses.

But...not Spider-Man, right?


A few hours later.

Banquet hall, Manhattan.

Peter Parker.

That evening suit suits me like hell. But not as much as my Carrot-top her beautiful green dress with the cut-out back, deep neckline, and spectacular cut at the right leg.

As soon as they arrived in the ordered limousine, I was expecting a flash of cameras as at the premiere of some film, we looked like stars.

However, the fact that we arrived three hours before the start of the event made fantasies only fantasies.

We enter a rather expensive building and go upstairs to the Banquet Hall. We come out and immediately see a whole army: waiters, doormen, cleaners, bodyguards, cooks, all running back and forth in their white suits and right in the centre of the hall, a beautiful anthracite spot shines in her evening dress Felicia.

It's tighter than Mary's, with an even deeper neckline, but no back cut.

- Hello to the hostess of the evening," I salute, holding Mary's hand as we get close.

- You made it," Hardy's eyes sparkled at our arrival and the blonde ran up and enveloped us in a hug.

- We couldn't leave you alone on a night like this, Kitten," MJ says cheekily, flicking our girl on the nose. - I'm not sure what we can do to help you, though.

- It's nothing," Fey mutters as we break the hug before it becomes too attention-grabbing. - I can't split into several parts, so just see that all these people do the job, consider them all your subordinates, I've already warned you that my instructions are also the instructions of one sexy brown guy with deep dark eyes and a hot redheaded emerald-eyed girl.

- That's what I said," I smirk at Kitten's compliment.

- In general terms," the blonde replies with her bright and cheeky smile.

- Miss Hardy, the sculpture is here," the doorman interrupted our little family conversation.

- 'Understood, on my way,' Fey turned to us, 'instructions.

- Got it, Kitten, we'll see to it," Fey reassured Mary.

Hardy ran off.

- So, are you all right? - I clarified, hinting at the recent nausea.

- 'Just fine, Tiger,' Mary said with a confident smile. - Like I said, I just ate something wrong. It's gone now.

- Well, that's great. So, how shall we divide up the duties?

- You take care of the serving area and the kitchen, and I'll supervise the musicians and caterers, how's that sound?

- Very professional.

- Then let's go, Tiger.

I just nodded at my Carrot-top's enthusiasm.

For the next few hours we were involved in the hustle and bustle of organising a major event worthy of a company like Hardy Consolidated. Although, it was hard to call it a grind. Still, Kitten had found a great place and the workers there were professionals.

After all the preparations, after an hour the first guests began to arrive. Mostly on the guest list were various businessmen, the usual rich people who can be attracted into sponsors, potential business partners and even specialists in the field of medicine, who are employees of Hardy's pharmaceutical companies. I bet they were also invited with the aim of attracting as many fat wallets as possible.

However, of all the rich people who have announced their presence, I'm only interested in two names. Tony Stark and Norman Osborne.

I wonder if Tony will want to come in armour. If only for the sake of his ego.

If Norman arrives in a suit, I'll have to deal with him. But I doubt Gobby would be stupid enough to give me that opportunity.

The evening was becoming aristocratically languid. Men of all ages and sizes were arriving, but all in expensive dinner jackets and suits, with their ladies on their arm, in beautiful dresses of many different shades and jewellery that was more expensive than my flat. On the neck of one lady I even noticed a necklace with huge diamonds.

Musicians began to play their instruments of various kinds. Waiters were serving snacks and drinks. Here and there groups started to organise themselves and small talk started.

The evening had begun.

I stepped away from the wall and, taking a glass of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter, began to look for my beloved. Mary was found against the wall at the far end of the room and she was chatting with an elderly couple. With a smile on my face, I went to my Redhead, but my good mood melted away as soon as I saw some bigwig hitting on my girlfriend.

- Baby, you're just amazing," the sweaty fat man began to say in a pajabic and obviously drunken tone, "how much do you want for privacy in the rooms upstairs?

- You're in the wrong place with such offers," my girl replied coldly.

- Baby, you obviously don't know who you're talking to," now the smugness had changed to blunt rage, "I'm Donald Roxon, and if I say let's go upstairs, we go upstairs.

The fatso tried to grab Mary's arm, but he was very unlucky, I was already there.

- What the? - The famous businessman looked back at me in a daze.

- I think you've had too much to drink," I pulled the man's hand away and stood next to my girlfriend, holding her close to me by the waist, "I suggest you go to the loo and freshen up.

- Oh, man, is this yours? - the fat guy with greasy hair just laughed. - Well, then it's a real crime to have such a hottie and not share. How much do you want to give her up for a couple of hours?

The bastard was talking so loudly that he had the attention of half the room. But that's not what I was worried about. How do I keep from punching him in the head?

I grab Roxon by his jacket and nail him to the wall.

- Listen to me, you piece of lard, if one more word comes out of your fucking mouth, I'm gonna smash your skull through the wall, you understand?

It seems the coercive force had a sobering effect on Donny.

- Y-yes, I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Don't apologise to me.

- I'm sorry, please, miss," Roxxon stammered, turning to MJ.

I'm letting go of the fat man I've managed to lift nearly a metre in a fit of rage.

- Now get out of my sight and stay out of sight for the rest of the evening," I say quietly in Roxxon's ear, and he disappears, scurrying to the other side of the room.

- That wasn't necessary, Tiger," MJ says, taking my arm.

But I can hear the gratitude in her voice.

- I will never, ever let anyone talk to you like that.

We start walking down the hall, where brief but interested glances started to be thrown at us.

- Who were that elderly lady and gentleman? - I wondered, trying not to react to the interest in our personalities.

- Just a married couple, I reminded them of my granddaughter," Mary replied with a smile, trying not to react to the stares and whispers.

We approached the table with the appetisers.

- Wow, the evening had just started and there was almost a fight, so it wouldn't be boring.

I turned at the mocking voice and saw a stately girl with bright blue eyes, a upturned nose, dark scarlet lipstick on her lips, and a mop of silver hair.

- Really I heard all the language that drunken turkey dared to use, if there had been a fight, I'd be rooting for you, mister? - The girl with the aristocratic appearance tilted her head in a questioning gesture.

- Parker. Peter Parker, - I shake the outstretched hand, - and the beautiful companion standing next to me, my girlfriend, Mary Jane Watson.

- Nice to meet you. Sylvia Sablinova," the girl introduced herself.

- Silver Sable? - I couldn't hold back a surprised exclamation.

- Wow, you've heard of me, - the mercenary's eyes became much more interesting, - where from?

- I just like geography, - I rub the back of my head awkwardly, - Simkaria is a neighbouring country with Latveria from the Eastern side, your father is the head of the state and I've read about the Wild Pack.

- You're interested in mercenaries?

- I'm interested in a lot of things. What was the reason for your presence at this party, did you hire someone to guard you?

- Work, you're right, - Sablinova smiles, - but not what you think. I'm here as CEO of Sobol International.

- Are you planning to work together with Hardy Consolidated? - Mary Jane joins the conversation.

- Maybe," the mercenary nods uncertainly. - Still, small but proud European companies should stick together among American competitors. Now, if you'll excuse me," she saluted us with her glass and left.

- Cute," MJ said, describing her new acquaintance.

- And dangerous.

- Just your type, Tiger," the redhead said, smirking at me.

I snort at the teasing.

Meanwhile, Kingpin, whose appearance I'd noticed, entered the room. However, he remained without much attention, because right after him Tony Stark decorated the evening with his presence. To the famous genius billionaire, playboy and philanthropist, who was accompanied by two ladies, immediately began to flock all the elite of society.

And I was in for a different kind of contact.

- Parker, what are you doing here? - J. Jonah Jameson was coming towards us like a tanker destroying everything in its path. - And they said no reporters.

- I'm not here in his capacity, Jonah, or can you see the camera?

- Wow, I didn't think I'd see you at an event like this," to my surprise I saw the rarest emotion on Jonah's face, joy. - Introduce your beautiful companion.

- Of course, Jonah, this is Mary Jane Watson, my girlfriend, MJ, this is J. Jonah Jameson, my boss from Bugle.

- Nice to meet you, Mr Jameson," Mary extended her hand.

- 'Just Jonah, Miss,' the moustachioed man shook the thin palm gently. - I'm glad you're here, Parker, just in time to do what we couldn't do at the conference.

Oh man, he's talking about that conference Ben was at!

- Um, what exactly didn't work out?

- Introducing you to my son, of course! - Jonah exclaimed emotionally.

Oh right, now I can see why he's so excited.

- Stay here and don't go anywhere," J.J. disappeared into the crowd.

- Shall we get out of here?

- That's rude, Tiger," Mary Jane rebuked me gently.

I'm about to say something funny, but all words leave my mind abruptly.

Norman Osborne enters the room, surrounded by several members of the security detail. Dressed to the hilt, smiling, just a fucking million-dollar man.

- Peter? Peter! Peter!

I only react to my surroundings when MJ starts shouting at me.

- Em, what?

- Mr Jameson has just introduced us to his son," Carrot-top pointed in my direction with her eyes.

Father and son Jameson stood slightly confused.

- Oh, yes, I'm sorry, John, right? - I'm holding out my hand.

- Yeah, and you're Peter Parker, one of Dad's best photographers, right? - smiles at me with a thirty-two astronaut smile.

- Wow, J.J. said that about me? - I return the smile.

- It never happened," Jonah says, folding his arms across his chest.

We just laugh.

- So, when's the expedition? - I recall the story of Jameson Jr.'s imminent departure into space.

- In a few months, the base is undergoing final checks," the blond replied.

- I'm sure you'll miss your son, Jonah.

- I sure will, Miss Watson, but my boy's a real hero, so I'll get over it," J.J. said proudly, hugging his son around the neck.

- If you'll excuse us, I need to talk to the General in charge of my operation, he's at the fountain, come on Dad.

- Don't drink too much alcohol, Parker," Jonah waved goodbye.

The Jamesons left.

- You have a very funny boss," Carrot notes.

- That's just the way it is. Shall we go look for Kitten? - I give my girlfriend my hand, which she accepts.

- Lead the way, Mr Parker.

We pass through the hall and, spotting Felicia, begin to move towards her, but the path is blocked.

- Good evening, Peter Parker, right? - Ambal extends his hand to me.

Next to Kingpin stood his faithful assistant.

- You are perceptive, Mr Fisk," I shook his hand. - To what do I owe this honour? I didn't think an ordinary photography student could interest a man like you," I said, trying to keep the conversation casual.

Spider Sense is silent, all is quiet.

- Oh, but you're a very unusual young man, aren't you? I've made enquiries, top student of your stream at New York University, Empire State, engaged in additional scientific activity as a protégé of the famous biologist, Dr Curtis Connors, and already managed to distinguish yourself with the development of a drug that can, in theory, cure cancer.

- In the very, very, very long run," I cooled the flow of boasts in my direction.

Why would he make enquiries about me?

- Let it be so, and yet, together with your giftedness, you are also an unusually brave young man, how else can I describe someone who saved my life? - Fisk looked deep into my eyes.

So that's what all the fuss is about.

- I'm in the process of expanding my company, Alkemax, and who knows, maybe someday you'll be working for me?

- Anything's possible, Mr Fisk.

- But while we're talking about the future, I suggest we talk about the present, Westley.

The guy with the glasses handed me a business card, which I took.

- If you need anything, anything at all, call anytime, Wilson Fisk doesn't forget a debt.

- I will.

Willy nodded and walked on.

- Was that him? - I'm just now realising that MJ was standing next to me the whole time.

Didn't ask to introduce my lady, how rude.

- Yeah.

Now we just have to hope that Ambal doesn't want to get rid of the man who saved his life.

Finally getting to the group Felicia was chatting with.

Including Kitten here was Lydia Hardy, and even if I hadn't seen her face before, I would have realised that these ladies were related. As well as several individuals unknown to me. Fey's fake fake smile was something only a blind man would have missed.

- Peter, MJ," I bet it was the first time sincerity touched Kitten's eyes at our arrival. - I'm glad you're here.

Felicia didn't hold back and hugged us again. I guess her responsibilities and the stress of it all had gotten to her.

- Won't you introduce me to your friends, dear? - came a rather melodious voice.

Curiously enough, only the four of us remained of the huddled group.

- Of course, Mum, meet my.... friends, Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson.

I'm sure Lydia noticed the hitch on the word friends.

- It's a pleasure to meet you," Hardy smiled, but the smile didn't touch her eyes. - So you are the young people with whom my daughter lives?

- It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs Hardy," I left a light kiss on the woman's hand. - That's right, that's us.

- What a gallant young man," Lydia chuckled at my actions. - You're a very pretty girl, Miss Watson.

- Thank you, ma'am.

- I hope you're enjoying your evening? - the hostess has turned to small talk.

- The organisation is top-notch, and you've done a very good job.

- It's mostly due to Felicia," Lydia praised her daughter.

At that moment the waiter came up.

- Champagne? - He offered Mary a glass, as she was the only one not holding a flute.

- No, thank you, I'm sick of alcohol," she politely declined.

- Alcohol makes you sick, and you're not pregnant by any chance, dear? - Lydia thought and laughed.

As a sign of politeness, the three of us also laugh at this flat joke.

The awkward situation is interrupted.

Although it would have been better if it had continued. Anything is better than him.

- It's a pleasure to welcome the hostess of the evening! - Ozborne's hands spread apart and loudly announced himself as he approached.

The sensors roared at his appearance, and I clung tighter to Mary's hand.

- Hello, Lydia.

- Norman.

The heads of the corporations kissed each other ceremoniously on the cheeks.

- Young Miss Hardy, it's a pleasure to meet you," Norman leaned over and kissed Fey's palm.

- It's mutual," Hardy replied forcefully.

- Oh, Peter, what an unexpected meeting! - Osborne smiled as soon as it was our turn to be greeted, "And your lovely companion?

- Mary Jane Watson," I introduced MJ and drew her close to me, putting my arm around her waist. - I didn't expect to see you either, sir.

- Oh, no, my boy, just Norman," the Goblin dismisses the officiousness. - By the way, Harry sends his apologies for not being able to get in touch, he's very busy in Europe.

- I understand," I reply, looking into my enemy's eyes.

- You and Peter make a very handsome couple," Head Oscorp turns to Mary.

- Thank you," Carrot-top only nods meekly.

- What do you think, Lydia, can we discuss business and let the young people go for a walk? - Norman suggested.

- I don't mind," Hardy nodded, "it was nice to meet you," Fey's mum nodded, "but you should think about what I said, Miss Watson.

Having said our goodbyes, we moved away.

It was only at the immediate distance from Osborne that I began to breathe more easily.

- I could barely keep from clawing his eyes out," Fey said with her nostrils flared angrily on her pretty nose as we stepped away.

- It's a good thing you held back, Kitten. With people like Osborn, you have to keep your cool," I massaged my temples with two fingers. - My sensors are still buzzing just looking at him.

- What do we do? - MJ wants to know.

- Celebrate. I'll deal with Norman tomorrow, but tonight we're resting," I give both my ladies a hand, and the girls stand side by side, right and left.

We parade around the room for a while and accidentally walk right up to Tony Stark.

- Oh, I see this is the beautiful daughter of our hostess of the evening? - Tony says, smiling cheerfully and with his eyes sparkling from under his sunglasses, "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a lovely evening.

- Likewise, Mr Stark," Fey nodded, "may I introduce my friends, Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson.

- Nice to meet you, Mr Stark," I shake Iron Man's hand.

- It's just Tony, can't it just be Peter?

- Of course.

- Miss Watson, you're beautiful," compliments the catcher.

- Thank you, Mr Stark," Carrot-top smiled charmingly.

- May I ask why you've come to New York? - I asked, pulling Mary close to me by the waist. - As far as I know, you prefer sunny Malibu.

- Well," Tony is also cradling the two girls he arrived with for the evening. - As you may know, Stark Industries' policies have changed recently, and I thought that as CEO I could direct the financial flows of my organisation into more promising areas, such as a pharmaceutical company like Hardy Consolidated.

- We would be very happy to work with Stark Industries."

Kitten tried to talk business, but I could see that she was casting slightly enviously sad glances at Mary and I's overt display of connection, and I'm sure Stark's playboy ways weren't making the situation any better either.

I'm well aware that my blondie has some issues with fear of being alone.

So I carefully brought Mary and me close to Fey and, surreptitiously, so that no one would see, I placed my palm on her arse, gently squeezing the roundness, which made Kitten shiver.

In response, Felicia moved a little closer to me, clearly intending to continue.

- So, Mr Stark, I mean Tony, how did you manage to design a smaller version of the arc reactor, actually I'm impressed, it's a new breakthrough in energy, - I started a new conversation, continuing to squeeze Felicia's ass.

- Well, my young friend, to be honest I was helped by a brilliant designer. By the way, alas, it's not a new word yet, mass production of arc reactors is practically impossible, - the technician started explaining.

I realised that Mary had noticed my manipulations, as I felt a thin woman's palm on top of my hand and, judging by Fey's slightly quickened breathing, MJ joined in the little game. And another shiver ran through Hardy's body.

Always knew my kitty was aroused by playing in public.

- So you're saying impossible," I try to focus on my dialogue with Stark.

- That's right, even the version on my chest is a prototype that prevents a piece of shrapnel from Afghanistan from reaching my heart.

- I'm sorry, have you considered surgery?

- I'm looking for specialists to take my case, - Tony saluted with a glass of whisky.

- Let's drink to your health, - I raise a glass with champagne.

I toast Stark.

But no sooner do I get the glass to my lips than my sense kicks in.

The doors open with a sharp rattle.

- Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to interrupt your evening, but I have to ask you to remove all your jewellery and donate the cash to your Friendly Neighbour Spider-Man fund," the fake in my costume said, jumping onto the hors d'oeuvres table.

- Is this a fucking joke? - I could feel my anger rising.

How dare this scum wear my costume!?!?!? And so pathetically fake?!

- I assure you, my intentions are serious.

The doppelganger snapped his fingers and people in black uniforms, with a small splash of red, and what looked like small mecha-spider-tanks appeared in the room.

What the hell!!!

Meanwhile, the guests started to panic and even tried to run away, but a shot rang out, causing everyone to freeze.

And the soldiers took the guards at gunpoint.

- Dear guests of the evening, all you have to do is hand over all your valuables and I and my Arachno-Army will leave you.

While the fake clown ranted, I scrutinised the "Arachno-Army" scurrying back and forth, and with every second I was convinced that something was wrong.

Movements, too mechanical, no contact with the crowd, nothing to say about these tanks, just stupid. And, most importantly, the Sense, it's silent. There's no danger, so what? It's a deception, an illusion, it turns out that Mysterio or someone with similar abilities and a flair for the dramatic must be involved, and there are few such candidates.

Most likely the Aquarium has created a fake me and this clown army. Action must be taken.

- Do I need to change? - I whispered in the ear of Mary and Fey, who were sitting next to me, as we were herded to the far wall.

- There's a caretaker's closet here," Kitten said.

- It'll be fine.

I didn't bring a costume anyway.

"Ready, Raj?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, Bearer."

- Perhaps they should be distracted? - Mary suggests.

- 'I don't think that will be necessary, I'm pretty sure they're illusions.

- 'Looks credible,' Fey says doubtfully.

- Go on, Tiger, and I have an idea how to distract everyone, it won't be too much trouble, will it? - Carrot-top asks me.

- I can't wait to use my acting skills," I clarify with a smile at MJ.

- Why don't you play along, Fey?

- Sure, redhead.

- Just be careful.

I smoothly start to crawl backwards, getting lost in the crowd of frightened guests.

A few minutes later, I hear Carrot-top's voice.

- Oh, please, I'm sick, I'm pregnant!


- Please help my friend, is there a doctor here! - is added by the frightened voice of Kitten.

Everything according to Stanislavsky.

I get to the caretaker's closet, and in the meantime everyone's attention is drawn to Mary and Felicia fussing over her.

I calmly climb inside.

"Okay, Raj, suit me!"

The symbiotic material is layered over my body, embodying the Black Uniform.

I switch on my Klyntar invisibility, crawling out of the den. I look up at the ceiling and see several people leaning over MJ, while the plagiarist has accelerated the collection of jewellery and cash.

I fire two strands and grab the False Spider, throwing him back into the fountain.

- I don't know what kind of clown you are, but I'm a hundred per cent sure that if anyone should be wearing this costume, it's not you," I deactivate the disguise and jump from the ceiling, "Take it off!

The army of false soldiers turned in my direction, but nothing, no danger. Until one of the three mecha-tanks moved in my direction. The only danger came from him.

I concentrate my Bite energy and jump towards the mech, releasing bioelectricity.

The wave of energy completely knocks out the machine and the illusion begins to flicker.

- Spider-Man, that clown is running away! - To my surprise, J.J. shouted a warning.

And indeed, the fake was trying to escape with two bags stylised as spider webs.

Clinging to the ceiling, I catch up with the culprit, who has suddenly changed from the Spider Suit to the bloody familiar cape and aqua helmet.

- Hey, diver, get your head up!

I shoot out a web and snag Mysterio by the equally familiar cape.

The criminal is thrown by the force of inertia into the wall.

I shorten the distance between us and stick his limbs with web shots.

- No, no, no! This was supposed to be an easy case! Where did you come from! - Mysterio asked the question.

- One of my superpowers, I can always sense when some fucker is trying to impersonate me," I rip the helmet off the criminal.

- Really? - The blond man under the glass is surprised.

- Not a single lie. A tip for the future, if you want to start a career as a supervillain, start by robbing a bank. With your illusions, you'd be successful, but your first job, and you'd be a failure. Have you even thought of a nickname yet?

- Mysterio," Beck said with a sigh.

I didn't doubt it.

- Well, good luck next time, Mysterio, and, you know, start an honest life.

I leave the illusionist and go to the guests.

- Is everyone all right?

- The pregnant girl got sick, but she's fine now," a short grey-haired man with glasses answered me.

- Then I'll leave you alone, call the police.

I switch on the invisibility to the shocked gasps of the crowd, and I crawl under the nearest table and take off my suit.

I carefully crawl out behind the crowd, while everyone's discussing what's happened, and head towards Fey and Fey.

- Are you all right? - I ask as I approach the girls.

- I'm fine, Tiger," Carrot smiles brightly at me, and Felicia just nods, stroking Mary's hand.

- They're all right, young man, but where were you when you left your ladies alone? - The man who had recently spoken to Spider-Man asked me a question with his hands at his sides.

- I was pushed back by the crowd when it started, I was trying to get back as fast as I could, mister?

- Dr Desfel," the man adjusted his glasses, "by the way, Miss Watson, I'm a gynaecologist, so if you need professional advice," the doc handed Mary his card, "feel free to contact me.

- Thank you," the redhead replied a little awkwardly, accepting the card.

- Do you think the party will go on? - I asked the girls as the kind doctor left us.

- The police are coming, and they'll probably start questioning us," the blonde sighed.

Yeah, that's a good one, aquarium.



The CEO of Stark Industries stepped away from the crowd and pressed the communicator in his ear.

- Jarvis, can you hear me?

- Loud and clear, sir," the AI voice replied.

- 'Everything here has been resolved without me, so you may return the armour home.

- Acknowledged, Mr Stark.

- Also, Jarvis, find me some information on Spider-Man.

Tony ended the call.


A few hours later.

7 July 2013, 9:34 p.m.

Abandoned warehouse in Greenwich.

Benji Parker.

Yep, it took Jen and I a long time to find a more or less safe haven in which to settle down for the long haul. We chose a warehouse in the Greenwich neighbourhood, firstly, there are no major accidents associated with this place, and secondly, there is a possibility to connect electricity and water.

It's still good when there is a whole computer system from the distant future, capable of calculating all these moments and organising a decent existence for a guy without a single cent in his pocket. It's a shame you have to steal food.

As soon as I solved the fundamental questions of my existence, I started to prepare for the solution of what I was sent to the past for - to save my family.

I immediately ran into problems.

The more I studied the materials about Spider-Man since his appearance, the more differences I found with stories from my father's past. Most importantly, Grandpa didn't die at the hands of a mugger, which was the main event that made my father become a hero, Benjamin Parker died in a car accident. And if only that. There were no confrontations with many of Spider-Man's famous enemies, and those that were, were quickly stopped by the Friendly Neighbour and, amazingly, his partner Black Cat. I don't remember Papa and Mama Fel working together so much.

Spider-Man was also seen in places he'd never been, such as the location of his first encounter with Thor.

Jen called it a temporary anachronism, but she couldn't give me a reason why it was happening.

I had my own explanation, which was suggested by that red-and-black suit.

In my time, Otto Octavius also tried to steal his father's body when Octopus himself was on his deathbed.

Sit down and listen carefully children, for you will be told about the last battle of the great hero and his, in fact, not even close to the greatest enemy. Second place, and that's a stretch. The final battle between Spider-Man and Otto Octavius - Doctor Octopus.

Wow, what heat of passions, probably, everyone expects something like the last plan of the evil genius, uniting the primary composition of the Sinister Six, once assembled by Ock to fight Spidey. Perhaps this plan would include a threat to the world. Big stakes.

No joke this time. The villains are targeted for victory, the Avengers have been factored in too, Octavius seems to have calculated everything. What's the plot, huh? And what a disappointment it would be. As the greatest battle of the two oldest foes, the final battle, turned out to be only the mad old man's dim hope of survival.

It turned out that Ock had been calculating everything for months, if not years. But there were no giant Octorobots, no Six, and even the space laser had not been brought in. Octopus' main goal is to kidnap Spider-Man.

And you gotta hand it to Octavius, he did a great job. Firstly, Octopus discovered the secret identity of his father, and consequently, he revealed all of us. How, where, why, don't even ask. Not many leaks in this crazy world of ours, but a fact is a fact. Secondly, he created the perfect replicant, how much Ock worked on it is unknown, but the main task is completed. No-one. No-one! Not me, not May, Lissy or Walt, not even the mums could detect the switch. He even fooled Spidey Sense!

In my defence, my powers weren't up to my usual level then, and as it turned out, the replicant was only a distraction for two days. But Octavius had enough. The bastard thought the greatest victory over the enemy would be to replace him completely. He kidnapped his father at the most opportune moment!

In the end, the psychopath transferred his personality into the original Spider-Man's body. He even destroyed his decrepit shell to clean up his tracks. But we knew there was a catch. At first everything seemed to be normal, although then it became clear to everyone: colleagues, friends, partners, but, first of all, of course, the family - in front of me is not Peter Parker.

Octavius could take the body, the memories, but he lacked the most important thing - the soul.

Peter Parker was brave, selfless, valiant, but at the same time he was very complex. This was easily seen by those closest to him: awkward humour, an exorbitant sense of responsibility and guilt. I've always tended to theorise that it was because of his childhood experiences. But we digress.

My father was never an arrogant prat, overconfident and prideful. Octavius was. Mum was the first to sense something was wrong. "Father" then withdrew, snapping at her constantly, changing. Redesigned Spiderbots, new costume design. But when Octavius, during an argument, hit Mum... it all became clear.

We'd never really fought Dad before, and that's when we realised how much power he had. But the four of us managed to cuff Octavius. He didn't have time to do anything irreparable. I found his mental control device, removed the suppressor and brought my father back, and Dr Octavius was gone.

So what are the chances that in this time Octavius decided to put his plan into action much earlier?

Against this theory were Jenny's assurances that Otto Octavius is in the Raft right now, trying, under medical supervision, to get back to normal after his battle with Spider-Man. But he's created quality replicants before.

Still, it wasn't just the suit that played in favour of my crazy theory, it was the very early appearance of my father's clones, which, based on scans and eyewitness observations, are right now heroing alongside the original.

It's not normal.

It's all too mixed up.

The situation needs to be cleared up.