

"And what are you doing now?" Bree asked curiously while Eisen was still searching through the burnt down hive for something, burrowing through the ashes and shards of what was just here a few hours ago.

"Right now, I'm looking for honey. I saw that they are stored in something like containers before, but my priority was the honey crystal, so I wanted to look for that first." The old man explained before smiling brightly when he finally found what seemed to be the honey. It was still stored in the hexagonal openings of the hive, but rather than just being liquid honey inside, they were encased in a thin, glass-like layer and could simply be pulled out of the openings as long of no part of the honey-capsule was broken. That glass-like layer seemed to by some kind of crystal structure, somewhat similar to the honey-crystal but at the same time still different. It was weird to explain, but at the very least it seemed to be pretty durable.