
Unwanted Attention

Orion is walking down one of the many halls in the school building. He was following Damien as he was leading Orion to his fourth hour class, study hall. With it being a passing period, there were many other students in the hall, giving orion lots of weird looks. Not wanting to be part of the commotion, he kept to himself.

After what seemed like years the two finally arrived at Orion's fourth hour class. Orion didn't like this school, especially with how he got all the attention everywhere he went. Even in classes, there would be at least one person who stared at him, so orion just turned a blind eye to it. Even though there were rumors going around about him, and lots of people saw his ears during passing periods, Orion still hid his tail and ears out of habit- especially after the incident at breakfast.

In the study hall, the teacher never assigned any work, so many kids would play games or look on social media. Orion didn't have anything to do in the class, so he sat in his seat with his head down, considering taking a nap.

Time crawled by.

Orion would have done the same as the other kids, who were on an electronic devices, but he wasn't allowed to use anything connected to the internet. So orion fell into a sort of half sleep. His mind drifted to the dream he had just this morning. Excluding the part where his mom was killed though. He was deep in thought when someone called his name. He looked up to see who called his name, but to his surprise, no one was even looking at him.

Orion went back to his business.

It wasn't long before he heard his name called again. Looking up frustratedly, he looked around hoping to see the person who was calling his name, hoping to see someone smiling or giggling about it. He still saw no one. Orion didn't put his head down this time and stayed upright. As he kept looking around the room, no one looked at him or moved their mouths as he heard his name called again. Orion didn't know how to respond. When he tried to focus on the voice, it disappeared. Thinking the voice to be part of his imagination, he quickly forgot about it.

Study hall finally ended and a very hungry Orion enthusiastically followed Damien to the cafeteria. Right now, orion didn't care about all the looks he got as they walked past other students, all he cared about was getting food. The two entered the cafeteria, and immediately got in line.

The two got their food and went and sat at a table to chow down. As they sat there, another person joined them.

"Hey Damien!" the girl said with a cheerful tone.

"Hey Nicole, whats up?" Damien responded.

Orion sat quietly trying to stay unnoticed, the choice wasn't up to him.

"I wanted to say hi to your new friend. I haven't had the chance in between classes, soo… hi!"

Orion just sat there silently for a minute, then he looked at Damien for guidance. Damien just nods, so Orion finally responds to Nicole in a quiet voice.


"... what's your name?"


"That's a nice name Orion," she said innocently, "how did your parents come up with it?"

Orion instantly shut her out after she said it. Nicole was confused about why Orion shut her out, she turned to Damien for answers. Damien gets closer to her and explains. Afterwards she looks ashamed, says sorry, then walks away.

Orion felt bad- he knew she didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but he couldn't help it. It was too soon. Orion finished his food at roughly the same time as Damien, so the two left to their next class: Automotives.

After a short walk they enter a small classroom. They are told to sit anywhere they please, so Orion sits towards the back of the class. The other students slowly stream into the class one by one. Nicole also enters the class. She gives a small wave to orion as she sits down toward the front. The Class starts after the last few students trickle in.

The teacher walks up to the front of the class and starts roll call. Afterwards he begins.

"You guys know the drill, get the books. Fill in the questions. For the students who weren't here yesterday, you will be taking a test so I can see where you are in this subject, who was not here yesterday?"

Orion raised his hand along with a few other students. He recognizes one of the students raising their hand as one of the students from breakfast. The teacher proceeds to pass out packets to the students that raised their hands.

Orion completes the test with about fifteen minutes left in class and without anything to do, he sits quietly.

The rest of the day crawls past. Orion, exhausted from the sitting around in the majority of his classes, is ready to eat and go to bed.

Orion follows Damien once again as they go to the cafeteria. The two enter as usual, but immediately Orion starts to have a panic attack. The entire school must be in the cafeteria! Orion starts to back away- it's too many people- only to be grabbed and dragged along by Damien.

"Oh no you don't!" He says while he does it.

They get in the long line and wait. Orion's thoughts are racing. {this line is so long- are there people behind me? THERES PEOPLE BEHIND ME! I need to calm down! I need to calm down... there is no need to worry, I hid my tail after my breakfast incident.}

Orion inhales and exhales to calm himself. Eventually they get their dinners and go sit down- try that is.

"HEY LOOK! ITS THE DOG!" Someone yells out, probably trying to be funny.

The person somewhat succeeds as some students laugh.

"Just igno-" Orion freaks and rushes out of the room, cutting off Damien's words of comfort. In fact, Orion runs faster than anyone in the room would be able to keep up with. Damien chases after him.

Who could that mysterious voice be? Any ideas?

Thank you for reading, hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and please keep in mind, everything in this book will lead somewhere, even if it doesn’t seem relevant at first.

Jacob_Reedcreators' thoughts