
Nightmarish morning

Orion jerks awake from his nightmare in a cold sweat. The room he is in is dark, with no windows. Orion gets out of his bed and looks around to find the bed had disappeared. He blinks and he is suddenly belted down on a table. There are 'doctors' all around him with surgical gear and a machine behind them. Orion struggles to break free from the straps as he is injected with a sedative. Orion quickly looses consciousness.

He wakes up again, in a room with a window of a large city. Behind him he hears a voice- his mother's voice. He turns and sees her, standing in front of another window showing more of the city. Orion tries to get closer but the minute he takes a step towards her, a gunshot sounds. Orion can't get close enough so can only watch as she falls backwards, smashing the window behind her and plummets to the bottom of the skyscraper. As he runs towards the spot where his mom fell Orion is grabbed from behind.

"Orion, we are coming"

Then the skyscraper disappears and Orion falls.



Orion hits the floor hard as he falls from his bed. He yells out as he falls causing someone else in the room to groan.

"It's too early for this..." the other person says tiredly.

Orion looks around to get his bearings. He is in a relatively large room with two beds, a window looking at the school, and two doors. There is someone in the other bed. The person in the bed is trying to find the lamp switch to turn on the light. Orion has curled up in to a ball and is silently crying.

The person finally finds the switch and flips it turning on the lamp. The person, now able to see the room, sees Orion curled up beside his bed, tears streaking down his face. The person gets out of his bed and sits next to Orion. He just sits next to Orion, not saying anything, for roughly forty minutes before Orion looks up again.

As soon as he looks up he sees through the window that the sun had risen and there were voices from outside. He looks to his left to see the person who was previously in the bed sitting next to him, asleep. Confused at first, Orion has no idea who the person is until he takes another look around the room. Orion realizes that the person must be his roommate that he had been told about.

Orion quietly gets up and goes to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth, attempting to suppress his grief at the same time. He fails miserably, and due to him trying to suppress it he has to rush to the toilet to throw up in. After throwing up, Orion sits hunched over the toilet, tears dreaming down his face. Eventually he gets up and goes back to the sink and splashes his face with water.

{my eyes are so red from crying...} he thinks to himself.

Orion rebrushes his teeth knowing his mom wouldn't want him to give up because of her. He exits the bathroom to find his roommate waiting at the door of the bathroom.

"Finally!" He says as he rushes into the bathroom doing the 'I need to pee' dance.

Orion doesn't respond and uses this time to hurriedly get dressed in the uncomfortable uniform provided by the school. Not bothered to do his hair (mainly because of the difficulty to do it), Orion is ready for the day.

The toilet flushes and the tap runs for a minute before Orion's roommate comes out of the bathroom.

"Ahh... that's better," he half says to himself.

Orion stays silent. not knowing his roommate at all, he didn't know if he should talk to him.

Due to Orion not responding there is a awkward silence before Orion's roommate breaks it.

"Umm... I'm Damien... I guess I'm your roommate for the rest of the year, I'm supposed to make sure you get to all of your classes including eating periods..." Damien says awkwardly," I guess follow me- and make sure to not wear a jacket or hoodie inside the school building, all of the teachers hate it..."

Orion nods and follows Damien out of the room and down the hallway. As they head towards the main building Damien tries to spark a conversation, or at least comfort Orion about his current situation.

"Do you play sports?" Damien asks innocently.

"I guess?" Orion says quietly.

"What do you play?"

"Soccer mostly... never been on a actual team..."

"What? Really?"


Orion doesn't continue and Damien decides not to push seeing how jumpy and anxious Orion is being out in the open, not hiding his tail or ears. The two enter the main building, which to Orion's relief, is mostly empty.

Orion continues to follow Damien until they come to a double door which leads to a large room-the cafeteria- not even half full of students. Orion turns around after seeing the other students and is about to leave when Damien grabs his shoulder.

"Most of em have already heard at least one rumor, and they'll eventually see you in one class or another. Let them get the shock over with that way you could possibly make some friends."

Orion nods mostly because he want Damien to take his hand off his shoulder.

Orion follows Damien farther into the room where , luckily, no one has noticed him yet. He gets into line behind Damien. There are at least ten students in line and more coming in through the door. Orion looks at Damien for reassurance because for some odd reason, Orion really trusts him.

Damien shakes his head no, as if he knew what the look Orion gave him meant. As the line crawls forwards, some more students get in line behind Orion. Orion is nervous about them being behind him. He is soon proved right to be. One of the students behind him grabs and yanks on Orion's tail sending jolts of pain up Orion's spine. The worst part is the people were laughing about it until Orion half whimpered half yelled out in pain as he fell to the ground.

Although they could see that Orion was hurt, it was Damien that they were afraid of. Damien has turned around with a look on his face that made him seem like he had crawled straight out of the depths of hell to bring the other students eternal pain. Realizing their impending doom the students began to apologize but were not able to finish before Damien cut them short.

"Get your lousy butts out of my sight before I make your lives very short lived." The single sentence had enough bloodlust in it to nearly make the students spoil themselves.

The students leave in a very rushed manner. Damien helps Orion up from the floor then asks:

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah..." Orion responds holding back tears.

"Ok..." Damien accepts Orion's, "let's get this week over with..."

With that they get their breakfasts and go sit down at a empty table, all the while Orion gets some side ways glances.

Thank you for reading, hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Jacob_Reedcreators' thoughts