
Elite Rondawn Sect

" The other academies would soon arrive so I would make whatever I want to say snappy " said Elder Wu Min .

" This Bonding zone where we are currently on, is governed by six academies,only children who have not bonded with Nature beasts are tutored by these academies ,among these six academies is our academy ,i shall give you a detailed information about all the six academies "

" From the city of Fintool is Eagle's Cave Academy an academy which ranks highest among the six academies ,it is renowned for producing warriors of great talents ,several of their students are disciples of the prestigious Elite Rondawn Sect "

The audience gave a gasp of astonishment ,Elite Rondawn Sect was a sect that only contained warriors who were exceptionally talented.

It was a sect controlled by the powers of Rondawn ring,a sect where even the offsprings of the emperor of Rondawn ring attends, it was a sect where every warrior with youthful blood flowing in his or her vein would want to attend ,in the history of Pure Nature Academy only two of it's student had ever become disciples in Elite Rondawn Sect .

To be accepted as a disciple of Elite Rondawn Sect was arduous ,so saying that an academy has several students in Elite Rondawn Sect shows how mighty such academy is .

" The academy ranked second is Three Rainbow Academy which is situated in Songsea city ,it also has a fairly good amount of students which are disciples in Elite Rondawn Academy Three Rainbow Academy is a very powerful and influential academy "

Both the instructors and students listened attentively to what Elder Wu Min was conversing to them ,as it was something they were hearing for the first time .

" Ranked third is Rainfall Academy from Sunarise city though they have no student who is a disciple in Elite Rondawn Sect ,they are able to stay high on the ranking due to the fact that they have the highest number of students who have formed a black core aside from that ,they are also business tycoons ".

" Ranked fourth is Pure Nature Academy from Moonrise city ,they have precisely only two students who are disciples in Elite Rondawn Sect ,are not to wealthy and have never had any of their students form a black core "

All the instructors had thoughtful expression on their faces they all had probably the same thought in mind "Know that someone had a black core, would their position shift ??".

" The remaining academies which are Soulriber Academy and Earthnectar Academy are ranked fifth and sixth respectively ,there is nothing peculiar about these academies ,that are worth saying ".

" Now that you know all this i would move straight to the main information "

" There have been some changes in the ranking this year due to the appearance of two black cores "

This words evoked a huge disturbance in the once silent gathering as instructors and students began to converse among one another in curiosity .

" Which academy could it be ?! "

" So Lee is not the only one that formed a black core "

" Did we increase or decrease in the ranking ?!!".

But the conversations was instantly brought to an end by the sonorous yell of Elder Wu Min .

" SILENCE !!!!"

Everywhere began silent and peaceful again ,and Elder Wu Min continued his speech .

"The first black core was formed by Lee a students of our academy "this time around Elder Wu Min's voice was filled with pride as he stared at Lee .

He was the first student in Pure Nature Academy to ever form a black core ,he would forever be remembered in the history of Pure Nature Academy .

The instructors and students all stared at Lee with mixed feelings .

Some viewed him as a hero while some still pictured him in their hearts with jealousy.

Frank surprisingly had a genuine smile on his face ,though he still detested Lee, but now was not the time for personal feelings .

Lee was still as calm as ever but that was on the outside,on the inside he was extremely happy and proud of himself .

" The second black core was formed by Todd a student of Eagle's Cave Academy "

" Eagle's Cave Academy still remains number one ,Three Rainbow Academy still maintain their position ,but the third place is no longer held by Rainfall Academy but by our academy Pure Nature Academy "

Pure Nature Academy once held the position of third on the ranking before but due to certain circumstances they were demoted to fourth position .

A black core on a normal circumstance was not really enough to promote them back to third position,but due to the fact that Rainfall Academy had no student in Elite Rondawn Sect and Pure Nature Academy had two of its student in the Elite Sect , a black core was just enough to do the job .

Having just one student become a disciple in Elite Rondawn Sect was far greater than several black cores.

The students and instructors of Pure Nature Academy were very excited and happy ,but still they knew not the importance of the increase in rank .

It seems Elder Wu Min knew the question they all had in mind ,as he grinned at them in understanding before he continued his speech again .

"Every year there is always a tournament held in the capital city ,this tournament brings together warriors from different academies which are situated in the cities of Rondawn ring to battle among themselves,and for what purpose ?"

" The purpose of the tournament is to select disciples for Elite Rondawn Sect"

" But not every academy in Rondawn is allowed to take part in the tournament ,you have to satisfy some certain rules and regulation "

" For about a decade now we had not participated in the annual tournament,but this year is quite different we are opportune to take part in the tournament all because of the shift in our rank "

The entire congregation were badly shocked, now they understood everything ,both instructors and student couldn't help but glance at Lee ,they all viewed him in a new light .

Lauren was very happy and proud due to the fact that the lad which brought hope to the academy was her own student .

Frank stared at Lee with a strange glow in his eyes .

" Lee,we put you through that test just to ascertain if your core is truly the legendary black core,if you had not being able to withstand it we would have assumed that you acquired the core by unorthodox means ,we hope you understand "said Elder Wu Shian the old man at the middle .

Lee bowed as he said with sincerity "I understand ".

Elder Wu Shian laughed softly and said " Good boy ".

Lee smiled he seemed to have grown a soft spot for this elder .

The elder at the right side Elder Wu Feng who had been quiet and had not said a word ever since he got to the Bonding zone suddenly spoke .

" The other academies have arrived put on your best character ".

Just immediately the clatter of racing limbs of Dehedron beasts filled the air ,few seconds later the leaders and students of other academies became visible to the eyes of the whole Pure Nature Academy.

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