
Sovereign Of Magic

In the year 2037 After an accident in a construction yard Mike falls into a coma and wakes up to a world of magic and monsters and learns magic while he survives in this new harsh world where only the most talented people have everything and where Mike will be able to create his own magic and enhance others while he only want to live a quiet life [Host migration successful] [Drawing Class..] [Congratulations! You have drawn Magic Sovereign] “…. Am I still dreaming?”

ZR_Primal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Ep.31 New Changes

When Mike woke up the next day he felt something heavy on his chest only to find that Raiu has grown more the 15ft in Length and was twice the size he was before before he pushed Raiu's tail off of him and stat up on his bed before Raiu opened its eyes and licked mikes face before it slowly slithered off to the kitchen to eat when Mike asked the system

"How did Raiu grow that much overnight?"

The system showed a videotape of Raiu on mikes chest as usual before they go to sleep before Raiu sees the Advancement Core that was in mikes hand and swallows it hole before it fell asleep on Mike and grew to its current size cause Mike to plant his face into the pillow and yell as loud as he could as he knew the Core could change everything for him but he knew the damage was done and he couldn't change it

Once Mike reached the kitchen he saw Raiu place its head on the table before it broke in two and Mike said to himself while Raiu dug it's head into the fridge and started to eat everything

'We're going to need a bigger place'

Just then a knock was heard with Aylin's voice saying

"Mr.Grant, I need to speak with you"

Mike went to the door and said before he felt Raiu pushing him with its head towards the door

"What can I help you with Ms"

Aylin knocked on the door again and said

"May I come inside?"

Mike started pushing Raiu back with all his strength with very little progress when he said

"I'm a little busy at the moment, just tell me what you came to talk about"

Aylin just kept knocking before Mike slipped and Raiu rammed its head out the door to see Aylin who was about to scream before Mike said

"Don't yell it's just Raiu my familiar"

Raiu slithered away to the sofa before Aylin got a clear view of Mike lying on the ground before he asked Aylin

"Can you help me? I got my hands full so I need a new place"

Aylin pushed open the door since the handle was busted and said while looking at Raiu staring at her from the sofa that looked like it could break at any moment

"I think I can….. but is that a Storm basilisk?"

Mike sat up and said as he dusted himself off

"an Albino Storm Basilisk to be correct, but now since he grew this big I'll need a new place"

Aylin took out her phone and start to call someone before Mike stood up and walked over to Raiu and said in a gentle voice while rubbing its head

"Raiu, you be nice to new people unless I say otherwise"

Just then a young girlish voice was heard saying in his head

'Okie dokie Master'

Mike instantly fell backwards and said while Aylin was busy with her call

"Was that you speaking Raiu?"

Raiu just blinked a few times before Raiu moved its head onto mikes arm before the girlish voice was heard again saying

'Yep! Are you proud of me? I don't understand it but if you touch my head then I can speak to you'

Mike said as Raiu started to coil next to Mike before Aylin came back and said

"my brother and I share a place where we can let you stay at his place for a few days for you and I to look over some properties for hunters and their familiars while being close in the area"

Mike looked at her and said

"You and me? Why?"

Aylin said as she put her phone away and she held her hand out for Mike

"The chairmen has ordered me to be an observer for you and your shop although he has said very little about you and your business and that he could not have your father be your observer due to some unknown circumstances"

Mike smiled so widely and started laughing as loud as he could before Aylin asked Mike

"Why are you laughing?"

Mike jumped up and hugged Aylin and said

"You don't know how happy I am right now"

Aylin felt very uncomfortable by the hug and said before Mike let go of her

"Please stop Mr.grant"

Mike let go of her and started jumping up and down before the floor gave out and caused Raiu and Mike to fall into the room below where a family was heaving breakfast before they saw Mike and Raiu and screamed while Aylin started rubbing her temples and said to herself as Mike and Raiu left out the balcony while blocking the items the family threw at them

"This is going to be difficult to explain to the chairmen"

After a half hour nearly a dozen hunters arrived at the call of a Loose Dungeon inhabitant and saw Raiu coiled up while Mike was standing infront of Raiu with his mask of when one of the hunters said as he held a firm grip on his sword

"Sir that's a loose dungeon inhabitant so please step away so we can kill it"

Mike held a fireball in each hand and yelled

"This is my familiar! Stay back!"

Just then a loud crashing noise was heard in between the two groups before Jin was seen as the dust settled wearing some armour and a mace before she saw Mike and waved to him and said

"Hey mikey, so that's your familiar? Very nice"

Mike groaned and said before he cancelled his spells

"Yes but you can go away Jin"

Jin pouted and said a before she opened her arms for a hug

"Don't talk to your step-mother like that now come here"

just before Jim hugged him Mike casted [Speed-Boost] and just barely dodged her before he said

"You don't get to call yourself that to me"

Jin sighed before she noticed everyone looking at her and Mike before she took on the form of a fox with 7 tails and yelled at the other hunters

"What are you looking at! The threat is gone so go away!"

Raiu moved behind Mike and said as she placed her head under mikes hand

'Master, that lady is scary'

Mike patted Raiu before he said to Aylin

"So how can we move Raiu to your place?"

Both Mike and Aylin started to think of ideas the could work when Jin said as she transformed back to normal

"I can help, I have a teleport spell that could work"

Mike was hesitant about it but said as he looked at Jin who was smiling

"What do you want in return?"

Jim didn't say anything and just opened her arms before Mike immediately turned and asked Raiu telepathically once his hand was on her head

'How many can you carry?'

Raiu lowered her head and said as a few scales pointed out for Mike to hold onto

'I will only carry you master, no one else'

Mike then smiled and got on Raiu's back and said to Aylin

"You lead on and I'll follow"

Aylin looked like she wanted to drown her sorrows before she entered her car and called the chairmen saying

"Sir, I want a raise immediately"

The chairmen was watching the news and saw what had happened and immediately said before hanging up

"I expected this to happen, very well just keep a close eye on him"

Once Aylin hung up she stuck her head out of her car and said before driving away

"Keep close and don't let it eat anyone"

Mike said to Raiu before Raiu started to follow Aylin

'Follow her and do not focus on anything else'